Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 32

About Cows

In Vedas the word gou which means cow in English but may also mean bull, horse, earth, mother, goddess

Saraswati, speech, words, heaven, water, a sense organ, the moon, or soul in Sanskrit, is one of the special

words which evokes the strongest love, affection and admiration irrespective of the context. Rishi Atharva

says the following in the context meaning cow.

18.4.30 Men rejoice milking the great treasure, with four openings, the crown among animals, worthy of

worship, and the sweet juicy one. Hey Learned King! do not hurt the cow which gives the all nourishing

milk and is the greatest of creations of God placed among men.

18.4.32 From this cow one gets grains, and seeds such as sesame. Certainly, a just kingdom lives through

the support of the "must never hurt" companion - the cow.

18.4.33-18.4.36 Hey man! may the cows be gifting you all that you need. May white, black, yellow, red,

brown and mixed cows with large calves stand beside you and serve you giving you nourishment and

strength. Cow is helpful for mankind in hundreds of ways undiminishing like the ocean.

19. 24.4 Hey King! be praise worthy, wear the clothes of responsibility and protect the cows from all forms

of violence and live for hundred years with all the wealth and material prosperity all around.

3.14.4 Hey cows! stay here itself. Nourish us like a house wife here itself. Grow with your children here

itself. May you have affection for us. (Brahma)

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