Singleship: Don't Make Cake With Rotten Eggs! by J.J. Jones - HTML preview

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It's all about You. Sort of…

When the time comes for the first big date make sure you have your lines ready. On the date you will naturally chit-chat about everything under the sun. As the subjects that are important to you come up in the conversation, do not squash the moment if your date says something you don't like about religion, music, politics, sports, hairstyles or whatever.

Remember that thing called  the connection to humanity?'  Your date is part of that humanity too. You cannot be in that spirit and take the first opportunity to be offended by your date's personal views. Your humanity applies to dating too.

To be a happy single, date socially and remember to have some fun. Be positive. Keep the conversation flowing (and have some class).  Learn about the person before you dismiss them as a romantic partner or pleasant social date. You are not going to have too much fun in Singleship if you insist that everyone you date should be perfect for you before you have a date with them.

This "perfection" requirement is sometimes a sign of a fear of intimacy. We know humans need intimacy, but some fear it. A disagreement on fashion or taste is no reason to stop a date, but crude language or unwanted aggressive behavior is a very good reason.


I want to take a moment to cover an important dating topic: safety. Most singles have had a few phonies and rip off artists come their way. It is important to get some basic contact information before going on a date no matter what kind of dating you want to do. Just make sure they are telling you the truth about certain things:

1. Get some basic information (a home or work address). Verify this information is real.

2. Meet in public and tell someone where you are going.

3. Don't change the plan.

4. Share this information with two other people.

Remember, you are not looking for a mate.

Relax. Keep it casual. Keep it safe.

img3.png Tonight write about how Singleship will change the way you talk to people and change the kind of people you might date.

How many things can you disagree about before you end a date? Sports? Politics? Sex? Food? Movies? Music?  How important are these to your happiness now that you know some new stuff about human instincts and needs? What is more important now?













