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Winning Truth Number


Work Less, Get More

Doesn’t that sound like something of a dream? Work less and yet get more.

That’s exactly what winners do. They do so by first of all finding out what they are: 1. Good at, and 2. Love to do.

Some people usually end up doing what they are good at but have no true love for it. Others do what they love, but sadly they are just not good at it. For example I vividly remember a very successful business lady who was doing what she did because she was good at it and it paid well, however she hated it (and hate is a strong word). Another example is that I would have loved to sing professionally but sadly I haven’t been gifted in that field and so no matter how much I love it, it won’t be something I would be good at.

Winners spend their time searching until they find (and there is something for every one of us) what they are good at and love to do.

By doing what you are good at and love to do, you end up gaining much more and working much less. Some would even work more (wait a minute it sounds like I’m contradicting myself), but because you will love what you do, it won’t feel that you are working more.

After all, it actually is never about how many hours you are putting in; it’s really how you feel about it.

You would have had an experience in your life where you did a task or project, and working at it seemed like a breeze. Sure you might have faced challenges, but because it was something you loved doing, those challenges were only considered as mere road bumps. Hours went by and it felt like minutes. Weeks may have gone by and it only felt like a weekend. The point is you really enjoyed it. In these instances you are the most creative and there is nothing stopping you.

What matters for any winner is the feel and it is in these moments that they have some of their best performances resulting in amazing wins.

Love it, and work it. In there, lies your ultimate win.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 30.