Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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7. Have your date buy you a drink


The whole "drink buying game" is a big mess. I don't know who started this ridiculous idea that you can meet a girl by buying her a drink and somehow woo her using only the fuzzy navel or whatever you just bought her, but that person needs to be slapped, because all they did was propagate a cruel, financially irresponsible idea into the minds of men everywhere.

If you buy a beautiful woman a drink, the only reason she will keep talking to you is to get more out of you or maybe just out of simple courtesy. By get more out of you, I do not mean sex and romance. I mean more drinks. Maybe a free cab ride home.

She may even give you her number, but you are not ever going to have sex with this girl.

And why not? Remember when we talked about routine, and how not breaking that routine (and even worse: fitting right into it), will absolutely ruin your chances with a woman? The next time you even think about buying a girl a drink, think about this:

How many times have other men done the same thing? 100 times? 1,000 times? 10,000 times? Beautiful women come to expect that men will buy them drinks in order to vie for their affection. The real irony here is that the only people who actually do this are men who she doesn't want to have sex with and feels no attraction to in the first place. Can you buy her a drink in such a way that is completely different than the way all those other men have? Think about it for a second.

Actually, I'll go ahead and answer that for you: No.

So DON'T do it. Never, never, never. There is no reason. You might as well take whatever it's going to cost you, take out a lighter, and just burn the money right there in the middle of the bar.

That doesn't mean you can never buy a girl a drink, but I try not to because I have no money. But it's okay if you have known someone for a while or if they bought you one first, or if you are just feeling particularly generous. But NEVER do it thinking that it will somehow seduce that beautiful person you are sitting next to.

What's the best way to break this routine? Turn it around! Have her buy you a drink. A lot of guys cannot wrap their heads around this because it just seems totally outside of how they feel men and women should interact, which it is, but it actually works, even on a first date or with people you have just met.

Really. Just say: "You should buy me a drink. I prefer gin, but I'll take a beer..." or whatever it is you like to drink. Do this with a big smile on your face and beautiful women will eat it up. Remember, hot women love performing for men they perceive to be higher in social rank. By telling her what she should do, you demonstrate exactly that.

And also, who doesn't want a free drink? I sure do, and I bet you do, too.

Now here is the one disclaimer on this tip: it does not work on mediocre looking or ugly women. You are breaking their routine, only because they are being approached by a man, period, and not because they are used to men buying them drinks. They aren't.

But I digress. Those women, although valuable members of any society, aren't the subject of discussion for today. We are interested in the beauties. So, with that said, say this aloud three times in front of a mirror, just to make sure that it sticks: I, [your first and last name], will never, under any circumstance, buy a drink for a girl I just met with the explicit intention of having sex with her.



This sentence will blow her mind (and moisten her panties)…