Easy Ways To Empower Yourself When You Have Low Energy and Motivation
If you are in a debilitating place physically, mentally, or emotionally, you may have a hard time mustering enough energy to better yourself. You may be unable to commit to practices or exercises such as yoga or meditation. I suggest that you start with small caring steps for yourself. Every little action has a domino effect. If you have very low energy, it’s okay to start by being a passive recipient of positivity.
Every frequency that you bring into your being becomes part of your energetic body for a period of time. Tiny stimuli that you may think are insignificant are the building blocks of your being. Every thought, emotion, sound, image, and the way you interpret it has an effect. Think of a healthy energy field as a tornado with smooth and geometrically perfect arcs. In the same way that a tornado needs more wind, movement, and debris to stay alive, your energy field needs to interact with the outside world in a way that maximizes flow and can integrate outside phenomenon.
An unhealthy mind/body system has stagnant, slow, inefficiently-shaped currents. It has less energy in its field. Your energy field is a body. It acts as an immune system. A healthy field will only allow energy that resonates with itself; it is a strong tone that overcomes weaker tones/frequencies and forces them to entrain with itself. An unhealthy field is easily influenced. Just like a physical immune system only allows in natural substances and eliminates toxins, the energetic field works the same way. What does this look like in the world and in relationships?
Example: Two healthy people having a nice conversation would look like two well-flowing fields that flow through each other and energize each other. It is like the example of two people with normal body temperature... when they touch each other, they each exchange equal amounts of heat.
Let’s say one person has an unhealthy field and another person has a healthy field. One example could be a sick patient and a nurse. The nurse loses energy when she expends her energy on healing practices, but she has the means to replenish herself much more easily than the sick patient. Imagine one person is very cold and the other person has normal body temperature. When they touch, one person loses heat and the other one gains it.
Two people with unhealthy fields is a very tragic scenario. Two people who are very cold and cannot bring up their own core temperature think the other person can help them. They cling to the other person, but it’s the very clinging that prevents them from taking responsibility and adding layers to themselves.
List the relationships in your life (now or in the past) that make you feel stronger:
What specific benefits do these relationships bring to your health, self-confidence, or happiness?List relationships in your life (now or in the past) that make you feel weaker:
What specific toll do these relationships take on your health, self-confidence, or happiness?