Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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3. Never compliment physical beauty


This is kind of a no-brainer, but a lot of men don't take the time to sit down and think about this. I sure didn't, but I had the benefit of naturally behaving this way, so it didn't really affect me, the same way that it doesn't affect all of the men out there who are good with women.

It makes sense that no one would really think this through. When we see a woman that we are physically attracted to, the thing that excites us is her physical beauty, not her stellar personality. Even if she has a stellar personality, you have no way of knowing that if you've just met, so what do you do? You tell her how great she looks in that dress, those shoes, whatever.

Just don't do it. A beautiful woman, unless she is emotionally unstable, knows that she is beautiful. You don't need to tell her that right off the bat because she knows. Yes, women do like you to verify qualities about them that they think you think are important, and you should do that, but never with a girl you've just met.

Remember, women want to be with someone they perceive as higher in the social ladder. Are all those guys who ogle over her beauty seen by her as higher or lower on the totem pole?

Before you answer that, I'll walk you through it. If you just seem so dumbfounded by how gorgeous this woman is, even if she is gorgeous, what does that convey to her? It shows her that you do not have an abundance of beautiful women in your life. Maybe that's true, but you don't need to advertise it.

Imagine for a moment that you do hang out with really hot women all the time. How impressed will you be with beauty in general? Not very. Why not? Because you are around it all the time.

Are you impressed when your car starts? Are you impressed when an elevator stops at the correct floor? No way, unless you are driving a real piece of junk, in which case, by all means be impressed.

But those things are impressive in their own right. If you took a time machine to the 1700s and picked up the first dude you saw, I guarantee you he would be completely taken aback by the power of the gasoline engine and by the accuracy of the elevator, because he is just not accustomed to seeing those things. You, on the other hand, probably have daily experience with at least one of those, so it's no big deal.

This is how you should imagine beauty: as something that is an ordinary part of your life. Incorporating this attitude into your life will drastically improve your relationship with women, because beautiful women can smell a guy with no game from a mile away. They know when they are being drooled over, and they don't think drool is attractive, so don't do it.

But enough philosophy. Let's get back to that question I asked before. Does a beautiful woman see the guys who ogle over her beauty higher or lower on the totem pole than she is? If you said "higher", please reread the previous couple of paragraphs, because you are completely wrong.

Here is this simple piece of advice: don't compliment a woman's physical beauty if she is actually beautiful and if you don't know her very well. If you do, she will just toss you into the category of "guys who will do anything because I am hot", even if you planned on doing nothing for her and even if you are actually a really great guy. Because to her, those two things, ogling over her beauty and bending over backwards for her go hand in hand.

You will get thrown instantaneously into the Rejected pile.

They fit into the category of "routine". Routine is always bad. Don't do anything that will throw you into that category, because once you're in, it's extremely difficult to climb out. If you must compliment her, compliment her personality, her energy, whatever. If you compliment an article of clothing, make sure that it is NOT in relation to how it looks on her, but rather what qualities it has that are objectively cool.

Here is an example:

BAD:  You have very pretty eyes.

BAD:  You have beautiful eyes. I really like that deep blue color.

GOOD:  I like your eyes. They have a real fierceness to them.

GOOD:  I like your smile. It's really warm and inviting.

GOOD:  Man that's a bright dress! It makes me want to get up and dance!

Do you see the difference between complimenting a physical attribute and complimenting physical beauty?

And be honest! Find something about a woman that you actually find cool or interesting. Like I said before, women love it when you are "real", so be real!

There must have been something other than this girls breasts and butt that drew you to her. If you are at a club or bar, there is plenty of that. What is so special about this particular girl?

In fact, it can be good to compliment a beautiful woman if it's for something worth complimenting (see above).

Never compliment her physical beauty. Just don't do it.



This sentence will blow her mind (and moisten her panties)…