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Winning Truth Number


The Value in Understanding Values

Whether we are conscious of it or not, we all have values that govern our actions. What you value is not necessarily what someone else values and vice versa. These values dictate our preferences, desires and goals that are important for us.

On the surface, some people would rather eat a range of tasty food over buying and wearing new clothes all the time (that’s definitely me). Others prefer buying gizmos instead of travelling the world and experiencing different cultures. For example I enjoy buying lattes that help me relax and write, rather than buying a new pair of shoes every week. I know a particular friend who is the complete opposite.

Going beneath these surface actions, they are all dictated by decisions, which are dictated by our values. You will most certainly know people who are completely unhappy with their life, or at least an element of their life. The chances are, it’s because they are not functioning in line with their set of values.

Everyone has a set of values (they simply might not be aware of their list and its order) and more importantly, we all have different priorities for those values. Think of it on a scale of 1 to 10.

For instance your values would be 1. Family 2. Time freedom 3. Doing what you love 4. Money.

For the next person it could be 1. Money 2. Time freedom 3. Doing what they love and 4. Family.

Some of you are thinking, ‘Hang on a second Kevin, aren’t they all the same?’

Indeed, we may share similar values, but it is the weight we give each one that matters. It’s the priority we give to these values, which distinguishes us, and the actions we take. This is something you must understand if you like to drive yourself to maximum potential.

Winners understand their order of values and work in alignment with them. You must know the weight of your values and ensure that you are working in line with them. Write up your values from 1 to 10 (1 being most important), and then ensure that all the actions you take are in line with your values. Work in line with your values and you will begin to witness massive results, all whilst being happy and in peace with yourself.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 29.

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