Take Back Your Power NOW! - with Vanessa Simpkins by Vanessa Simpkins - HTML preview

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Do you quickly walk past mirrors or avoid them all together? One of the most common complaints women have is about their bodies. Women have lost touch with their bodies. If you don’t love your body, you have a major confidence leak going on. It’s time to take your Power Back and reconnect with which you are and fall in love with every part of you including your scrumptious body!

One of the things that got me out of my funk was to go back to the things that I had loved as a kid by finding a ranch down the street, starting horseback riding again and joined a Zumba fitness class.

I swear it took all the courage I had to walk into that class and go for the free trial. I was totally out of shape, white as a ghost, couldn’t do the moves and needed to take frequent rests in between the songs. Here were these much older women rocking it out having the time of their lives! I physically felt all the effort through my body but I was having fun, committing to having fun, getting my body in shape and that felt great!

I felt energized after the class, my body began changing and I started to feel like part of a fun community of healthy people that were all on a similar journey of loving their bodies! I was hooked.

It took me a while to get into the Zumba gear but eventually I caved and even bought a few cool shirts. You’re hearing about a natural piece de resistance here because I pride myself on being special, unique and not a crowd follower. My love of dancing and my new Zumba class were a perfect match. I didn’t have to go boogie down at bars to still have fun, get a great work out and dance my little buns off! I met a woman at the class; she was 50+ years old and totally transformed her body image, started feeling sexy again and began having more sex with her husband! This is not an uncommon physical effect, feeling more sexy! When a woman feels confident that’s sexy!

It’s not uncommon for women to be last on their own list of priorities putting everyone else first. Women lose touch with themselves and they let themselves go. Your body image is important. It’s important for how you feel about you. Ignore what other people may think about you.

I get my nails done every few weeks;; I’m not going to lie it’s an expense. I could probably use the money and take a trip once a year with my nail investment but you know what?! I love them; they make me feel like some seductive sexy secretary with glasses while clicking on the computer. I swear I get way more work done when my nails are freshly done. I love the way they click and feel on the keyboard. I do it for me, for how it makes me feel! If other people like it - good for them but I get them done for me!

Take It to the Next Level

Most recently, I finally decided to take my own fitness to the next level and joined a fitness class on island beginning at 6:15 am, four mornings a week with Samantha Fox Oslson, who is a spitfire sassy blond bombshell in her yoga and fitness yurt.

All I can say is what a difference! I finally bought my first tiny bum bikini last week; everyone wears very small bikini bottoms around here in Hawaii and a normal full bum coverage around here would be laughed at like you wearing a diaper! For so long I resisted because I didn’t feel comfortable but now world, watch out!

For the first time since my early twenties, I feel fabulous about my body! My good friend told me the other day, “Vanessa I think you are in  the best shape of your whole life.” I’d have to agree with her, I feel great!

I used this time to make a challenge with myself because working out isn’t comfortable. It takes commitment with a will to show up and get it done. With support, anything is possible! Add some sisterly fun and you’ll be boogying to a completely new drumbeat! The point I am trying to make is when you set yourself up to commit, to changing, something in your life and you see results; it builds confidence. Working with your body is a great way to build confidence!

Get Your Bootie Rocking!

Get off the couch, join a gym, sign up for rock climbing, ski lessons, dance or fitness class, whatever it is, it is your choice to do something you think would be fun! Infuse the element of fun into your new body make over regime. Begin to reconnect with your body.

Instead of giving yourself, nasty scowls when you pass the mirror blow yourself a little kiss and tell yourself, “You are marvelous darling!” and feel it. You deserve it for taking action and committing to trying out a new class for yourself! This is play time. This will be time just for you. Nevertheless, everyone will feel the rewards around you as well because when you love yourself if shows!

Maybe your decision to take it to the next level is to go organic, maybe it’s for body cleansing purposes or maybe it’s finally seeing the acupuncturist. Whatever it is, there is always a next level of self-love and self-care awaiting you. Decide to take yourself up on that decision and your confidence will thank you. With confidence ladies, you OWN the world!

On my bonus page at TakeYourPowerBack.com sign up for a 7-day free, Average to Awesome Feel Fun, Fab, Fit & Sexy with Samantha Fox Olson video training valued at $197. This is yours free, for 7 days. You’ll begin feeling and seeing the difference in just a few short days. It will energize you and inspire you to keep going! Rock your bootie - reconnect with that fabulous body of yours because you deserve it on your way to taking your Power Back!