Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 25

Hints About Medicinal Plants

In the Vedas reference has been made to several medicinal plants and their uses. This information can be

found scattered in different places. Also, one will have to do some amount of research to decipher what

exactly is the meaning, just like about everything else, in the Vedas.

Here are some examples.

19.28.1 For sharpness and long life, for controlling and subduing all enemies I am appointing this Dharbha,

says Brahma Rishi, perhaps indirectly referring to the great power hidden in the grass Dharbha. Rishi

Bhrigu gives very elaborate description of the powers of the Dharbha. Hey Dharbha! you stand firmly on

the earth, you are perfected by the sun. I increase my life span with your help (19.32.3) referring to God

as Dharbha and indirectly referring to the plant as well.

19.31.10 May the Audumbara and the food giving science bring near me increased milk, pulses and wealth

says Rishi Savita in 19.31.10 possibly referring to the special properties of the tree Audumbara as also to

God whom he calls also as Audumbara. Suktas 34 and 35 by Rishi Angira describe the vanaspathi Jangida

as a cure for hundreds of diseases such vata, fever, cough, weaknesses of voice, hearing, eyesight as well

as for mental weaknesses. It is effective for problems of the two legged as also of the four-legged ones.

Sukta 36 by Rishi Brahma refers to Shatavari as follows:

19.36.1 He, with his sharpnes, destroys notoriouly bad ones such as piles, tuberculosis and germs.

19.36.2 With his top he destroys bacteria, with his roots he pushes away the troublesome pains, with his

center his shoves the king of diseases and none can stop him.

19. 36.6 With the help of Shatavari I clear up hundreds of notorious pains, hundreds of land-based

diseases and diseases that travel in air as also the ones that spread rapidly, says Veda.

19.38.1 He will never suffer from the king of diseases as also the effect of curses if he is protected by the

good aroma of gulgulu says Rishi Atharva.

19.39.1, 19.39.8 Rishi Brigwangira says: coming from icy places, hey Kushta! you have divine qualities. You

destroy all fevers and pains.

19.39.3, 19.39.4 Hey Kushta! born in the rivers you cure the diseases of men. You can be compared to

divine somaras. You are the universal medicine.

3.6.2 Hey Ashwatha! being a friend of sun, air and water totally destroy the diseases which cause various

obstacles. (Jagadveejampurusha)

4.17.1 For overcoming fear we take refuge in you. God has made you (Apaamarg) with thousands of

abilities. (Shukra)

6.106.1 -6.106.3 Hey Pippali! you are the cure for disturbed ones, bleeding ones, and ones with vaata

problems; learned ones have said that you can make them live well (Atharva)

7.136.1-2 Strengthen the old hair, produce those not yet grown, and make those produced very long Hey

Nitatni! (Veetahavya)

At other places glory of many more plants such as Durva has also been described.

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