Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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10. Talk about your passions


People talk to one another in order to convey something about themselves, and if you feel like you can't do that, regardless of what the topic is, feel free to change it. You should make it your goal to always talk about things that you are passionate about!

A woman wants to hear about what makes you tick, not what makes you want to die. In the same way you shouldn't talk about your job (if you hate it), you should talk about the things that you live for.

I'm going to let you in on a big secret. It does NOT matter what you are passionate about, so long as you are passionate about SOMETHING.

It is also not true to say that you have no passions. If you do, in fact, have no passions, then you need to go out and find one or see a therapist and you have issues that extend way beyond the problem of not attracting women. For those of us who are passionate about at least one thing, harness that energy!

Think about something that you are passionate about. Maybe it's cars, your family, World of Warcraft, cooking, architecture, art, music, hats, dogs, politics, cats, post-modern chair design, whatever! Really think about it. Think about all the intricacies of that passion and how it makes you feel.

Doesn't it feel awesome?! Can't you feel an exciting energy when you think about the things that you are passionate about?

Women eat that stuff up!