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Chapter - 5


Lots of people think that confidence is something you born with. But let me alighting up for you, that confidence is not a physical part of body which other people can't have it if they didn't born confident.

The truth is you can learn how to be confident like so many other skills you have learnt in school or college. Because confidence is a state of mind, some people acquire this from very young age. Your confidence behaviour depended on different factors, like how you been raised up as a kid, and what you been taught by your parents, also what you have adopted from your surrounding social atmosphere etc.

Before you learn how you can reclaim your confidence, it would be lot helpful for you if you understand, what confidence is.

Confidence is a state of mind which is result of combination of two different states of mind: - self-efficacy and self-esteem. And good news is you can help yourself to improve your confidence by improving your these two states of mind.


Self-efficacy is physiological term which means "the strength of one's belief in one's own ability to reach the goal ". Let me explain you further, our everyday life is driven by our belief in fact our every action is basis on what our beliefs are. For example some people have belief to be religious and some don't , a sports player have different belief than a IT professional or a child have different belief than an old age person. Like everyone else you and I also driven by our own beliefs and they are different from person to person.

Where does belief come from?

You might want to know where this belief come from, belief is something which our mind accepts that something is true or exist without any proof. There are various resource which helps you to make your belief but to keep to it simpler for you to understand, belief comes from by repeatedly observing your surrounding environmental events that occur in action.

Does whatever I observe become my belief?

Answer is big “No” but only, what you accept from that information is become part of your belief system.


In psychology, the term self-esteem means "person's overall sense of self-worth". In other words, how you value yourself or how valuable you think you are to others. Same as beliefs our self-esteem is also influenced by various surrounding resources like your family, friends, society etc. But the matter of fact is self-esteem is driven by the person's belief himself. So if you have strong and positive belief then your self-esteem will be high naturally and opposite to that if you have negative beliefs system in your head, then your self-esteem will be low naturally.

By now you must have understood, that if you wanted to be confident then you have to do effort to make your belief more positive, realistic and strong. This would take time to build up as a man with greater confidence. But in social interaction you can easily learn how to demonstrate yourself as confident person by learning two important behaviour, non-neediness and being authentic.

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