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Winning Truth Number


Only One Contestant

It’s in our nature to compare ourselves to people around us. We compare and get compared with all the time. We are compared to siblings, friends, parents, cousins, role models, the stranger down the road and even the neighbor’s cat. Consciously or subconsciously we are mistakenly compared in our societies. This is the way the most of us were brought up and have been subjected to.

Most people usually compare themselves with others and feel that there is something wrong with them. There is nothing wrong with you. We are all different. I say this, because you must always remember that you have been blessed with a set of skills and abilities. You have been subjected to different situations and as a result have developed and excelled in different areas (if you haven’t, then you sure can).

Life is a game. Each and every one of us is playing a different game. Most times we excel in different things. Success is winning, and your definition of winning will be different to the next person. Some of us are faster in certain aspects, and slower in others. No two people are the same, so why compare?

Comparing is like cancer. Stay away from it.

Winners use others success stories as inspiration to drive them, not as comparison. Winners know that winning is about being the best that one can be. Don’t be hard on yourself for your results. You can only move forward and learn from it. Use other people’s success stories as inspiration and if you are serious then change your beliefs, change your thoughts, change your decisions and change your actions to suit your purpose.

You call the shots as to where the start and finish lines are drawn. There is only one contestant in this race. In fact, it’s not even a race. It’s a journey. A journey where you have the opportunity to be the best you can be, do the best that you can do, and give back the best that you can give back in your time on this planet.

Your biggest challenge is to be able to control your mind, to control your emotions, to be able to act when you least want to do and to let go when you don’t.

The biggest game you will ever play is the game in your mind.

Master your mind, and you will master your world.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 36.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Motivational Speaker Surat