Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 33

Global Anthem (A Prayer to Earth)

The global anthem by Rishi Atharva is so beautiful in its original form that it is impossible for one to translate it into English or to any other language be it in prose or poetry form. No contemporary national

anthems could perhaps compare with it in beauty or content too.

12.1.1 Great truths, truthful actions, intense work, self- control, brahmacharya, and sacrifice support the

earth. May the earth - supporter of all our past and all our future - create a wide space for us.

12.1.2 Clearing all obstacles to our advancement in hills, valleys and all over, may the earth possessing

multitude of energies and nourishings, create a wide space for us.

12.1.3 May the earth with its oceans, rivers, rivulets, fields and food, on which we breathe and live, place

us high in her priority.

12.1.4 May that vast earth which spreads in all the four directions, growing food in its fields, and which

supports breathing and active life, enrich us with cows.

12.1.5 May that earth on which our forefathers, since ancient days, have performed their duties perfectly,

on which they have defeated the demonic, become an abode of horses, cows, and food and give us wealth

and vitality.

12.1.6 May that earth who supports all, who is a great treasure house, who supports all on her golden

chest, who gives comforts to the hardworking ones, who is the universal friend, who nurtures great

heroes, who considers God as the leader, gift us strength and wealth.

12.1.7 May that earth who gives everything one needs, who is protected by gods without winking, gift us

knowledge which is dear to us and enhance our strength and vitality.

12.1.8 On who there was water before the oceans, whom thoughtful men and women have been serving

with their magical activities, whose heart space is deathless and is covered by truth and eternal God, may

that earth gift us vitality and strength and make us the greatest nation.

12.1.9 May that immensely rich earth endowed with a whole range of powers, on whom truthful men

experiencing unity serve day and night without faltering, make our lives sweet.

12.1.10 She who has been measured by day and night, she on who Vishnu has placed his feet, she who

has been made free of all enmities by the great leader, may she give us sweet milk like mother to her


12.1.11 Hey Earth! may your hills mountains and forests be lovely. I have become the owner this fertile,

nourishing, multifaceted, firm, supportive, vast earth which is protected by heroic ones and which remains

unblemished, unhurt, undamaged.

12.1.12 Hey Earth! maintain us with the energy and spirit emerging from your center and core and purify

us from all angles. You are my mother and I am your child. Rain is our father who makes our life complete.

12.1.13 That earth on which skilled individuals are active in work, where good natured learned individuals

spread the good deeds, where victory flagpoles get erected even before every effort, may that earth

spread for us.

12.1.14 Hey Earth! you who work for the good of the good, please destroy those who hate us and those

who attack us with arms.

12.1.18 You are big, you are great; your movement, your vibration is great. The Great, without fail,

protects you. Hey Earth! make us glow like gold; may no one hate us.

12.1.19 Hey earth! over you there is vitality in herbs, there is vitality in water, there is vitality in stones

and clouds, there is vitality in men and women, there is vitality in cows and horses.

12.1.21 Hey totally free energetic Earth! make us bright and sharp.


12.1.23 Hey Earth! you exude wonderful fragrance, which is taken up by herbs, flowers, fruits and plants,

which is carried by water, and is enjoyed by birds in the sky and by all the animals. Enrich us with that

fragrance; may no one hate us.

12.1.24 Hey Earth! enrich us with your fragrance which has been absorbed by the lotus and by the gods

during the marriage of the sun and may no one hate us.

12.1.25 Hey Earth! enrich us with your fragrance which is present as protective power in great men and

is present in women as attraction and is present in horses, animals and elephants as fearlessness, and as

glow in young girls; may no one hate us.

12.1.26 Earth carries rocks, stones and soil; I stand up for protecting her golden chest.

12.1.27 On whom plants and trees have grown strong and are heroically protecting all, we welcome and

invite that earth.

12.1.28 While standing, while walking, or while sitting may we not hurt her with our right or left legs.

12.1.29 While discovering and exploring you, oh wide tolerant wonderful earth! I request you to bear for

us nourishment and support.

12.1.30 Hey Earth! may clean water flow for us. I destroy my destructive habits, oh earth! I continuously

purify myself with clean habits.

12.1.31 Hey Earth! may the right, left, front, back, up and down directions be supportive and may I never


12.1.32 Hey Earth! do not push us from up, from down, from front or from back; be auspicious for us, may

robbers never find us; move them far away.

12.1.33 Hey Earth! as long as I can see your beauty with my friend sun, let not my vision not cause any

damage to you.

12.1.34 Hey Earth! you are the bed for all. Do not hurt our bones when we change sides in our sleep.

12.1.35 Hey Earth! wherever I dig over you, may it sprout again soon. Hey worthy of exploration mother!

may I not hurt your breast, heart and sensitive parts.

12.1.40 May this earth always grant us whatever wealth we desire and may we march at the forefront.

12.1.41 Where people speaking a variety of languages dance and sing, where warriors fight, where

drummers beat the drums, may that earth be free of enemies.

12.1.43 Whose cities learned ones have built, in whose fields people are active, may the Creator make

this universal womb beautiful for us.

12.1.44 Supporting people of a variety of traditions and abilities as per the location, may the firm earth

generate thousands of streams of wealth for me.

12.1.47 You have on you several paths for food and work for both the good and the bad. May we discover

those paths which are propitious, joyful and free of enemies.

12.1.53 Earth, sky and space have created a beautiful world; fire, sun and water have created a divine

supporting environment.

12.1.57 From the very beginning you have been shaking those who harass you the way a galloping horse

does to dust.

12.1.62 Hey mother! may we be disease free on your lap. May we live long to serve you.

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