The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course - Week 1 by Jeremy Parker - HTML preview

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Summarizing Day 1

First off then – lets acknowledge that it’s possible that you probably won’t have started to get to the sort of information that you are after quite yet. But today has all been about getting you into the right place for the rest of the content. We’ve had a look at…

  1. How the course works.

  2. How long the course is going to take to ‘work’ for you.

  3. What it's going to take, for you personally, to succeed in achieving your goals.

  4. We've looked at you setting yourself some goals of what you'd like to achieve, and in creating a plan to stick to.

  5. And also at why it might be an idea to quit trying to get sex for a while.

  6. I’ve suggested that it might not be such a good idea to believe anything that you read in this course, because simply believing anything that you’ve read isn’t going to be the thing that gets you more sex, actually going out and practising what you are learning is going to be the thing that does.

  7. We've looked at the assumptions that the course makes about you.

  8. And finally, we’ve looked at whether or not it’s a good idea to tell your partner that you are undertaking this course.

Day 1 Exercise’s

Normally at this point in the day’s proceedings you’ll be given your daily exercises to read, think about and to go off and do. Today though all I’d like you to do please is to mull round in your head what you’ve read today. You don’t have to go back and read everything again, hopefully the important points from what you’ve just read have already stuck in your head – so just re-reading and thinking about the summary above is enough. Doing this today will set you off in good stead for the start of the course tomorrow.
