Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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9. Never talk about your job unless it's in an exciting way


Honesty time: Not everybody likes his job.

In fact, most people hate their jobs. To them, their job is just some BS they have to do every day in order to pay the bills. It is in no way a reflection of their personality. It is simply a necessity.

That's fine.

So why is it that so many guys want to talk about work? It's BORING! But of course you know this already because YOU HATE YOUR JOB. So stop doing it!

A lot of guys think that complaining about their work somehow constitutes as conversation. This is not true. Maybe you need someone to feel pity for you because your boss is an asshole. Well, don't expect it from the girl you are talking to at the bar. Expect just a bored sigh and then except to get shut down.

Unless there is some way to make it sound exciting, which you definitely can do and we will talk about, just don't talk about your job. Why? Because she is going to get bored, you're going to get bored, and you're just going to drag everyone down.

Think about it this way: would you ever talk about the Holocaust with a girl you just met? No way! Everybody gets bummed out talking about the Holocaust! And with good reason. That doesn't mean you should never do it, but if people are at a club or at a bar, chances are they are trying to have fun!

So, how can you talk about your job in a way that's exciting and fun? For starters, you could have an exciting and fun job! Maybe you are a dolphin trainer or a secret agent or something. Kudos to you.

For the rest of us that aren't dolphin trainers, lets do this exercise: think of all the things that are actually cool about your job, because no matter what your job is, there is something good about it. Otherwise, you would have either quit or killed yourself by now. There is something keeping you there other than money.

There is always a better way to phrase your experience at work other than "I sell stocks" or "I mop floors". Try and find a way. Maybe you instead of "selling stocks" you "control the United States economy" (sounds sexy, right?) or instead of "mopping floors" you do "disaster prevention and clean-up" at some building.

These aren't lies. They are just fun ways to talk about your job. More than likely they will ask what it means to do "disaster prevention and clean-up", in which case you can tell her the real title of your job and it's funny instead of boring. Also, if you have a job that is seen as a stigma, this will be offset by your sense of humor about it.

If you feel like your job does not reflect anything about who you are, then just don't even mention it. Women may ask you what you do for a living, either because they have nothing better to say or because they feel like they have to follow this stupid social script.

In this case, you can either turn it into a game or a role play or just not answer the question. You can just say, very plainly, that you are at the bar to have fun, not to talk about work. Which you are, aren't you?

This leads us to a even larger and more important topic, which is conversation in general. Why would you ever talk about something that you are totally uninterested in? To humor somebody else? To be polite? To become interested? Yeah, right.



This sentence will blow her mind (and moisten her panties)…