Simplistic Confidence by Aurthur Musendame - HTML preview

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Building Super Confidence

Confident people understand the need and importance of trusting and believing in themselves. It is this drive that draws them closer to best opportunities for success.

When people realise their full and true potential and have a strong sense of self-confidence in their abilities, they are capable of creating a better world.

If you feel terrified to start something in life, that negativity limits your potential, minimises your abilities, and places a negative (false) drive of incapability, and inability in every area of your life. This drives away opportunities and success.

Learning to build a 4 any level type of confidence is important and essential to living a nourishing and healthy life surrounded by fulfilled dreams and desires.

Building self-confidence enables you to pursue what you want, above all it will earn you the respect you deserve from yourself and others.

Planning and preparing for the unknown

Think about your journey. Take your time to remember who you really are, what you want out of life, and where you truly want to be.

Answer these few questions to help you remember who you really are:

  1. What is my name?
  2. Who am I?
  3. What do I want out of this life?
  4. What do I want to achieve a year from now?
  5. What do I want to achieve 10 years from now?
  6. What are my goals?
  7. What is my goal setting?
  8. How am I going to achieve these goals?
  9. Am I important enough, lovable and unique?
  10. Am I an achiever or an underachiever?
  11. What is this journey that I’m walking?

You can add questions of your own and answer them too. These questions are meant to help you remember who you are and help you program yourself for success.

Program your mind for the journey. A positive mental attitude will help you face and distract any negatives along your path.

Commitment is important, it is the root that will prepare you for the unknown.

Learn to write down your successes. This will help you acknowledge your own strengths and handle your weaknesses better.

Know your weaknesses. Pin point those important things about yourself that will drive you towards grabbing your success – keep your focus, and always on your journey.

The mind is always filled with various forms of negativity (negative self-talk and a negative mental attitude). You will need to learn various ways to defeat or overcome negativity replacing it with positivity. Negative self-talk destroys your self-esteem which in turn destroys the level of your confidence. Do not allow it to set and take your mind hostage.

Again commitment, commitment, and commitment like I said, is of importance, without it you will never go far and you will not build your confidence. Tell yourself that you will be committed to the journey of progress (continuous progress) to the journey.

Be committed to the unknown – risk taking. There are many things in the journey that you do not have any knowledge about. Some of the unknowns are challenges and difficulties that will take only the committed to overcome.

Everyone is talented. Identify your talents. Discover the things you excel the most at and focus on them. Improve on those strengths and work on your weaknesses.

Thirst for the things that you want and learn to adopt a no quitting habit. Always be on the positive, expecting success. Confidence is built through looking and assessing the progress of your own successes and achievements. You know your achievements, trust your capabilities and put yourself in a position to face whatever the hell comes your way. No one knows everything, the key is the willingness to press on. You can and always will learn from others.

Knowledge is power

Are you afraid of learning something new? Do you want to train in a certain field or area of expertise? Learning and taking researches will improve your abilities to handle situations with ease. Learning something new enables you to build your knowledge on anything you are seek knowledge of.

You cannot easily take leading roles and execute important target directed tasks without the required skills and sufficient knowledge. Gaining vast knowledge, understanding, and experience builds confidence in your abilities, in your work place and in your relationship.

Building the required knowledge will prepare you to handle situation changes and the more you learn, the more you know and understand the best methods to tackle situations better and in a more intelligent way.

Are you afraid of studying? Research about the various study skills in order to improve the quality of your studies. Build the knowledge that you require for your success desires to come true. Look into your journey, look alongside your goals and desires, identify and acquire the knowledge and skills to achieve them.

Remember the mustard seed, everything starts and begins small. Choose that area that you are so sure to excel, direct your focus and work on it. Your successes will surely boost your confidence. Start with something that you know you can accomplish easily. Every task that you manage to complete will vibrate your energy and motivate you to do more. This will help build a rock solid, 4 any level type of confidence.

Use your spare time to read and seek knowledge on things that interest you the most. Make up some savings, it may be $20 a month, build your equity, after a few months use the cash to invest in yourself knowledge and take some few short courses. The internet if full short courses and some of them are free. Visit sites like,,,,, etc.

Get practical, exercise your knowledge and gain experience. This allows you to overcome doubt in your abilities and thus boost your confidence.

Learn to be always honest with yourself. Do not cheat yourself. Make it a habit to set goals for the day, and work on achieving them. Remember to keep your mind on track. Wash or erase all those negative energies. Celebrate your achievements and replace those negative thoughts with a positive and success driven mental attitude.

Play mind games to challenge your brain to think big and outside the box.

Imagine the best, push away and erase those negative emotions and past negative experiences. When things go out of track rely on the will power, to succeed. This will keep your confidence. Thinking positive will bring you happiness and erase all misery and keep you focused.

Building momentum

Be the master of your own life – be your own boss. Increase the level of your commitment. Extend your knowledge base and skills. Keep on keeping on, celebrating your successes. Align yourself and set boundaries for your journey. Work along and do not cross your boundaries. Your journey is the key – your focal point.

Lay your rules and regulations. No one is better than you, so don’t waste your valuable and precious time comparing yourself to others – it destroys your confidence. Remember that you are still building it up, laying one brick after another.

Talk about your insecurities with your friends, family, loved ones and they will help you work on them. They will help you maximise on your weaknesses or failures. Keep focused, always round up your tasks before moving on to the next.

Always finish one task before starting another. Letting your tasks pile up will hinder your success. You will not be able to finish them and you will begin to question your abilities and think that you are a failure, this kills and destroys confidence. It will build negative energies which you are working on overcoming.

Learn to accept yourself for who you really are. The power of self-acceptance out rules and overrides doubts, blame etc. This will boosting your confidence.

A little bit more…

Look at yourself in the mirror and smile. This will make you happier [the facial feedback theory].

Who is your role model? Adopt that characteristic, and begin to walk like them, talk like them, dress like them, and this will help you boost your confidence.

Always make it a habit to read self-help books. This very book that you are reading right now is a self-help book and guide that I specifically designed to improve the level of your self-confidence.

Take risks and when you succeed in them you will always want to take more of them without the fear of failure or circumstance. You will feel invincible. This will build your confidence.

Take compliments with an open heart and mind when people give them to you because confidence is instilled through positive recognition and reinforcements.

Practice makes perfect. Through practice you get better and better. Introduce yourself to new people, make new friends, build new networks and have a habit of listening when people speak. Practice active listening techniques. Emulate what confident people would do when a certain situation comes their way. With time you will build the confidence that you desire. Practice makes perfect.

Trust yourself in everything you do. No one will be in a position to trust you better than yourself. You are your own mantle when it comes to the issue of trust. Confident people trust themselves and that is the reason why they succeed in what they do.

Dress for success. Proper dressing will make you feel good and great about yourself. It makes you feel presentable and being part of those who are successful.

Stay away from people who make you feel bad about yourself. Detach yourself from them. Make friendship with people who are result oriented, successful and this will fast improve your confidence. Making friendship with those people who are goal driven will fast make you imitate and want to be like them and this will fast bring you to grow to their level. This will quicken your steps towards building your confidence.

Get rid of all sources of negativity. Negate them. Focus on staying positive in everything you do.

Learn to make eye contact when you speak to anyone. It builds self-confidence. People don’t see confidence in someone who looks away whilst they are talking to them. Make it a habit to look in the eye.

Don’t over work yourself otherwise you will have a hard time seeking motivation if your mind is tired. Restlessness builds stress and results in memory loss. Cleanse your path and take mental breaks. Avoid activities that build tension and stress