Romantic Furnace: Relight the Passion with your Ex by J.L. Hemming - HTML preview

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Discuss your Problems

Now we are going to take the time to run through several different situations you may run into when trying to win your ex back and also different ways you can go about fixing a broken love.

A good place to start is by thinking about why you have split up in the first place? What is your ex, your ex?

A lot of people will not understand the point of fixing problems of a relationship that has already fallen apart, but you need to know the only way to fix a relationship is to address the issues that finished it in the first place. If you do not fix these problems then they may just resurface again.

It is not very likely that your girlfriend will want to get back with you if these problems remains but you should also know that because you were together, there was something she found attractive about you. You just need to fix the problems so all she can concentrate on is what captivated her in the first place.




Cut off Contact

Our second method is to cut off contact. This may seem counterintuitive but it is something you should seriously consider if you want to get back with your ex.

The main reasoning behind this is that you will just push them away if you keep acting overbearing and trying to shower them with attention until they come back to you.

You may find thoughts about them running through your mind all through the day such as ; where can you go to bump into them? What excuse can you find to ring them? If you are thinking these then you should stop this instant!

You need to minimize contact with your ex if you want to win ex back. It may seem counter intuitive to close the communication doors, but it is one of the most vital steps that you can take.


You need to give everyone involved in the relationship a break so that reflection can occur before you even attempt to rekindle things.

If you are really serious about getting your relationship back then you need to step back and let them breath. If you are going to send them a letter or flowers then this is okay but make sure it is once every two weeks or so, this will let them know you are still interested but not make them feel you are an annoyance.








Make Her Fall in Love Again

Now we come to one of the most powerful methods, but it is not the easiest by any stretch of the imagination.

So what if your relationship has fallen apart for apparently no reason? There is no other lover, no large arguments or problems, nothing you can think of.

Maybe the problem is that they just do not feel they are in love with you any more? So what can we do about it?

Well there would be no point going an apologizing because you do not know what you are sorry about. Maybe you were not willing to commit to something she wanted, children, marriage, there are many reasons.

What you want to think about is why she fell in love with you in the first place. Try to list all of these reasons and show her that you are willing to bring these back. Don't take her for granted and allow her to see that you will make her happy.

You may need to compromise and adjust to show her that you love her and need her in your life.

She has a new Boyfriend

This can prove a serious problem when you are trying to get your ex back. You may have left it too long or she may have started to have an interest in a someone else, maybe a friend whilst your relationship was breaking up.

These new relationships can appeal to those that have just had their hearts broken, especially if the break up was because the romance was going from the relationship.

You ex may find that a new relationship brings back the new and exciting feeling that she had with you when you were first together. She may find that this new man spoils and compliments her, but you need to remember that she loved you, and most likely still has feeling for you that she is trying to lock away.

So what can we do to win back an ex lover if she seems to have moved on. A good place to start is to remind her of all the great times you shared together, she will not have this history with her new boyfriend and may start to miss that closeness you shared.

You main advantage over this new guy is that you know her, you know how she thinks, her preferences, what makes her happy, this knowledge give you an advantage over anyone else. Use this to try and win her back.