The Social Interaction by Bobby Singh - HTML preview

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Chapter - 3

How to make conversation

As we have all learned at school, use questions "what, why, who, when, how, where" to gather information. But question arise how could you start conversation to reach the goal of building connection with a stranger or a girl you never met before?

Have you ever left the place frustrated saying in your head "I wish I could make conversation with this girl”? Don't worry you are not alone, read on this guide.

Most guys spend too much time to look for super perfect line, and after delivering that line they don't know what to do next!!

When two strangers meet in a party or coffee shop or anywhere in social situation, first of all they don't know each other before, this creates a lot of physiological tension between them and they have almost same mind-set - “how I would be accepted or how I will get acknowledged? ".

This tension creates huge chances to turn interaction into serious conversation immediately. If you start asking questions like, for example - what do you do? Where do you live? Why are you here? Or how often you come here? If you notice all these kind of questions are directly hitting her privacy, even though she doesn't know you yet. If she doesn't know you then how would you expect her to open up to yourself directly! Trying to know someone's private life is too insecure for them especially when you have just met. As a result this motivates the conversation to stop moving forward smoothly, and as soon as your conversation partner starts losing interest, they leave.

Is there any way out? ...Yes!

Keep it light

Conversation should be light, fun and playful to make it interesting. A lot of guys fuss over what is the perfect opening line to say for light silly conversation. The thing is there is no perfect magical line when it comes to start conversation. For the most part it doesn't matter what you say, as long as it's fun, and playful. With playful light opening you are trying to open doors for future conversation.

The goal of delivering light and fun conversation is to ease the tension between you two, to be comfortable and get relax, smile and laugh so you both can have a fun and good time with one another. When engaging with light and silly conversation you are simply saying "we are having fun and not taking anything seriously so you can relax and enjoy"

It should be natural flow with ease not forcibly coming out from scripted lines, most of the time which doesn't work. Playful funny light conversation helps to move conversation smoothly forward into possibilities of making connection.

How can I be playful?

First of all you don't have to be comedian in order make fun in conversation, but you can use your humour to make things funny. To accelerate your humour you can watch funny movies, or your personal favourite comedy show or simply notice next time your friend says something funny and try to utilize in your statement.

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