The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Create the EUPHORIA


Having taken the first step in shining as a beacon, the next step is an attribute that captures the minds of those you've being able to draw with your beacon of hope. You won’t want to see all your success at attracting people with your beacon fizzle before your eyes. Its best you keep them and how best but by creating a euphoric air around you.

No one loves to hang around a sad person so long who complains just about everything. We are most attracted to joyful happy people. Happy people attract other happy people consciously or unconsciously. They radiate a confident air even when all isn’t well. The beauty about the euphoric aura is that it’s what makes people stick with you during worst times.

Isn’t it baffling to observe that some of the most successful persons from history to now at attracting people and gaining the crowd were not and are not the richest persons? They are the persons with the capability to create the happy, joyful ambience that keep their followers returning for more. They keep their followers basking in a joy that seems mystical and gluing that even if there is good reason for them to break such relationships, they can’t see themselves doing it. They are very well drawn by the magnetic force of these persons.

Now you are thinking. Can I develop that aura around me? My reply is why can’t you? This is unbelievable but it’s one truth that has made some of the greatest speakers and leaders who they are today. The world is filled with enough trouble that can keep your face toughened with all the stretch marks. It’s not only you that’s suffering under this spell, everyone does but those with those big smiles and phenomenal euphoric air have understood that they have to live with the troubles all their lives so they just have to be cheerful.

I had this experience with my neighbors some years ago. I was always this sad and despondent person and it told on my relationship with people. I had less friends if I had any one and it was quite difficult mingling. I didn’t greet or say hello, maybe it was my low self-esteem. I struggled with it until I was admitted into the university and observed that if I really wanted to get through the university, I needed help from the people I never knew. I rose to acclaim in my class because of my academic brilliance, and this light sure attracted people to me.  It was difficult keeping this people stocked because I always had this sad mien until I understood after coming across series of books especially the “the 49 laws of power” by J Green that helped me release the power in me to absorb people into my thought and to make them stick.

I got to work developing ideas I derived from these books and soon I was courting a godlike aura. I wasn’t the best student in class but I captivated minds because I developed the joyful ambience around me. Though sometimes when I am alone I fall into my previous habits, I ensure that around people, I smile a lot and I show how joyful I could be and they could be. Before long my mates began to see me as exceptional far above the top students in class. I interacted with my neighbors and got their respect and reverence. People began to wonder what had happened to me and how I had suddenly changed. It was unexpected.

Over the years, I have observed as I watch other people who have had success with interacting with others better than me and try to model my life, I have come to discover this secret of creating a euphoric aura over the persons I intend to keep as a very powerful tool even if they prove too difficult for me.

Do you want to create that euphoric air around you that could keep people hanging around you and keeping you as that godly phenomenon that you wish to be?

How to create the euphoric aura?

  • Be always optimistic. People are facing tough times and they know they aren’t the only ones having to go through this difficult times too. They want people who will build them and encourage them even in the face of their difficult challenges. People will always stick with people who will pat their backs and tell them “it’s going to be alright.” See the good in every situation and help people see it. View the glass as half filled instead of half empty.
  • Follow your guts. Making decisions in life can be truly challenging. We tend to consider many factors, trying not to take any risk. We want to make a decision that is best. However those who create the euphoric aura around themselves make decision following their guts however risky it seems. They feel happy making this decisions and they bear responsibility for their decisions. You need to make a choice to take a chance that will cause a change in your life. You might have heard people say, men that guy’s got guts. They know those who act with their guts do things that are beyond the normal plain. When you follow your guts others notice and they marvel and surely would come asking how you do it.
  • Own yourself. You have to embrace and accept your difference; your habits, your personality, mistakes, the way you talk, looks, voice and most importantly you. Don’t try to mimic some person. Be you and be proud of your individuality. It is the individual you people are desirous to cling to. They know all the superstars and they would crunch at you trying to copy. You have to create the original that they can copy.
  • Be compassionate. We have seen the need to be a beacon of hope. Having compassion on someone is about doing something to help someone in need. Think of effective ways that you can use to make the community outside you a better place. Offer free services such as tutorials, volunteer for a worthy course, get involved with a church group. Find persons in need of clothing, shelter or money and offer them the help they need as much as you have.
  • Smile. Scientists are of the opinion that when you smile whether you are happy or not it elevates your mood and the people around you too. Smile.
  • Forgive. Your ability to forgive however great the wrong is one attribute of phenomenal people. Forgiveness heals the heart and releases stress. It helps you develop a happier mien which in turn will radiate happiness to people around you. Remember the goal isn’t for your own satisfaction alone but for the good of the whole, those outside your steel box.
  • Witness the wonder others experience. Get into  the shoe of others and examine life from their perspective. Let them know you feel how they feel and you can understand why they are in the situation where they are at the moment.

Creating this aura from yourself to others has the capacity to propel you into an enigma, the kind considered too good to be human. Know the reason you exist. It isn’t for yourself alone but it’s for the big world outside you. You are a phenomenon in the making.