Take Back Your Power NOW! - with Vanessa Simpkins by Vanessa Simpkins - HTML preview

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I’m saving the best for last here ladies. This technique has been my saving grace and I am so excited to share it with you - it is THE recipe for taking your resistance apart!!

I believe the whole world has completely lost its mind! When you really look at what drives most people, trying to fulfill a deep-seated anxiety, emptiness, lusting for happiness, looking for it in clothes, fancy cars, relationships, houses, the next best gadget, and running 900 miles an hour to keep up with the Jones. Who the heck are the Jones and who cares if they have a Beamer 650! Insanity!

Everyone is out there chasing happiness and they will never find it out there in the world because it doesn’t come from out there. The real lasting kind of happiness, happiness without sorrow, that is always flowing, a never ceasing wellspring of love and happiness that everyone is desperate to get can only be found in one place.

Inside you.

The great news is, everyone can tap into it at will, all it takes is a decision and in a few moments, you can wield this internal happiness and ever flowing love to any area of your life and watch it totally transform. Truth, you are a Master!

Perhaps a master who has given their power away but we’re about to change all that right now!

What’s really ticked me off for years is that none of this vital information about how to actually tap into your power, how to wield this thing called love that everyone is crazy mad for is not something taught in school. Listen up because this is one lesson you definitely want to master and to all who take the time to master it will awaken to the fact that each and every one of you is a master pretending that you are not.

Heavy duty that last one I know.

When I got into the release technique, I was desperate. I was desperate to leave a job that was eating me from the inside out, I was desperate to leave a relationship that quite literally nearly killed me and I was willing to try just about anything.

I heard Lester Levinson’s story on a tele-summit about how he had a heart attack at age 55 and doctor’s gave him a couple of weeks to live. Being a physicist Lester decided to do his own research and get to the bottom of this. He discovered that when he was wanting, he was suffering but when he was loving, everything in his world worked!

He discovered a way to release all of his non-loving feelings. All of them and three months later he was cured. Shortly after he became a multi millionaire by simply releasing all of his non-loving feelings; his resistance and lived for 44 more years teaching hundreds of thousands of people around the world how to go free!

Wait a minute, how come I had never heard of this guy? I had read and listened to countless hours of Napoleon Hill’s, Law of Attraction and Esther and Jerry Hicks who promote the dialogs from a group of spiritual teachers who call themselves, Abraham. Now I hear of this guy, who claims to have the secret key to ever-lasting riches, happiness and success?

Well my curiosity got the best of me and I ordered the Abundance course. A few weeks later, I had a huge release around money while driving home in my minivan one night and within 48 hours I was blown away by all of the amazing opportunities that literally fell into my lap without me going out there to manipulate or make things happen.

If you recall, I was invited to give a prestigious Ted Talk on Success in Montreal, writing the intro to a great talk as if by magic one early morning at 5 am, was called up and invited to teach in Costa Rica, attracted a new client and a new assistant all within a period of about 48 hours.

I began to think, there’s more to this releasing stuff and like everything else in life, and I dove in feet first. I can tell you after about 3 years of releasing, this simple technique has dramatically transformed my view of reality, our place in the world as real live masters and as well, it has kicked my confidence to a whole new level. I want to share with you in this chapter and why I think the entire world should learn this simple technique.

The real crux about taking your Power Back is being 100% responsible for everything in your life. Everything you are creating. Now granted I still have a bit of an issue with this sometimes but less and less. The easiest way to describe the release technique is that it is a way to take apart your Ego, the mind, the self doubt, anxiety, fear, low emotions, and the resistance to taking your Power Back. Remember who and what you really are is how to be master of your life creating.

The technique itself is a series of six simple steps to help you get back in the flow of love and to where everything happens with ease. It’s the recipe for how to allow things to unfold in your life with grace, it’s the recipe to undo your internal resistance and come to a place where you know, that you know you are the master. It is the practice of undoing the mind through your mind and proving to yourself through experience that you have the power to create and uncreate whatever you like. Sounds tempting doesn’t it?

Well I tell you what - when I first started releasing and I prided myself on having done all the personal development work I needed, I soon realized how much garbage and resistance I still had stuffed down and locked away. I was riddled with fear and for the first time I was aware that it blocked me. I began undoing it instead of giving my power away to it, letting it run my life, deciding my actions and making decisions for me. That’s when life became more magical. Yes, for sure I still had bad days yet the time I spent in pity mode or with anxiety or fear became shorter and shorter because I had a guide that was my a road map to get me out and back in the flow.

I had looked for such a road map during my hippy traveling days in Thailand when I was blissfully living off of $10 a day in a beach hut bungalow doing yoga for 3 hours every day. I thought to myself, “Ya it’s cool, I can do that here and quiet the mind but how am I ever going to be part of the modern world and be able to maintain this poise? Impossible.” I tried and failed, continuing to search until I bumped into Larry Crane and interviewed him as part of my Transformational Breakthrough Summit.

Larry was once of Lester’s best students and a hard ass, in your face, telling it like it is businessman. Larry quickly fell in love with the Release Technique after nearly jumping from his 10-story high-rise apartment in New York one night. He had a successful career, lots of money and he was married to a beautiful wife who was a model but, he was miserable.

He met Lester, started practicing the method, his life transformed and he never looked back. Now that Lester is gone, Larry is carrying the torch. You have probably not heard of the release technique but you might have heard of the Sedona Method? This method is very similar to the release technique in that it helps people release their unconscious beliefs and blocks to achieving a happy prosperous healthy happy life. Hale Dwoskin the Sedona Method’s founder was a student of Lester Levinson. So was Dr. Hawkins the author of the book Power Versus Force that talks about measuring the vibrations of emotions and the emotional scale, how consciousness works and how consciousness evolves. Fascinating, groundbreaking work. This releasing technique defied everything I had read or heard about or studied and I wanted to experience more of this graceful manifesting with ease.

For me, The Release Technique is like being able to activate the law of attraction on steroids! It is the art of allowing, explained!

Lester said that there is really only four things that keep us out of the flow of love and those four things are, “Fear, wanting, disapproving of yourself and resistance.”

When you are able to knock out these four things, which keep you in the lower vibrations with anger, grief, jealousy, fear, lust and pride you move up the emotional scale into courage, love, peace and acceptance, which are all very high vibrational states.

Now there’s a lot of talk about gratitude in the self-help world. When you look at gratitude, it’s very high on the scale, and it’s in acceptance isn’t it? What happens when you are so angry or you are so scared you can’t get over what’s happening to you, your mind is racing, you’re totally out of control? This is why you should use the release technique. It is a systematic simple six steps to bring you back to a high vibration where you can take your Power Back and begin using the mind to create what you want instead of the fear that you are projecting.

What the mind sees, it creates. The mind is a creative instrument and the release technique will show you how to use it to create more of what you want with ease by releasing your old programs, decisions and agreements that no longer serve you. Try it; I am sure it will blow your socks off! It did for me and it continues. It totally defies reality.

While explaining the path to self-fulfillment Lester explains how and where happiness is found, “Everyone is looking for happiness with no sorrow or peace of mind, but everyone is looking for it outside themselves. They are looking for it in someone, in something, in making money, being a big shot, having possessions. Unfortunately it is impossible to find peace of mind that way.”

Before happiness is attained Lester points out that it takes pain to motivate a person to change, “The first teacher is misery. It is usually the first thing that causes us to seek the way out. First, we start on the path to escape misery. Then we taste the self and want it because it tastes so good.” Lester Levenson (1909-2009).

Try the Release Technique Yourself

Look I could go on and on about how powerful this method is, I have tested it, proven it and even had tremendous results sharing the methods with my clients who run into time and time again their own resistance on taking action in their business, or feeling deflated and irritated they can’t create or produce changes.

I have yet to see someone not get amazing life changing results with this method so;; I’d like to invite you to try it yourself. There’s a free audio interview that I did with Larry a while back that I used to sell as part of my tele-summit package of interviews and I want to give it to you for free. You try it for yourself! Don’t wait another minute - open your computer and listen into the audio in the bonus section.

If you’ve been asking for help that gets you out of your own way and you’ve tried everything out there, read all the self-help books and law of attraction books, get ready to have your mind blown apart! Because that’s exactly what were going to do!

Go to the book bonus area on my website TakeYourPowerBackNow.com and listen into the audio training on the release technique and discover how to blow the roof off of your resistance!