Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Step 4 - Applying Productive Determination

Birthing, growing and applying willpower is not the same as determination, yet as they go hand-in-hand, please allow a little overlap.

In the last section we discovered how willpower is birthed and grown. That is, planning and setting incremental baby steps forward. In doing so, allows the conscious mind some control, over the sub-unconscious self. Once this technique has been applied several times over, mastery will begin to shine through.

Though, what happens when the incremental baby steps become repetitive, even monotonous?

This is where we call upon determination.

However, we are not talking of egotistical, detrimental, or destructive determination. The determination being spoke of here is, ‘conscious progressive determination’ that is applied to self, professional targets, and goals. In other words, once a target, or goal is deemed personally productive. Then determined steps are required to bring it out.

Though it has been generalized that determination is mainly required during times of adversity, the following will demonstrate to show that whether applied positively, or negatively. At the core, determination like motivation is a neutral energy.

Though, let’s get back to Tony and his exercises...

Assuming he is now training week in, week out, applying willpower, and that to point and date. He is effortlessly achieving. Like that of any professional or personal related target and goal. The reality is that after a short while, boredom, tiredness, and lack of vision can naturally set in. Left unattended these energies often gravitate towards de-motivation. Yet how can this be when Tony is progressing effortlessly and easily achieving using the baby step process? It is because energy is in a constant state of flux. In other words, all energy, and that includes every atom of human energy is in constant motion. This is so because inside the atomic structure of all that exists are spinning vortexes of electromagnetic charges. These charges are pulsing this way, or that way, but they never stand still. This is a key element and the route to positive, and permanent lasting change.

This can be seen in action throughout the careers of top athletes, movie stars, and highflying executives. Initially, they start off full of self-motivation, then, as time goes by, a waxing and waning of de-motivation sets in. Yet, once aware of this human dynamic, it can be harnessed, and used to its highest potential. Though to “stay on top” so to speak, an effective method is for Tony to “develop awareness” of these dynamics.

Awareness is the key.

Please give the following some careful analysis.


Nothing in life can be influenced, and change without first becoming conscious, of the consciousness that governs it. Whether one is conscious, subconscious, or unconscious of their consciousness MATTERS NOT - Consciousness goes on to automatically create through the conscious, the subconscious, and unconscious aspects of self - These are just the everyday DYNAMICS OF BEING HUMAN”.

However, If Tony continued in allowing his sub-unconscious self to govern his energy, then there is at best a 50/50 chance, and at worst, a mere 5% potential of success. This is so because as outlined earlier, even when free of de-motivation. His energy will gravitate left, or right. Up or down, positive or negative, etc. Remember energy is not static. Therefore, energy has no choice but to direct itself somewhere. However, even then, it is destination-less, simply because all energy is either gravitating towards, or away, either contracting, or expanding. There is no in between. No end, or stop point. So, if like Tony, you are unconscious of these natural human dynamics. Then your energy is operating like that of a wild garden.

The key to governing and directing this energy is determination. Though, we are not talking of brute force, aggressive, or grit your teeth and do it determination. The determination being spoken of is’ rationally applied logical determination’ that understands the desired targets and goals are indeed achievable.

Yet, one of life’s biggest misconceptions is the general worldview towards the human energy of resistance. In a general sense, most forms of resistance are considered to be negative, with a great deal of time, effort, and money spent attempting to annihilate it. In fact, many positive mentoring gurus go to great lengths in order to smash, remove, or overcome resistance. Yet, as we will uncover, resistance is as natural and as useful as the air that we breathe.

It is well understood but often overlooked that life is a reality of duality, and in order for something to exist. The exact polar opposite must also coexist. That is, night & day, top & bottom, left & right, up & down. Positive & negative, giving & taking, happy & sad, resistance and acceptance etc. The list is endless.

Yet, as much as one accepts these polar opposites, when it comes to the energy of resistance, there is a rejection. More often than not, when resistance enters into life and reality, steps are taken to eradicate it. Though, not only is resistance a natural aspect of reality, once raised to the conscious mind, it can be accepted and utilized for what it is.

As an example only, after receiving a target or goal, can you remember a time when you reacted with, “I can’t do it”, or “It’s too difficult”? Can you recall a time where you set out on a task, and came up against this everyday resistance?

There is a universal phenomenon that attributes resistance to be a natural law, rule, principle, and dynamic of the universe. It is stated as a phenomenon simply because science has not yet fully understood these dynamics. Just like trying to pair two batteries of the same pole, natural resistance prevents their union. This does not make resistance wrong, or that another way should be adopted. Natural resistance is just that, ‘natural’. Furthermore, once the dynamic or resistance is acknowledged, it can then be used to work for and not against.

The suggestion is to acknowledge rather than accept. For when it is consciously acknowledged that whether positive or negative, resistance is a natural aspect of life.

The way through resistance is to acknowledge it. We are not seeking to ignore, deny, go around, overcome as this only serves to strengthen it. In consciously acknowledging resistance, dissolves its power. It is not a 100% dissolution and it never will be. Yet, once consciously acknowledged, resistance no longer operates at full strength. In acknowledging allows one to plan a walk through. In other words, and as an analogy only, if the clear plate glass door is consciously seen, then the door can be opened and access gained. Unseen, and one is likely to meet with an unpleasant experience.

The point being emphasized that what the conscious self is not aware of, does not receive any acknowledgement of. Though now, your mind may already be posing the following questions:

1 - If acknowledging resistance doesn't dissolve it, then what’s the point?

Usually all resistance is ignored, pushed back, worked around, or overcome. Yet, more often than not, in doing the above, “resistance” actually becomes more prevalent. While consciously acknowledging, creates an allowance. This in turn dissolves the sting. However, resistance can be likened to a simple magnet. Its natural elements are atomic in structure, and therefore repel similar poles. Here lies another key, as when resistance is disarmed from operating at the level of negativity. It automatically swings to the polar opposite side of positivity and starts working for you. However, it is not possible to discuss resistance in detail here, please refer to the downloadable module transforming resistance.

2 - It was mentioned to go through it, yet the analogy was that of opening a door. This doesn’t make sense. Why?

Resistance in its natural state is like all other human energy, and is neither positive nor negative. Like a baker takes doe through several steps until it becomes bread, resistance is not too dissimilar. The first step is to consciously acknowledge, this dissolves the sting so to speak. The second step is to identify and unlock resistance, yet for the purpose of this module, we shall stick to the basic principles.

So back to acknowledging, allowing resistance, and how to achieve this.

Like in daily life, once any change or increase is proposed and implemented, natural resistance kicks in. Though the full dynamics are detailed in the module (Getting What You Want NOW! - Transforming Resistance. Please acknowledge that all forms of resistance, that is physical, emotional, or mental, operate from the same dynamics.

Now Imagine Tony and his weight-training regime. Whether week one, two, or three sooner or later he will come up against resistance. Regardless of all planning and enthusiasm, there will come a day. A time. Where mentally, emotionally, or physically he just doesn't feel like training. If he is not aware of the natural dynamics of resistance, then this is a pre-cursor for de-motivation. Nevertheless, on this occasion, we will assume Tony does not gravitate towards, but instead acknowledges and allows resistance to “just be there”.

Human resistance is natural, it is unlikely to stop, it will not go away, and like a Typhoon, once manifested, there is little one can do to control it. However, like a storm, if we know of its arrival and potential, then steps can be taken to minimize the effects.

For a brief moment, let’s look at resistance. It is shrouded in every aspect of every moment in life, whether physical, emotional, or mental. Resistance permeates to the very core of every human being. The very action of opening one’s eyes, rising from the bed, walking, talking, breathing, driving, eating, working, swimming, etc. It all requires an element of resistance.

When Tony picks up his gym weights, he may not be aware, yet his muscles are naturally resisting. A well-toned or muscled man is nothing more than a culmination of resistance. In other words, his stretched muscles produce the aesthetics that are pleasing to many. Nevertheless, when the energy dynamics are large muscles, they are all but a bundle of resistance. Additionally there is emotional and mental resistance.

For example; Tony may come to say that he just doesn't feel like gym training. His emotions and mind tell him, “not today”. He knows not why, only that today he doesn't feel like it. Albeit sub-unconscious, these are all forms of natural resistance. This is the same resistance that applies to all personal and professional targets, goals, and any decisions being made, etc.

For example -- Have you ever noticed that initial knee jerk reactions towards set targets and goals are generally those of “can’t do”, or “not possible”?

Have you ever noticed that once a task is set, large, or small, achievable, or not. The mind naturally resists telling you what it is that you cannot do? Though, natural resistance is not confined to the mind alone. Resistance is human’s natural reaction to almost every conceivable, action. Physical, emotional, mental or otherwise. Natural resistance exists in direct parallel to every thought, action and reaction taken.

Here are a few examples;

First thought                                    Second thought

Today i will keep fit                            I’ll leave it today and work harder tomorrow

I’ll wash the car                                   Does it really need it

I can reach my targets                      Can i reach my targets

I can do                                         Can i really achieve it

I wont drink tonight                          I’ll stop tomorrow

I shouldn't eat this                     One more won’t harm

So here we uncover another key - Just allow that second thought of natural resistance to be there, and over time, replace the allowing with a plan for it to be there. Yes, forward plan for all resistive thoughts, emotions, or physical resistance, as this will serve two purposes.

1 - It builds up a natural awareness to resistance.

2 - Planning allows, and allowing dissolves resistance.

The next step is to ‘feel’ it. For in ‘feeling’ the resistance acquaints and allows us to become familiar with this perceived negative energy. Over time, perception will adjust to accommodate and any negative power in the resistance will dissipate. This is so because resistance gained its initial power from sub-unconscious unwanted dislikes. Once raised to the conscious mind, awareness permeates and resistance can be seen for what it is, i.e. natural resistance.

To successfully transform de-motivation into self-motivation, a brief understanding of resistance is required. Though, we have wandered from the path so to speak, it has been absolutely necessary to do so. As your own mentor, please bear this in mind because when installing self-motivation, natural resistance will arise.

Again, please allow it to be reiterated, that once raised to the conscious mind, being aware of and planning for negative resistance disempowers, dissolves and dissipates the majority of it’s power, yet we still must deal with and pass through what’s left.

At some point Tony will come up against is own resistance, thinking or feeling that “today, he just doesn't want a gym workout”. This may be so, yet the thought or feeling is unlikely to be real. It is not a truth because initially Tony began in earnest, then without any awareness of, his thoughts and feelings reversed. This is natural resistance that once planned and accommodated for, will not feel half as strong. Yet this is not the final stage because in order to install self-motivation, the requirement to conquer and master his own resistance is paramount.

So how does he set about achieving this?

Whether at the gym, the workplace or elsewhere. Resistance can be mastered with acknowledging, in allowing, and by forward planning.

It has already been said that in raising resistance to the conscious mind, allowing, and planning for it to just ‘be there’, much of it’s power dissipates. Nevertheless, this is not a magic potion, and to conquer the remaining amount, it is necessary to “move through the remainder”. Though the trick is to allow, accommodate, and make an allowance for its existence. In doing so, like Tony, and when adopted by yourself, the associated attachment of de-motivation has nothing to secure itself upon.

In other words, imagine Tony approaches his gym routine with the following mindset;

Recall that Tony “just didn't want to go to the gym”, yet also did not really know why. Now imagine he is re-educated with the knowledge and dynamics of resistance. Now he still feels the resistance, and still comes up against the “I just don't feel like going to the gym today”, yet on this occasion. He acknowledges, and allows that feeling to be there, continuing onto the gym and his workout.

As Tony is already “applying incremental baby steps” any resistance he experiences is minimal. Therefore to pass through this step is not such a problem. Furthermore, and the following can only be experienced in life, not from words. Yet, once resistance is successfully passed through. After a few attempts, resistance transfers to motivation. Though, it is still the energy of resistance so to speak. Nevertheless, it transfers itself from the losing, to the winning side. This is so because as stated earlier, resistance is neither positive, nor negative. It is a simple human dynamic that fuels itself with appropriate energy. As resistance is no longer being fueled from the “giving in, or avoiding, etc.” neatly and inconspicuously, resistance transfers itself to self-motivation.

Though in truth the same energy of resistance is in operation, only now it is working for and not against Tony. Resistance now works for self-motivation. It is the same energy, now operating in its polar form.

That is, after a few successful pass trough’s of “I can’t do this”, or “I don’t feel like it”. The energy gravitates to where it can best obtain a supply. As Tony has achieved a few successful pass trough’s, his “can’t do” attitude gradually transmutes, gravitating to a “can do”, with resistance going with it.

Resistance follows itself. That is, when Tony consciously tells himself that no matter what he thinks or feels, he will go to the gym regardless. He is transferring his own resistance to the side whereby it can operate for his good, and it now operates for self-motivation. In other words, it is likely Tony will begin to state that, “I can do it” and “I will go to the gym”. This is a simple, yet very powerful human dynamic.

However, there is a critical point, whereby the energy of resistance gives up working for “I can’t do” transferring to “I can do”, though for the purpose of this module, we are not going to explore this any further. Only to outline that the energy of resistance like motivation does not discriminate where it operates from, and it can equally be used to fuel and propel self-motivation. Nevertheless, if you would like to explore the dynamics of resistance in further detail, please refer to the resistance module.

Now that Tony has consciously or sub-unconsciously transmuted, transferred, and gravitated resistance from operating with de-motivation, to self-motivation. Conscious effort is required to strengthen. In maintaining incremental baby steps forward will further fuel, propel, and maintain self-motivation.