Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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11. Be a passionate person


By this I mean: indulge your passions.

Forget dating and women for a second. Let's focus on you.

Don't you want to live a life that's fulfilling and full of excitement? Of course you do. Everybody does. So why is it that so many people just kind of drift through life, one mortgage payment at a time? Why don't people do what excites them?

I'll admit, there are plenty of things that get in the way between a man and his passion. He has to pay bills, and to do that he needs a job, which he may not like, and he's tired at the end of the day.

This sucks, but it can be fixed.

Now, I'm not saying that you should quit your job or do anything drastic. But think about that energy that you feel when you are doing something you love - something that you are passionate about.

Make an effort, and I mean a real effort, to make that passion a larger part of your life. If you like bug collecting, go collect some more bugs! If you like NASCAR, go to the track more often!

Like I said before, it really doesn't matter what that passion is. I'm serious. Maybe you collect trash. Most people think that sounds disgusting, but there is a reason you do it, right? Is it the history of that newly procured piece of trash? Is it the idea of preserving what could in a thousand years be a cultural artifact? What is it about collecting trash that you like or gets you excited?

Women will love the excitement that you feel talking about it, and they will love the excitement that they get talking to you about it.

And it's not just that. Women want an insight into the "real you". Pickup lines, openers, routines, canned material – all of these do nothing to demonstrate anything about your actual self. Sure, these things do serve a purpose. They make it easier for guys to get comfortable approaching women, and that's fine. But they don't offer any insight about you, and that's why they ultimately fail for people who feel any sort of discomfort reciting lines.

A lot of guys are simply uncomfortable reciting material that they either wrote conjured up earlier or found on the internet. They feel like they are being deceitful, and for a good reason. They are trying to convey a genuineness that is simply not there.

So just stop. You don't need canned material when you have genuine material you can talk about. You will feel more at ease if you don't have to worry whether or not you are getting the lines right, and you will definitely enjoy approaching women more when you have the opportunity to talk about things that you actually care about.