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Winning Truth Number


You Are Worth It

I come across thousands and thousands of people who are constantly unhappy about what they get out of their employment and their businesses, relationships and friendship.

In all cases, I hear a common statement being made. The majority of people say ‘I’m worth more’ but with a doubt in their mind. They all scream, ‘I’m worth more’. But what lingers in their mind is, ‘I’m not good enough, or I don’t deserve better’.

Many seek reassurance of their worth from friends, colleagues, bosses at work or partners in life. You receive what you deserve. How you treat yourself is usually reflected in how others treat you. If you respect yourself, you will undoubtedly get respect. If you love yourself, you will certainly be loved. If you are getting paid a certain amount from your employment or business then it’s a direct result of what you are doing. You deserve what you are worth right now.

Winners know their worth without a shadow of doubt. In knowing so, they project it, and therefore command it both directly, and more so indirectly. If you really feel that you deserve more, then your thoughts and actions must say it too. You must without a doubt, believe (remember that earlier truth) that you deserve more and therefore do what you need to do to achieve that.

The value others give you is the value you give yourself. The choices you make, the actions you take, the attitude you have towards yourself, the inner talk you have with yourself, is all affected by the self worth you have of yourself. If you have a high self worth, then you will have a positive attitude, you will think positive empowering thoughts and will act accordingly. If you have a low self worth, then you will have a negative attitude towards yourself.

What is your attitude towards yourself? What sort of inner talk are you having with yourself? Are you talking up or are you talking down to yourself? You must be aware and control your inner talk.

Winners put their own price tags on themselves rather than have anyone help put it on for them. Winners constantly remind themselves about who really indicates their worth. They know it’s an inside job.

Who indicates your worth? You do. Always have, always will.

Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 37.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Top Motivational Speaker Dubai