Singleship: Don't Make Cake With Rotten Eggs! by J.J. Jones - HTML preview

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Quality intimacy really rules!

If you grow corn in Iowa, the harvest begins only when the crop is fully developed. The key to better sex is friendship and intimacy. Let’s say that romantic intimacy needs to grow and mature like the corn on your farm.

Most folks would rush in like pigs and chew up the crop early. Pigs have no concept of farming. It's not in a pig's survival design to wait and get the best out of what nature designs. The pigs just can't wait for the crop to fully mature. One would be a fool to try to reason with pigs or tell them about how time will improve the crop.

Some singles today grab whatever physical sex they can to achieve the need for physical intimacy. Then they break it off because of mismatched interests and relationship skills and repeat the cycle. They have conquered their need for intimacy, but only for a short time.

This is why the three-month rule is so important. Do your sexual experiences solve all your intimacy and linking needs? If the answer is yes, then check your face for jowls and a flat snout.


img3.png Write something about your idea of the perfect romantic moment (no sexual acts please). It should enhance intimacy between you and your partner. What is one thing a past partner date did not like about you?





