Take Back Your Power NOW! - with Vanessa Simpkins by Vanessa Simpkins - HTML preview

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Does the word GOD freak you out? Well it sure used to freak me out! I was much more comfortable with Universe, or Spirit,

Higher Power. To me they all mean the same thing. I believe there is a divine life force, called God that is responsible for creating worlds, everything on this planet and is a source of life. It wants to give us the world, if only we work by its rules. God wants you to enjoy the process of your creation, only there is a divine plan for you, just like there is a plan for everyone.

This divine source loves you enough to give you free will to accept  this magical life or renounce it. There is always a free choice to give your power to God or love because that is what God is to me, Love. The power of love that creates everything in this world. Therefore, you have the power to give your power away; to either love or to fear.

That’s the entire premise of this book really - to show you and share with you powerful tools to take your Power Back and place it on cultivating this relationship with the source, God or what my friend calls, “The origin of creation.” It is this formless power that creates worlds.

You must understand one important aspect of your being and that is we all have an EGO mind that is trying to always survive and it does so by using fear to protect you and separate you from the grace and flow of God or love. That’s its job - but hear this if there is only one thing you take from this entire book, it’s that at any moment you do have the power to identify with God, to decide to surrender your will and watch the most magical experience unfold before your very eyes.

Life with God is not some boring life filled with toil and sweat - it’s more like a magic carpet ride where the most amazing occurrences, snap opportunities, purpose filled with service, passion and fun exist. So buckle up and let’s go for a magic carpet ride!

There is a Greater Plan for YOU!

People after hearing my story often ask me what became of the boyfriend, what happened to him and the truth is I forgave him instantly. The moment all the dominos fell into place I forgave this man immediately because all at once I saw the bigger picture and what a divine and superbly mapped out plan it was!

I would need to know how to sell from a stage, I would need a good story, something raw and real to inspire folks with, I mean the plan was brilliant and I never saw it coming in a thousand years!

A business mentor, Suzanne Evans who I enjoy because she is raw and real. She once said, “Make your mess your message.” Well I had a mess alright and God was using me to turn it into a message and a women’s empowerment movement.

If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be a woman’s empowerment coach, sales trainer and confidence mentor living in Hawaii I would have laughed in your face! Ok, probably not about the Hawaii part - but the business stuff I had no idea.

I used to cry at night on the phone to my sister when I would be on the road living in hotel rooms exhausted after a long day on the mop stage and she would encourage me by telling me, “Vanessa one day you’ll be making people laugh with your inspiring mop stories,” and she was right!

Surrender Your Pathway to Magical Unfoldment of Your Every Desire

After that big wake up call, I started going to Al-Anon to look at and heal all of the addiction in my life. My dad drank and he was the classic artist in every sense right down to the addictions with gambling and alcohol. In Al-Anon came this whole new piece about God and surrendering to God’s will for my life.

Well for me that was new - and something surely began happening. Over time, I was less worried, less anxious and more trusting in my life as the more I began relying on God to work its magic. I didn’t have to control everything, there was a purpose for me and all I was required to do was trust.

Well that was a lot to ask, yet the process had begun and wonderful things started unfolding.

When you surrender, you are taking your Power Back and placing it on love - on truth on your higher power. It’s when we side with the Ego and give our power away to fear, all those fearful thoughts, old stories, dramas and programs, the mindless chatter, the resistance that we feel, the need to fight, protect ourselves and lose ourselves in survival mode.

God or Spirit, the Universe loves you so much that it does gives you the choice to do it alone, if you want. Life becomes a struggle then and it feels like an uphill battle. It’s much easier when you’re in partnership with God. However, God is waiting for you to obey its will for your life.

That’s where vision comes from or desire and talent. I think we are all born with something special to uncover in this life, share with others and if we obey and follow that joy or that calling and path the world  literally opens up for us.

Purpose & Prayer

A great book I recommend picking up which beautifully relates the idea that God has a purpose for your life is A Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. It’s a very well known book and is a 40-day reading experience that I think you will enjoy.

Just the idea that there is a big purpose for you just waiting for you to unravel, unfurl it, allow it is an immense relief. Really. There is only turmoil, strife and confusion when you resist that purpose and you know you’ve been sidetracked by the Ego when your life is in turmoil, when there is unnecessary struggle and hardship - when things splatter all around you and nothing goes your way. I call it the Divine shakedown. It is the breakdown before the breakthrough. Sometimes what God has in store for you is not what you had in mind at all. And in order for this purpose to blossom and unfold in your life you very well likely have to turn in a new direction, to let go of a few ideas, let go of controlling the whole darn thing…and that my friends is terrifying to the Ego!

Now if one should like to use prayer, I feel like the best way to use it is to talk with this source of creation or God and use prayer as the intentional piece. Ask, moan, be angry, wheel and deal with God through prayer. Ask - and then, Listen to the answer. Prayer can help people focus their intentions and requests for clarity and guidance.

People often ask me, “Vanessa what about prayer, how do I pray?”

I have been using a very simple prayer for the last several years that I will share with you. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning, as soon as I become conscious even, I silently say to myself, “God let your will be done not mine, I surrender to you, your will for my life, work through me, guide me and show me crystal clear signs, show me so I understand. I surrender my heart, my mind, all my senses, my taste touch smell, all of it over to you. Let your will be done.”

Then throughout the day, I continue to talk to God or spirit.

When I need to make decisions, I will ask. Before becoming frantic or beating myself up for acting too quickly and making a mistake I pause and check in with spirit or God and I ask for a sign, “God show me what to do, if you want me to do xyz then bring me xyz.” Sometimes I pray that way - more like wheeling and dealing but it works. When you take the time to build a relationship with this power, your trust will become deeper and deeper knowing that you are not alone because you will get answers. Like all relationship, building deep trust takes both time and commitment.

Take Your Power Back Now by surrendering to God that source of life and love flowing through you that wants to unlock the doors to everything your soul really came here to experience. Your purpose. I believe we all came here with an agreement already in place to learn, experience, overcome and enjoy and we aren’t here doing it all by ourselves. We have the source, God’s creation backing us up and unfolding the way. God created worlds, all the water in all the oceans, all the trees and all the leaves on all the trees. Just think about the number of grains of sand on one beach, forget about all the other beaches in the world - that number is astronomical, the abundance is uncountable, so don’t limit yourself - or your thoughts to what is possible - that’s not your job. Anything is possible here, because we are creative beings, and creation becomes magical when we align our will with that of God’s for our purpose.

Your job is to surrender and act on that small intuitive voice, to follow the signs, to get better and better at following the signs even when it directs you to do something perhaps inconvenient like writing a book in the middle of summer. Even though it’s not always convenient, it is always a magic carpet ride and an adventure in truth, love and miracles that I recommend to everyone. Surrendering to God and building that relationship is where real power comes from. When you have that unshakable faith and experience nobody can take it away from you, ever! You’re never alone, amazing things unfold and life becomes full of possibility, excitement and wonder.

The power to do the impossible with faith and with prayer is described so well in Matthew 17:14-20, “And Jesus said unto them, because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall removeand nothing shall be impossible unto you.

If you are unclear about your purpose, desperately seeking it, ask and pray that the blocks and limitations, agreements be removed from the path to your passion and purpose filled life right now.

Listen to the audio on terminating agreements in the bonus section of my website. It is a powerful process to renounce any blocks or old unconscious decisions you might have made in the past that are keeping you from showing up in full power to your purpose. When there are no more blocks, no more resistance you hear and act on intuition or the voice of God or Spirit coming through you. For that to happen the mind needs to be quiet, your Ego needs to be in the back seat and not the driver’s seat. Let God unfold your path, build roads for you to walk upon and stick your Ego behind you, put a gag on it and tell it to be quiet. Make a decision to lead a purposeful magical life starting now. I assure you all of everything starts with just a simple decision! Indeed, you are that powerful!

Go to, TakeYourPowerBackNow.com book bonus and listen in to the audio about the termination of agreements.