The Pot Hole by David Grey - HTML preview

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Part 4

A late London night.


I headed over to the best pool bar in London to meet an old friend one night after work early enough to get a spot on the table and scope out the local talent.

The evening started well as the whiskey and the pot started to mix so our pool skills captivated the 6 girls sitting on the table by the bar.

Eyes and smiles are caught and it becomes obvious that the two blond girls of the group are expressing the most interest.

I invite them to join us and they accepted so we started exchanging the banter, stories, with the jazz music and lighting really helping to create a lively and enjoyable vibe.

The girls being novices made for some amusing laughs and gave us the ability to take the teacher student role.

The nice thing about pool is it’s easy to establish good manners and a friendly theme. It blends into an evening allowing us to show off some skills, exchange well placed smiles and important eye contact.

In many ways it was great that so the numbers weighed nicely in our favor and the girls were happy to let their hair down and feel comfortable enough to building the all important trust relationship.

Its turns out the young ladies had just finished their final exams at University and were out on the town to celebrate.

Luckily I had some friends at a nightclub around the corner so the chance to keep moving and dance was on the cards.

I had some pot and was more than willing the share a joint with the girls who were happy to partake. I was very happy to escort the girls to the right place and felt a sense of responsibility to keep them out of trouble whilst continue my flirting with the best looking blond in the group.

We walked to my friends nightclub where I knew we would be welcomed and ushered in like VIP’s.

Walking in escorted by 6 girls all looking to party are once in a lifetime nights and I knew I had hit the London lottery. Not only the girls were sweet and friendly but also it wasn’t going to smash my wallet.

The next few hours flew by in a haze of shots and dancing as Laura and I really hit it off gaining an intimate comfort. Fueled by the music and the drinks we left holding together compelled to make some fun mistakes.

I walked Laura home and we walked slowly, got distracted along the way as we had a rare and strong chemistry. As bizarre as it sounds I felt a sense of wonder lust and really knew that Laura hit all the right instincts and promoted the right level of abandon.

I wanted nothing more than to go up to Laura’s apartment but we were both responsible and knew if I wanted to see her again not to rush and ruin what I thought could be a great thing.

Better to leave a girl wanting more than come off as a pushy desperado, so in mid embrace I backed off and left her in the lobby of her building with a smile and an unbuttoned shirt.

The evening had been a great success and to be honest a story book beginning to a story book romance. However I did manage to miss work and got fired the next day.

Laura was from Norway and I saw her a couple of times before she had to go back home for work.

I really felt that I had met my first wife as she was lovely in all the ways that appealed to me but it was a shame that geography and practicality got in the way.

I regret not relocating to Norway but I knew this would be impossible and -30 degrees would have cooled our passions and been too harsh a reality to face in the cold light of day.
