Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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8. Role play


I was at a house party at school and ran into a girl who I had known for a little while, who I always thought was cute but for some reason just never tried to romance. We got to talking for a bit and after we had a few drinks we started to get to talking about the real serious stuff: alien abduction.

Look, I'm a fan of conspiracy theories. I think they are ridiculous, but fun, and especially fun for little role plays with beautiful women that I'm interested in.

I ask her if she believes in aliens. She tells me no, definitely not.

I asked her how she would feel if I were to tell her that aliens have been coming down to Earth disguised as humans for the past few thousand years and mating with people. She laughs and says, "That’s ridiculous."

I lean really close to her and whisper into her ear, in the cheesiest robot/alien sounding voice that I can conjure up: Take me to your leader.

Of course she thinks this is a total riot. She says "Okay, Mr. E.T." or something like that and takes me to meet some of her friends.

I introduce myself in a completely normal way, and I can tell she is a bit disappointed. I again whisper to her, "look, it's not that I don't trust you, it's that we really aren't supposed to tell anybody about this whole thing. I could lose my job!"

She laughs and I excuse myself and go talk to some of my friends. I see this girl later without her people and I approach her and tell her I've decided it would be best if she saw my spaceship. I ask her which planet she wants to fly to. She tells me Jupiter.

"No, not Jupiter. I've got warrants there. Let's go to Uranus."

She gives me a coy look and says "How about Neptune."

I agree and tell her that have a great bar there and say we should leave. I tell her I'll pick her up a space suite on the way and we go to a bar down the street and then later back to my place.


 Women love to use their imaginations and go to fantasy land, and a great way to do that is to role play with them. I like to make it as absurd as possible for a couple of reasons: First, because I am more likely to enjoy it and Second, because it's way outside of their normal interactions with men who want to take them to bed.

You really should do this, and I encourage you to make sure that it's always about something you find fascinating and can get passionate about. Try your best to make sure that she is a character in the game. Get her to do things, say things, act out a part. I know that can be a little bit intimidating in a room full of people, so you don't have to be that obvious. Notice how the only time I talked about the whole alien abduction thing was when I was talking to her, and even then I was whispering to her.

Because role playing doesn't involve everyone at the bar or party or Wal-Mart clientele or wherever it is you are, it feels to her, and probably to you, like you guys are the only ones in on this cool joke or game you just started. There is some exclusivity that women find sexy, even if it's rooted in something as ridiculous as alien abduction.

And because this whole think is supposed to invoke the feelings of secrecy and exclusivity, you can do things like lean in and whisper in her ear without being creepy about it.

Role play is a really great opportunity to show off aspects of your genuine personality. You should always role play about things that you are interested, already passionate about, or could get passionate about. The reason I say this is because if you are role playing about something you couldn't care less about, you are way less likely to get into it and make it interesting.

Women will play off of your enthusiasm, and it's pretty hard to be enthusiastic if you don't care about the fantasy that you are building. So, really, if you like fantasy games or whatever, give your role play a fantasy twist. You like crime novels? Everybody love espionage and secrets, so be spies! Do you like cooking? Talk about an imaginary bakery or restaurant that you two will start.

But be sure to make your role plays spicy. Make them ridiculous! Throw curve balls at them! Women will appreciate your innovation and creativity.