The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Who is a mentor? A mentor is a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. He is an example that others find to follow in their steps. He is looked up to and takes the responsibility of lifting others up. This attributes is also what the phenomenon has. The phenomenon mentors.

The phenomenal life we have seen is a life of example. Whether the phenomenon knows or not, his life is being watched by the countless number of onlookers who see his difference and long to be just as he is. The phenomenon though works consciously towards ensuring his life is such a life that others will look up to as worth copying. He develops a conscious effort to create himself in others. He finds those who are at the lower cadre of life and does his best to uplift them to higher level or better still just like he is.

His phenomenal mentoring attributes enables him pass himself in every medium he can use to touch as much lives as he can touch. He applies books, videos, audios and seizes as many platforms as possible to touch as many lives as he can. He wants to see as much of himself in others while also desiring that each person he mentors discover who he really is.

The phenomenon epitomizes that life of sacrifice as we have seen already. The mentoring attribute requires sacrifice. The kind of sacrifice that ensures that as much of himself is offered to others. Because to mentor isn’t a little task, he pushes himself often to the wall to ensure he makes the most impact on the lives he is called to change or uplift.

The mentoring life of the phenomenon is a great life and you do want to be a phenomenon then you must mentor.

How do you go about this mentoring task? You have to:

  • Muse into the thought of how to impact positively into others while also developing yourself to be that kind of person that others can see as exemplary.
  • Eradicate any iota fear about your capacity to uplift some other mind. Everybody can and you too can.
  • Nail your actions towards becoming the mentor. Think of all the means you can apply to becoming that mentor and how you can reach as much people as possible as you can.
  • Tailor your goals. Mentors develop goals for which they pursue to attain. The life of a mentor is a goal pursuing one.
  • Be obsessed with your new role in the lives of people. This will make you develop yourself through all the means that is available; the internet, books, audios, videos, listening to peoples experience etc.
  • Reach out however far those you desire to mentor are. Get to them, present yourself as a helping friend. You will be uplifting so many great future hands too.

The role of a mentor in the life of any would be achiever is phenomenal. When you have someone you look up to, it helps you set goals that are reachable. You carry within your mind that if so and so person can reach a height that you are looking up to, you too can. The mentor becomes a beginning benchmark that a would be future achiever yearns to meet. The mentor becomes the possibility of a future thought today.

But becoming a mentor, isn’t as easy as ABC. It requires that a person

  1. Believe in himself entirely. You don’t want to sell a half hearted you to the world. You must have absolute confidence in the person that you are and how much you can do and then you will get others to follow you to. People follow people who are confident they know where they heading to.
  2. Accepts responsibility. The mentor has a huge responsibility. You have to develop big shoulders for the burdens of others. People find mentors because they think they can be a huge burden bearer or help them on how to get their burdens of their back.
  3. Dares the impossibility. Who wouldn’t love to be mentored by a person who does acts of the impossible? It is refreshing having to work in the steps of such a man and knowing that you too will be acting in that realm of the supernatural too. Impossibilities are everywhere and scarcely everybody can do it but the phenomenon who always dares.
  4. Exhibit sportsmanship. The mentor doesn’t think he knows all by himself.  He has a cha\in of persons who he also plays around with. Everyone has a role to play in his pursuit so he finds that everyone, allows them play their role with freedom but with a back knowledge that he is getting something from his fellow pairs.
  5. Carry an uncommon fire. There is a fire that burns inside the mentor. It is passion filled and fuelled by a desire to reach the peak of whatever he is doing. The passion to outclass every known standard drives him to
  6. Formulate your own set of rules. A mentor is guided by his own set of rules and is not cowered into following the rules of others. He is guided by his own choice, follows strictly to that choice, believes absolutely that is choice is right and stands by that choice entirely even if it fails.
  7. Goad phenomenal achievements. The mentor stimulates or incites phenomenal achievements in others. It is his greatest joy to have others attain heights just like himself.
  8. Hasten towards a domineering championship status. Being a mentor means you must have an edge over others. This edge puts others under you and forces others to tread your path.
  9. Inspire himself and others. The first person a mentor works on is himself. If he cannot inspire himself to attain a height others can look up to, it is hardly possible he will be able to help others achieve great things. So the mentor has two responsibility of working on himself and working on others.
  10. Jumpstarts future success stories. The success stories of the future are developed by present actions. The mentor helps jumpstart those future stories by helping them start the present writing of them.

The life of a mentor translates into others. Their lives are copied lives which people long to live. You can be that mentor and everyone can be.