The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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‘Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss.

Nothing is as rich.

Nothing is more real’.

- Deepak Chopra.


We are constantly convinced there is always some external excuse for why we cannot do or be what we most deeply desire.

But the truth be said, despite appearances to the contrary, is that nothing and nobody out there has any power over us.

We may go through the experience of powerlessness but that is solely because we first BELIEVE we are powerless.

These false beliefs as we come to see them as such are deep ingrained in our subconscious, and play a key role on all levels of our existence.

Therefore -

Our main purpose should be to emerge beyond them in order to evolve into our destiny.

We are already WHO We are seeking. We already HAVE it ALL.

But most of our potential is invisible, waiting to be activated by our Attention and Intention.

Suffice to say, as long as we are overly focused more on what we can see, touch, hear, and feel, we are cutting ourselves off from the vast majority of our potential, and making ourselves a prisoner of external conditions and the vicissitudes of human living.

The latest discoveries in Epi-Genetics has even begun to prove this scientifically.

Whereas we used to believe that our genes controlled us, we now know that it is the environment that our cells are in, that determines whether or not a gene is turned on or off.

Furthermore, this environment is determined not merely by what we put into our body, but by our Emotional and Mental state.

This has been further proven through the science of Psycho-Neuro-Immunology, where research has shown how every thought and emotion creates the corresponding Neuro - chemicals that impact the body – creating the inner environment for the cells.

So it is ultimately our state of consciousness that determines our genetic disposition, not our genes, …not germs, and not heredity.

To follow this line of thought and into the realms of the science of Quantum Physics and the ‘observer’ effect we now hold the belief that we are not merely a body, but a field of energy, and what we EXPECT and Pay Attention to determines what we ‘Draw Out’ of the Field into our Experience.