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Winning Truth Number


The Consistent Tortoise

Most people want a lot of things. They want to win in their lives both personally and professionally, and yet won’t do what they need to do as discussed in the first chapter.

Take for example some people who work from home or run an Internet business. They are motivated (which is why they started one). They will make calls, work through the early hours of the morning, meet with people, do orders, and tackle the challenges they come across. Compared to many in the industry they might start off at ten times the pace. However, after a short while, they are disappointed, become complacent, or forget the reason they got motivated in the first place and sadly many stop three meters short of their gold pot.

Other people tend to get motivated then go on an action spurt. But just like opening a bottle of fizzy drink, they fizz out at the first rejection they face. They are flat by the next morning. Now it may sound like I’m being over dramatic but it’s a fact. Some would last a few days and then once they are off their high, they stop doing what they set out to do.

In any case, we witness inconsistencies, and winning requires the commitment of being consistent. Whether you are fast or slow, that is irrelevant. It’s not about motivated spikes. It’s about longevity. What is relevant and of importance is the truth that consistency is a must if you are serious about winning. The game of life is not about the spurts of effort and energy you put in, but consistent persistence in pursuing the goal.

Just ask any winner and they will tell you that their consistent effort is a key reason for their win. They do something everyday towards their goal.

You might find it challenging to write a book or start a business, but if you do just a little bit everyday, at the end of a year or two, you have done a whole lot. And that whole lot equates to tangible results that you will be able to see.

Take one consistent step after another, and you will build a massive result.

Remember the tortoise always wins because it’s consistent in moving towards its destination. No matter how slow you may feel it to be, if you keep on doing the right things, sooner or later, you will enjoy your win.

Winning is more than just a one-hit wonder. It’s in the consistent actions.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 28.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Motivational Speaker Hyderabad