The Social Interaction by Bobby Singh - HTML preview

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Chapter - 4

Building a Connection

After you had humorous conversation, if you found a common sense of humour between you two based on the shared views of the world and cultural references, then it's time for you to look for emotional connection if you have lot of other things in common.

How would you know if she is the person of your dreams? How would you be able to develop deep connection and organic trust between you two?

1-Know yourself

First of all you need ask to yourself what kind of values or principles you do have in your life, which you wanted to be respected by the other person.

Secret that you should know-people are admired by others if they have some values and principles in their life.

2-Avoid "me too" attitude

Shared values are essential in any relationship over the long term even though it might not be so important for short term. Most of the people assume that building a connection is sharing the same interest but the fact is no one wants to build any emotional connection with their clone. Let me explain it to you why.

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