Making Decisions From The Heart
We all have desires, some small and some large. The trick is figuring out which ones will have positive consequences and which will have negative ones. The desires in our hearts related to relationship, career, etc. are clues that our being wants to grow in that direction. You could call it a hunger for a specific energy nutrient. If we follow lots of tiny desires, it can divide our attention and our energy. If we want to manifest big things, commitment is needed.
Sometimes you will be spontaneous. Generally, the older you get, the more you want to build something lasting. Life is not a formula. You cannot decide what career you will have by the highest paying job or the job with the highest average satisfaction. You have to follow a mysterious yearning within you. Your mind may scoff at its lack of realism. How dare you want to be an astronaut! There are too many challenges! But the heart knows what it wants and you can’t ignore it forever. When you get a strong intuition, make a promise to yourself that you think you can keep. When doubts arise afterward, brush them off because it is only the fearful voice of resistance.
Perhaps a strong intuition or “knowing” came to you during a dream or when you were very still. Either way, it came to you because your unconscious mind figured out what would be most fulfilling to you and handed it to you on the silver platter of intuition.
Follow the commitment through challenges and doubts, and rewards will come. Break the vow, and you will have to earn back your own trust. Your mind will no longer believe you when you make promises to yourself, so future commitments will be less likely to stick. Make a habit of sticking to commitments large and small. Only promise if you are heart-invested, and be willing to effort with no reward for a time. Your reward will come eventually.
In which areas of your life have you been less likely to make commitments?
What have you gained by not making a commitment?
What have you lost by not making a commitment?
Make a commitment in each of the domains of your life:
In regards to my physical health, I make a commitment to...
In regards to my relationships, I make a commitment to...
In regards to my career, I make a commitment to...
In regards to money, I make a commitment to...
In regards to my personal passion, I make a commitment to...