Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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13. Be happy


Everyone wants to be happy, but not everyone is happy. It is just a matter of fact that happy people are more attractive to women than people who are sulking all the time. If you have just met a woman, will she want to be around you if you are acting bored, depressed, or sad? No way! You drain the energy and excitement that she had before she ran into you.

But what about if you are happy? Then a woman gets to bask in your energy and your excitement. If she wasn't in that great of a mood, you lift her up! You want a woman to associate positive emotions with you, because, obviously, that's what people are drawn to.

Do you like hanging out with someone because they make you feel depressed? Hell no! It just doesn't happen, and you want to make sure that you are never that guy who brings the group down.

So how do you make yourself happy, even if you aren't really feeling 100% that day?

Before you go out, close your eyes imagine yourself at whatever venue you plan to go to. Imagine that you approach a beautiful woman, maybe many women, and they are just loving it! Imagine that you conveying to them your individuality and that they all love it. In fact, they are entranced by you - everything about you. Imagine that whatever you want to happen that night happens.

Maybe you are looking for a one night stand? Imagine that you go home with that woman in your mind, and imagine every lurid detail. Are you looking to get phone numbers? Imagine that the women you meet beg you for yours.

Imagine all of the positive feelings that you're going to have tonight. The rush of talking to a beautiful woman, the thrill of escalating a woman's attraction to you, the genuine excitement of sharing yourself with someone that you value.

Really soak it all up.

Now how do you feel? Good, right?

Want to get more excited? Do something physical. Get your blood flowing. Do some push-ups or jumping-jacks. Throw on some loud party music that gets you pumped up! Yell, jump around, go crazy!

Notice how you feel afterward.

That's how you should feel when you walk into the bar or the club or wherever.