Take Back Your Power NOW! - with Vanessa Simpkins by Vanessa Simpkins - HTML preview

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I hope this book has inspired you and my intention more than anything is only one thing for you. I want you to show up and say YES to YOU. Say yes to that inner voice, that voice of intuition. Say yes to GOD or spirit, universal energy that is calling you to perhaps follow a wild and zany idea like picking up and moving across country or starting an organic bakery or even yes to committing to a new workout fitness class to lose those pounds, feel more sexy and fabulous. Say yes to you because you deserve it! Never, ever let that fear or resistance take you out of your amazing life!

There’s no better time to say YES than NOW and there is so much power in YES! Nobody can do it for you. When you do this, there are some major benefits awaiting a woman who says yes to herself. Here are just a few…

MORE of:

    • Pleasure
    • Confidence
    • Money
    • Better relationships
    • Self esteem
    • Love
    • Happiness
    • Joy
    • Fulfillment
    • Support
    • Sexiness
    • Allure
    • FUN!

I went off to the beach yesterday, taking the entire day off, no writing, no work and the night before I had gone out with friends visiting the island. We had a hoot of a time and I spent the next day at the beach snorkeling my favorite reef, finding hidden under water gems, napped under a palm tree until I drooled and then stayed to watch the sun set with friends.

Not only did I totally relax and not get my chapter writing done as I was supposed to, I chose to say yes to myself instead and yes to playing and relaxing and some R & R time. Guess what?! I had three men ask for my number and out on a date, 3 in one day!! (This might not seem like a lot to some but on a small little island like Kauai I can assure you it does not happen every day.)

This is why I’d like to wrap this book up with secrets from women who say yes to themselves. Originally, a few years ago I had envisioned calling this book, ‘Just Say YES to Life’ because magic happens, doors open, grace always unveils; you just have to know the magical open sesame word and it is, “YES!”

Here are some ideas, quick recaps and trigger phrases to remember on your Taking Your Power Back journey that is back to YOU, to the fabulous Goddess, Diva Divine feminine rock star that lives inside you.

Secret #1 - You WILL Be Afraid - Feel the Fear and Say YES REGARDLESS!

I still get scared when I’m about to make big decisions. I do! I’m not going to lie to you, it takes courage to show up and say YES to life, to say YES to following your dreams, say YES to committing to something or someone new, even a new idea, a new way at looking at life and what is possible for you.

Contrary to what you might think, reinventing yourself is messy! Taking Your Power Back is messy and there will be uncertainty, sometimes chaos and it’s all part of the journey.

It’s much more comfortable to stay where you are, moaning, groaning joining the complaining team about why life sucks and why it’s so hard. Most people are in that camp and I think to create a life that you love sometimes requires swimming against the current a little. The majority of women out there today are drifters allowing life to happen to them. Don’t become a drifter!

Have the courage to swim upstream a bit, to take a stand for how you feel and have the courage to give yourself permission to stand up for and claim what it is you really want to have in this world. Maybe it’s a trip to somewhere exotic or a new home, perhaps a fulfilling career or a new relationship, this is all possible to the woman who believes in herself, who doesn’t buckle when, fear comes a knocking!

Decide to take apart your mind and Ego that protects you with fear, commit to some kind of mindset mastery course. The release technique is wonderful, terminating agreements is wonderful and we go through these tools as part of my women’s Take Your Power Back Now Program. Decide to kill, squash, obliterate resistance - right away. Never let it get the best of you and rob or sabotage you of your greatness. Begin now; make the decision today!

Don’t buy into limitations, decide to question your thoughts with, “How can I?” versus doom and gloom thinking, “What else is possible?” Expansive questions will always lead to expansive answers.

Secret #2 - Believe & Receive

Women who say YES to their desires and to living their dreams have one common quality, they believe in themselves! I’m reading a fantasy book just for fun and it’s called, The Phantom Toll Booth by Norten Juster, which was recommended by a roommate because he just loved the main character who’s called Milo. The book is a wonderful play on words and is a short story about a young boy Milo. As he tried to find his way to this land called Dictionapolis first he must go through, The Land of Expectations. Along the way Milo meets a fun character who tells him, “Expectations is the place you must always go to before you get to where you are going,” and isn’t that the truth?

What starts a course to anywhere is first the belief that you can do it!  It starts with an expectation that you will succeed and one-day get there. I say believe, receive and remember not to let anyone convince you otherwise that your goals and dreams are too big, too wild, too outlandish or unrealistic. They’re dreams after all, that’s exactly what they are supposed to be!

Write your dreams and goals down on paper, organize and prioritize them - which ones are your top three? Then commit to them and take action on them each day, just the first step not the staircase all at once. Be wary of that resistance - it’ll be snapping at your heals the whole time. Commit to and take actions on your goals and dreams anyways!

Secret #3 - Women Who Say YES are Alluring, Mysterious & WAY MORE FUN!

Don’t over think any one thing; life is meant to be enjoyed. One day I went to see this psychic lady and she channeled my dead father. She told me amazing things nobody could have possibly guessed about my family and she was bang on! She said to me, “Your father wants you to have more fun enjoy your life, don’t take everything so darn seriously.”

Ha, try telling that to a Capricorn! In the end, we’re all going to die or pass over to some other side so you may as well knock yourself out and enjoy life here. Say YES to all the fun fabulous experiences life has to offer you because before you know it, you’re going to be dead so don’t wait!

Women who say yes to adventure and fun are alluring, mysterious and experience more from life! Fun breeds all kinds of opportunities! When you let loose and have fun it sends a message to the Universe and that message says - life is a blast bring on more fun and excitement!

I’ll always remember the coach of Lulu Lemon, which is a big yoga clothing chain that began in Canada. This coach told the owner of the company, “Follow this very targeted laid out strategy plan AND go and have a ton of fun!! As much as possible!!”

Weird?! “What a funny marketing plan,” I thought to myself. But I get it now! When you give yourself permission to have fun you are saying yes to PLEASURE, yes to opening up this beacon of light, this chasm of mystery and POWER that is inside all women, the gateway to pleasure and passion. Nothing beats a happy radiant smiling woman. To her, all doors open!

Remember Mama Gena’s advice to use the power of pleasure to have your way with the world!

Secret #4 - Don’t Have it all Figured Out

Women who say YES to life and yes to opportunities take risks, don’t have it all figured out and that’s okay. I’m a big believer in, jump in and learn how to swim. One thing for sure you’re going to learn a heck of a lot more than you would if you just stand on the sidelines getting your toes wet. Get off the bleachers and get into the game of life! There will never be a right time, perfect time, you will never have enough money or enough confidence to try until you commit! Remember commitment is the magic key that unlocks creation! You will not die when you fail so what are you waiting for? Go on, take the leap of faith, the Source, God, the Spirit will catch you. The Universe has always got your back and you are never alone unless you want to be!

Take the time to cultivate your relationship with the source because it is the only relationship you will really ever need.

Secret # 5 - Rise from the Ashes Like the Phoenix

There are no good or bad lessons on what you enjoy. Don’t get technical on me here; with murder, it would obviously have severe karma and repercussions. Be gentle with yourself.

We’re all learning how to love ourselves the best we can; no one is perfect. Forgive yourself, forgive others and don’t dwell in the beating yourself up mode. You waste too much precious time in that zone when you could just as easily make a new decision to give yourself LOVE and APPROVAL to create something new.

You are never doomed. Even when you wake up in hell, there is a silver lining. That’s how awesome God or the source is. Bam!!

“The creative act is primitive. Its principals are of birth and genesis. Babies are born in blood and chaos; stars and galaxies come into being amid the release of massive primordial cataclysms,” says Steven Pressfield in his book Do the Work.

Decide to be a star! I wake up from this crazy hotel experience and then I have this amazing story and career empowering women. From the ashes the phoenix rises ladies, never forget to be grateful even when you’re swimming up the creek without a paddle.

Ask, “Show me the silver lining?!!” Wheel and deal with God when you’re confused because you’ll get answers. I Promise God has a bigger plan for you.

“The most highly cultured mother gives birth sweating and dislocated and cursing like a sailor. That’s where the place we inhibit as artists and innovators. It’s the place we must become comfortable with. The hospital room may be spotless and sterile, but birth itself will always take place amid the chaos, pain and blood,” explains Steven Pressfield.

Birth it ladies, don’t be afraid to get a little dirty, a little messy figuring it out because that is the path, the comfortable uncomfortable. If you’re life is messy right now celebrate! You’re half way there!!

Secret #6 - Pick Themselves Up and Keep on Moving Forward

To be in acceptance is a very high vibration and from that place, anything is possible. We judge ourselves much more harshly that most people judge us!

People won’t remember your failures because they have a hard time remembering their own passwords they use each week. What makes you think they’re going to remember your failures? I have a hard time remembering what I ate for breakfast let alone what someone did or didn’t do last month.

Move into acceptance and it’s as if you create the space for a new decision to be made, a new reality to be birthed from this platform. When you’re in resistance mode, you are just creating more of what you don’t like. Don’t dwell too long in resistance, negativity or remorse darling – it is not worth it. Take your lesson and move on!

Secret #7 - Respect Themselves

Respect yourself to know you deserve the very best! No more negotiating your desires! Ditch the losers who don’t want you to challenge them because they would rather stay small. Ditch your friends who make you feel crappy and tear you down, nitpick you, chastise you and don’t believe in you. You deserve the very best life has to offer and you have to close one door before the next door of opportunity can open. Opening it does make change happen immediately but you must DECIDE to kill off all other opportunities, decide to end, stop putting up with, or settling for less before something better comes around.

Secret #8 - Put Self Love as a Priority

Feeling fabulous, enjoying pleasure, being relaxed, taking time to breath, meditate and unwind, stop the endless mind chatter - pamper yourself - this is the way of the Goddess. To a woman who is happy, all things are possible.

No one is going to do it for you or give you permission to make it a priority. Self-love and self-care is a commitment you must take and not let anything else get in its way! It’s like putting on the safety air mask on an airplane. You have to put it on yourself before you can put it onto your neighbor.

Nothing kills joy faster in women than resentment brought on by exhaustion. Not fun and not pretty. Take the time to schedule in down time, pamper time each week, biweekly massages, get you nails done, take mini vacations, or simply, time out to smell the flowers and not think, or be productive. Be productive by appreciating beauty, art or nature and NO WORK allowed. This is Goddess diva divine time just for you.

It’s amazing what revelations, grand schemes and fantastic ideas come rushing into a calm and relaxed quiet mind and body!

Secret #9 - Take 100% Responsibility, No Excuses!

Women who say yes to life are 100% responsible for the outcomes they commit to! No excuses, no more lame blame game or victim archetype around here. They understand it’s meant to be and that it’s up to them. God, spirit, Universe can give you the cue, the screenplay and all the actors but you have to show up and play the part.

Remember the recipe is decided, commit and take action. No excuses!

If you don’t like the way your life is turning out decide to make new agreements with yourself and the people in it. Remember you are the master of your ship!

Secret #10 - Rinse and repeat

Women who say yes to life build MAJOR confidence through following these 10 secrets. Rinse and repeat. Share these secrets with a sister, mother, sister-in-law, co-worker, colleague, and friend, whoever needs to read some sassy inspiration!