What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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This is the section of the book where you wil either be fascinated or skeptical, the choice is yours. Remember what I said about the conscious mind? You can accept or reject or neglect what I’m about to say. I ask that you do neither, and examine the ideas and new information and then choose for yourself. Only a fool would not examine an idea… Do you want to know why people are skeptical? It’s because a new idea challenges what you currently think to be true. Ask yourself, is what you think to be true getting you the results you want? If not, please open your mind and investigate.

What I present to you now is not my own made up concepts but can be proven by top scientists today. This information is what schools, colleges and universities will never teach you. There are many political reasons behind this, but I do not write this book as a means of preaching or telling you how ignorant you are but as a person giving you the key to living an amazing life.

“The natural laws of this universe are so precise that we don’t have any difficulty building spaceships, we can send people to the moon and time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second... these laws must have been set by someone... “– Werhner Von Braun

This universe moves in such a precise order and as we gain an understanding of that order, we can move our thoughts and actions into harmony with it and live a fulfilling life. What are universal laws? First let’s define the word universal, there are many definitions of this word but I want to emphasize on the definition: Of, relating to, extending to, or affecting the entire world or all within the world.

From what you have read so far this book I have I have talked about your “inner world”? You are a spiritual being inside a physical body, but your body is inside of a huge universe. Everything is connected.

An example of a universal law that you have been taught at school is the law of gravity. You’ve heard of Sir Isaac Newton. We all know that if we run off a cliff we will fall off. We know if I throw something up it will come down. This is a law, but its invisible we cannot see it. The only visible law we can see is the police force or court system, but these are man- - - made laws. Universal laws are God laws. Laws, which cannot be broken and will either reward or punish you. These laws are what govern every person, situation and circumstance. They are not new laws that have been invented. These are laws that have always been here since the beginning of time.


The law of attraction is as simple as like attracts like. Like energy attracts like energy. We think in pictures. The images you hold in your mind are what you attract. You are a walking magnet. Everything that’s going on in your thinking is what you attract to you. I’m sure you walked into a room and felt a bad vibe off people; you didn’t want to be around them did you? You weren’t attracted to them. Whatever you focus your attention on, you attract. A thought repeated consistently is what shows up in your life, whether it’s good or bad. If you are constantly thinking about bad things that have happened in the past, you will attract likewise now and in the future. Everything that comes to you in your life, the people you meet, and the events you go to, the situations you get yourself into, the weird circumstances you find yourself in...You attracted! This may seem a bit mystical to some of you who are reading but I’m not asking you to believe me, I’m only presenting to you information and if you choose to study it further I promise you will notice changes in your life.

We talked about the subconscious mind producing your results, but how? Did you ever ask that question? The mind is not physical, if a thought starts in the conscious and projects onto the subconscious this will determine the vibration we are in and dictate what we attract. The thoughts you think travel and affect this whole universe to suit you. I’ll give you an example. Have you ever thought about someone and then that person rang your phone, or you saw them in your travels. You created this! Yes you did, it was no accident. Thoughts are things! Think back to what I said about beliefs, your actions and viewpoints will be based around your beliefs, this creates your reality! If you think you can’t afford things you will not attract wealth and prosperity, you will only attract poverty and mediocrity. The type of people you meet and situations, circumstances and events will support what you believe. Whenever you think about things you don’t want, did you know that you are magnetizing what you don’t want to you? You are creating your own hell ! Focus on what you want! Attraction is the result of the vibration you are in.

If you have a great idea of something that you want to create and you get so emotionally involved in it. It will set up a vibration in your body and you will attract everything you need to make that idea become a reality. I will talk about my personal example in the chapter the laws at work. “Everything moves, nothing rests”. This quote from Albert Einstein is to state that everything is in constant motion, everything is a frequency and at a rate of vibration. Nothing stands still although you may perceive it to. If you take a look at your hand underneath a microscope you will see that it is moving at a very rapid rate of vibration.

Things around you may appear solid but they’re not. They are moving so rapidly that they appear still to the naked eye. Have I just mind boggled you? If we go back to the law of attraction I said that what we think about we attract. The thoughts or images we entertain are what causes an emotion in us. This feeling is what determines the rate of vibration that our bodies will vibrate. We are magnets so the rate of vibration will dictate what comes into our life. If you’re at a low vibration you have a bad feeling, if you are at a high vibration you have a good feeling. Vibration is the foundation of the law of attraction.