Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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6. Make ridiculous demands


I remember one time I was at a party in college. It was a house party and where I went to school was in the middle of nowhere and it was cold as hell so of course we were all crammed in there like sardines.

I see a cute girl and I walk up to her and start talking, just doing my thing. I can tell she is digging it so I'm trying to find a way to get her away from her friends so that things can at least seem a little more intimate.

This turns out to be a little bit more difficult than expected, since there are so many people in the room. I'm not that tall, so I can pretty much only see a bunch of heads in my immediate vicinity, which has its pros and cons.

The pros are: this girl, if she wants to keep talking to me, is basically going to have to keep rubbing up against me, which is a good thing. The cons are: it's going to be hard to move this girl anywhere.

She eventually tells me she has to go to the bathroom but she doesn't know where it is, so she asks me. I tell her it's going to cost her.

"What's it going to cost me?"

"A huge kiss on the lips!" I give her a big grin.

She looks a little taken aback, but complies. I wasn't expecting her to be quite as into it as she ended up being, seeing as how I'd known this girl for a whole fifteen minutes, max.

I told her where the bathroom is and she goes. She comes out, grabs my hand, and says we are leaving. We all know what that means, so I'll spare you the lurid details.


 What's the moral of this story? Women love doing things for you if they feel like you're worth doing things for. How do they know that you are worth the time? You tell them, by making demands.

I'm going to preface this by saying something which probably could go unsaid, but I feel like I should mention anyway: there is always a limit to what a girl will do for you if you have just met her. She will probably get you a drink, hold your drink, do a spin, give you a high-five, do a little dance, maybe even iron your shirt, but if your demand is too lewd or too bizarre, such as "put on this clown costume and hold these tweezers", you are likely to be shot down.

But that isn't the point. The point is that making demands gets a girl working for you, which makes her feel like you sit higher in the social ladder than she does. Most people want to climb the social ladder, women included, and one way to do this is by being somehow involved with people that you feel are higher up than you are.

Be sure to also make your demands non-threatening. It should be in good fun and always done with a smile, otherwise you come off as bossy.