Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 26

Benefits of Sun Bath

Veda acknowledges sun as the main sustainer of life. Medical benefits of bathing in the sun are also

mentioned. (Rishi Brahma)

1.22.1 May your heart's weaknesses and lack of blood in the body vanish with the arrival of sun. We

strengthen you in every way with the morning rising red sun.

1.22 2. With the red color of the sun we nourish you to live long without diseases.

1.22.3 There is divine healing power in the red directions. With their help we generate in you all round

beauty and strength.

1.22.4 We give you good advice, apply healing herbal pastes, and give tasty juices to keep you always

healthy of body and mind.

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