The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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For one to become a phenomenon, he must develop a nurturing capacity. When a child gets into the world, the mother grooms the child from absolutely year zero slowly from one developmental stage to another teaching him what’s meant for every age until he becomes grown enough to think for himself and make his own decisions.

The phenomenon’s attribute is like a baby’s mother. He has a responsibility to see possibilities in people even when they hardly know they have that capacity. He sees beyond the present when his would-be student would join him at phenomenal stage. He picks his trainee and begins work at slowly inculcating phenomenal attributes into him. 

The nurturing process isn’t always so easy. A mother often has to sacrifice her health, wealth, time and resources to ensure her child comes through every stage. Each stage has its challenges and with each comes the passion to overcome the challenge. A phenomenon puts down everything too. With each step of the way, he raises his training as he find challenge in his student.

To nurture requires patience. It is painstaking and hard work. But the phenomenon bears all the burdens there is to be bore. He smiles with each turn of event looking only at the person he sees in the future. It may be tough work but he is encouraged by the possibility of impacting into a life.

To nurture isn’t so easy a virtue. You will have to learn to

  • Develop novel attributes. Being original is one great characteristic of a man who nurtures.  He creates his own creations, works on his creative side and has others follow him.
  • Spur upward. The man who nurtures spurs and propels towards an upward direction. His gaze is fixed on that high position which he has sight of. He finds ease pulling people around him and helping them believe they have a high upward port to port at.
  • Act revolutionary. The nurturer doesn’t accept the common standards. He creates his standards, chooses his own path and looks over at people he can help see in the same direction as himself. He manages to create the feet of getting people to believe in him.
  • Think tall. The nurturer thinks very far beyond the common eyes can see. He thinks metaphysical and acts in such a way as to propel his belief towards his thoughts. He influences people with his positive high thought that they get consumed with supporting him reach the possibilities of his thoughts.
  • See and act unlimited. Life is filled inconsistencies and limitations but the nurturer tries as much as possible to look unlimited. He wouldn’t like to show his students that he has limitations. He wants them to see beyond their own limitations too to achieve. Even if he may have limitations he sees and acts in an unlimited way.
  • Be reckoned. When there is a difference in thinking and skill, it tends to attract people around. The nurturer thus develops reckoning for his originality and capacity to develop and bring out the best out of everyone who comes his way. It’s a gift not common to everyone.
  • Act exemplary. You can’t nurture people into what you haven’t being. You can only effectively pass across to others what you know. It’s the easiest message, you.

The man who is patient enough to nurture some person into adulthood often finds joy at the end of the ordeal. He beams with smile and finds fulfillment in a worthy task. Step by step, as the nurtured develops, he finds himself increasingly independent till finally the nurturer declares his freedom often sometime with fanfare and pride at a job well done.

The measure of the capacity of a nurturer is in the quality of the person he has nurtured. A teacher who nurtures a student often expects the student to arise and be as he is. People look up the characteristic attributes of the nurturer in the nurtured. Once the see some attributes in the nurtured, they define the nurtured as being in the image of the nurturer.

To become a nurturer,

  1. Be nurtured first. You can’t be a teacher without having being taught or gone through the learning process.
  2. Develop independence. You must have being independently making decisions before you can qualify to be a nurturer. There are substances of knowledge that a nurturer can never teach. Such knowledge only comes with independent experience.
  3. Develop foresight. Foresight helps one view the future in a present sense. It helps you plan ahead anticipating what will come and how to avoid them.
  4. One must transcend self. You have to be sacrificial, putting everything down. You can’t influence a life that you can’t put something down for. You should be ready to lay down or give up something close to your heart. It’s the one perfect proof of your nurturing attribute.
  5. Develop poise. Developing the nurturer’s poise and determination to succeed however challenging the situation is key. You will face challenges that may scare you especially if the one you are trying to nurture do not value what you doing or is not growing at the pace you think he should grow.
  6. Develop nuance. You must be distinctive. It is your distinctive nature that separates others towards you who want to be distinct too. Nurturers must be distinctive in their relationship with people and how they relate to issues of life.

The phenomenon’s nurturing attribute puts him a class from everyone. Everyone who desires to be a phenomenon must nurture. You can nurture.