The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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“Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return, therefore,

everything that you want is already yours.

It is simply becoming more aware of - what you already possess.”

―Bob Proctor.

the Cultivation of AWARENESS

As YOU as yourself are now present and participating, more conscious of your inner conditions — perhaps for the first time – you will most likely run into the thicket of negative thought that has taken root in your mind.

At first, it might seem as if ‘this work’ is causing it, but fact is, it was always there.

That is the reason why you choose to spend as little time in your present mind and heart – it is too painful.

But whether you are conscious of these weeds or not, they are clogging your vital energy, choking off the seeds of your potential, creating the conditions for limitation rather than growth.

Tread lightly here at first however, or risk getting bloodied by this thorny thinking.

Maintain a gentle but diligent awareness through this sometimes perilous passage, and it will lead you into the heart of the present – and the Presence.

The first rule at this stage is –



Whatever exists in your consciousness – thoughts, feelings, ideas, beliefs, and images – as such they are only repeated thought patterns that have evolved into beliefs.

They are by definition not good or bad, they just are.

But they are not who YOU really ARE.

You did not even create these limiting beliefs they were given to you as part of the universal false belief system.

At best you just interpreted them in your own creative way.

There is actually nobody to blame for this way of thinking, especially not yourself.

What is more, it is only your attachment, identification, and resistance to them that gives them power.

The very act of judging, fighting, or resisting fuels the object of struggle with your energy.

Without your energy it would be nothing, an inert perception.

As you take the time to become aware of your thoughts and no longer let them completely run you, you will become more and more aware of those chronic mental and emotional patterns.

As you move through this, remember it is a process not a destination.

So even if you do not seem to have control over what thoughts flow through your mind, you always have control over your reaction to them.