The Mastery of Change (Free Version) by Sean O'Donoghue Morgan - HTML preview

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The Friendly Universe


I would define hell as suffering that only gets worse. I would define a heavenly existence as ever-increasing happiness. This book is about how life is protected from increased suffering through defense mechanisms. It’s also about how ever-increasing health and happiness can start once you accept responsibility. The world is always much more likely to support survival than death. If you don’t believe that at face value, then recognize that we tend to find what we expect. Those with the confirmation bias that they have the resources to survive and thrive usually do. Notice all of the references around you right now that show how hard it would be to starve. It’s the fear of insecurity that debilitates us, yet it is usually so irrational. If you are ever experiencing panic or anxiety, I encourage you to look around and take inventory. Are you safe? Do you have access to food? Is there anyone in the world who cares about your wellbeing? Do you have a place to shelter you from the elements? We can become entitled to possessing specific circumstances. Gratitude can bring us back to the truth that things are good and could be much worse.

Sometimes the beauty and bounty stands in stark contrast to our inner state. While writing this book, I experienced extreme panic for no apparent reason. I was laying in a comfortable bed after a full meal with a cuddly beagle about to get a safe night’s sleep in a house with a loving family. Yet everything felt bleak and horrible to me. I felt physically ill with anxiety. I started with one positive thing in my environment to focus on… my dog. I was feeling horror, but there was a puppy on my lap. It’s important not to contract too much during anxiety. It’s important to be with it, and encourage its release through relaxation and breathing. Negative thought patterns can be very easy to follow, so I just kept focusing on the positive nature of the dog, the comfort, and in a few minutes the feeling passed. Sometimes we can get seduced by anxiety. We focus on it too much and it increases. Focus on the positive and that will increase.



List the things in your current environment that make you feel safe and happy.


