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Chapter – 2


When it comes to approach in most guys head a bulb lights up “approaching to a women". You will learn about this later. But approaching is a first crucial step that you will take to make any natural conversation regardless of gender. Let's be honest, how many times you feel hard to approach your boss at work or any higher authorities? But do you ever even consider to approach any beggar unless you are in good mood!!?

Think about it why?

if you said " I expect specific outcome from my boss and higher authorities, and fear of rejection regarding that, makes me hard to approach” and “I don't expect anything from beggar as an outcome "then you are correct .if you understood how this have impact on your daily life, then what are you waiting for just dive in to learn how to overcome approach anxiety.

Approaching a women

How many times , do you see a girl in parties or in other social situations, who catches your eye, but you feel you can't talk to her, and you start throwing different excuses in your head to get out from that situation?. Every time you walk up to girl, you feel uncomfortable? And you worried walking up to a girl is "weird" and you would just annoy her? Your heart starts ponding and palms sweating? If so here are some tips to help you to change your mind-set.

1-Avoid creepy vibe

most of the guys when they try to approach women , as soon as they open their mouth they creep her out .this doesn't 't have to be with you, the truth is walking up to a girl doesn't have to be "weird". But the matter of fact is when you approach a girl with the feeling of “fear of rejection" it's that feeling which creates this Vibe.

As soon as you get rid of that feeling, you and your conversation partner both will be able to enjoy meeting one and another.

The best way to overcome the approach anxiety is to experience approaching many people as you can regardless of their gender and age, it will help you to gain confidence to approach anyone. As you start approaching more and more, you will realise how all the fears and worries about approaching only exist in your head.

you can also point out, how you feel about this conversation by simply saying "I feel weird coming up here, but I just wanted to say hi " after bringing up your feeling of weirdness you may notice that lot of that tension disappear on its own.

2-Stop being needy

Another major factor that most of the time creep out a women is when men approach with mind-set of specific outcome for their self, like getting a phone number, asking out for dinner or may be just smile.

By the time you walk up to a girl, believe me or not but your body language screams out lot to a girl what you here for. It makes lots of difference why you are approaching to a girl. Instead if you are approaching without any intensions of specific outcome, you may notice your approach turns into conversation easily than before.

Best practice you can do is walk up to as many people as you want, without setting up any intentions of outcome like "thank you or anything” .walk up say " hi or something you like about them" and just walk away "no string attached attitude". Once you get success you'll likely to find getting motivated.

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