Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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4. Tease


This one takes a little bit of delicacy in explaining because it can be really easy to do this incorrectly.

You never want to come across as someone who isn't fun to be around, and constantly criticizing your date or the woman you are interested in makes you seem like more of a jerk and less of a fun guy. The PUA community has a whole system set up about giving value and how to respond to indicators of interest and when to neg and all of this stuff that I'm not going to get into. If you are already familiar with that stuff, that's great, if not, don't worry about it. It isn't that important.

With that said, be sure to tease your date. It seems counter-intuitive, but women, especially those who are normally showered with compliments, absolutely love it as long as you do it in a fun way and with a smile.

There is a routine that you are breaking and that you should be aware of. Do you think any of the loser guys that approach this beautiful woman time and time again ever tease her?

No way! They have put her up on a pedestal - they treat her like a goddess. They shower her in compliments and buy her drinks.

Don't do that.

Teasing is really fun for a couple of reasons: 1) it builds rapport in a roundabout way, and 2) it shows her that you aren't a loser.

Let's talk about rapport. A girl will feel more comfortable around you if you do things that you do with your friends, and not complete strangers. You tease your friends, and your friends tease you. It's friendly and it excites women.

Just doing this one tiny thing has already increased a woman's attraction to you, simply in virtue of the fact that you aren't being a loser.


Why? Well, they simply just don't get the same treatment that beautiful women do. The truth hurts. Less attractive women just aren't attended to by loser guys all day - they don't get the constant attention, so teasing them just comes off as mean, and less playful.

And remember this: you can do anything if you do it with a smile! :)