What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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Study this further and you will be intrigued…

Change your feelings (vibration), you change what you attract. Samuel how do I change my vibration you may ask? Good question, you change it by changing your thoughts, but not just your thoughts, it’s a bit more complex than that. The aim is to change how you “feel”. Feeling is emotion (energy in motion) and when you emotional by entertain an idea, it will alter the vibration causing you to act differently, thus changing what you attract.





There is a myth in the world that sad and hard times are normal, THAT IS A LIE! Abundance and happiness is your birthright. Anything else are false ideas, beliefs and concepts that you accepted to be true and you are vibrating at that frequency, so by law you must attract sadness and hard times! The universe is unconditional. Perception comes into play here because no one or nothing can make you feel a certain way except for how you choose to view (perceive) what has happened or been said to you. Your intuition, which is a compilation of false or true ideas, is “judging” the experience you are having.


Sorry guys but once you get this engrained in you it will save you so much stress, your thinking is the problem. If ideas are subconsciously accepted it MUST be a manifested reality for you. It was your CHOICE to ACCEPT the idea! Remember the stick figure person with the big head? That’s you now, but that wasn’t you when you first came here. When you were born you had no conscious faculty developed… so your subconscious was wide open!!! Open for any and everything to be downloaded straight into it. Good or bad! Ask yourself:

What was the environment like that you lived in from birth to the age of 6?


back? Can you see why you may not necessarily know why you do what you do? Where do your ideas come from? Who fed you what you currently believe? Take a close look at kids and their parents… you may have heard the saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Children will only do what the parents do, children will believe what the parents show them or teach them (irrespective of quality), why? Because the subconscious is wide open and can only ACCEPT what it is given!

The amount of times I have seen mothers take their children somewhere and their baby is sleeping and there is music playing where the lyrics and statements that are being said is not what a baby should be around, the fact that baby is sleeping, it is absorbing everything in the environment including the songs that are being played. It’s the same with having a child sleeping during parents watching films and TV, all that content goes straight into their child’s subconscious and they have no idea! Why because parents don’t know this information that is being taught here! Who can blame them? Their parents didn’t know either and it is a repetitive cycle that generations have gone through for years and years.

People wonder why they struggle moving forward and they blame people or circumstances, but if you look at everything you have just been taught it stems from thought, the question is when was that thought planted? Most probably from birth to the age of 6.. . I have personally on my journey been dissecting my thoughts and spending hours finding out why I do what I do? What I don’t do what I want to do? Now I spend a lot of time changing my paradigm and reprogramming myself for success and riches, so I can break the chain so my children do not inherit my ignorance and previous ancestry ideas of lack and failure, and the famous “I cant do that” attitude.



This law is something we touched on when we talked about perception. There are always two ends to a pole. Everything’s an opposite. There are two sides to everything. We have a left and a right, an up and a down, a hot and a cold, a good and a bad, poor and rich, do you get the picture? We cannot have one without the other. Everything just is! It’s all one thing, just a different degree of vibration. Nothing is wrong or right, there are two sides to a story. If you picture a thermometer in your mind, tell me where hot starts? You can’t can you? Your hot might not be my hot, your cold might be my hot, and so there are two sides to the story.

If you look between each unit on a thermometer these are the different degrees, if you check the temperature of water, the water does not change it is the same, only a different degree of temperature or vibration. Can you see how this law links with the law of vibration? There’s always another side, you cannot have a right without a left, there’s no inside of something if there wasn’t an outside, you cannot have an up with no down, everything just is. This last example may empower you when things get a little rough in your profession or study. If you say you can’t do something there MUST be a way you can do it, why? That’s the law of polarity. Unless your paradigm is making you think you can’t...

What is making you think you cant? Its your old conditioning and this is what cripples most of us, We were taught to fail so when a new idea comes to pass, we may easily reject it if we do not see that it “fits” into what we think works or is classed as “normal”. People sense of what's possible comes from what they think is possible, and what they think is possible comes from the information they receive to tell them what is possible, if you suppress the knowledge of what is possible, you suppress their perception of what is possible, and they will laugh in the face of the truth and say it's impossible, when actual by if you understand to a greater level than the mainstream allows you to understand, you really not only realize its possible but it's perfectly logical...

Do you want an image? Do you remember as a child playing with a cube box with different shaped pegs (square, triangle, circle etc)? Try banging a square peg (new idea) into a circle hole (your current knowledge), it doesn’t fit does it? So what would you naturally do? You would reject it or make excuses saying, “I cant do that!” “This isn’t for me”, “maybe next time”, “its impossible that cant happen”… do you get my drift reader?


Ignorance and knowledge are on either ends of a polarity scale, they are polar opposites. This is so simple but very misunderstood to a lot of people. When we put this law into perspective, well find out that it can have such a positive impact in people’s lives as it will encourage them that it doesn’t matter what may appear “negative” in their lives, there must be something “right” with it. Or if you “cant” do something there must be a reason you “can” do it. This is very useful in business and relationships.


This law just about sums up everything! This relates to Newton’s law of action and reaction. Everything in life has its exchange. There’s a cause and an effect and every effect is a cause. We are responsible for the causes that we put out; the effects take care of themselves. If you think back to the process of manifestation, it just about sums up cause and effect. Your thought is a cause, making your feeling an effect, this feeling is then a cause within itself, making the effect your action, and this action is then a cause that produces an effect for your result. Do you get the idea?

Everything is in constant motion, constant exchanges, and this law can be used to our advantage once we are aware of it. We are constantly causing and receiving the effects daily, I’m sure you have all heard of karma. It’s the same principle; as you sow so shall you reap. Like causes produces like effects. Do good onto others and they will do good onto you and the same goes for the reverse. You may do someone wrong and think you’ll get away with it but by law you must receive the effect whether it’s the same day or next week. The good or wrong you do to somebody may not necessarily come back from those whom you serve but it must come from somewhere because that is the law. A problem with a lot of people is that they expect effects without putting out causes. In relationships we tend to wait for someone else to suit us (the effect) rather than we make the first step by giving (the cause). Your results in your life right now are in exact proportion to what you have caused. No one is to blame but you. Do you the reader understand this? My intention is not to annoy you but to awaken you to the realization of your responsibility in your life.

This is such an important law to understand, especial by for those of you who are an example of a person who starts something and because you don’t see results, you quit. Understanding leads to faith and with faith you will persevere. Remember the process of manifestation? Your big idea is a seed, it will become a reality if you allow it time to grow, but the problem most of us have is that you don’t see results or anything happening that you class it as failure and you quit. This is so profound because we never question when a baby will be due because we “understand” there’s a “process” before we see the result. It’s the same principle. The key word here is “understanding”. Anything is possible.

Take a look at a more detailed pic below of an acorn planted in the ground, excuse my drawing as its not my forte or strongest point for drawing lol. Instantly and automatically it will attract particles of energy in the soil for it to grow, baring in mind that the acorn is very specific, an entirely different seed could have been planted which would attract different particles of energy, because different seeds are on a different frequency or vibration, so it will attract like energy for its particular vibration.


The acorn is a CAUSE and EFFECT within itself; it has a particular pattern that it must adhere to for its growth. In other words it will attract what ever it needs from the earth for its enfoldment. If you add water on top of it, more and more will cause the acorn to expand and it will start to shoot roots and eventual by it will burst through the soil into the atmosphere where it will attract more energy from the outside, until eventually it has a trunk, branches and leaves and the whole thing.

This is metaphoric to our thoughts and ideas, it doesn’t matter what quality of idea is in the soil it has an effect within it (good or bad) and it’s only a matter of time before it is manifests. I mentioned in an earlier chapter that we don’t see the process underneath, so if we didn’t have this knowledge we wouldn’t know if our ideas are working or not, so because we are impatient we would quit and therefore abort our ideas and say the classic phrase “it didn’t work”… We as humans create the ideas and it becomes a nucleus and action taken and focus will make the nucleus expand and grow until eventually when it is time for it to be manifest it will show itself. DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR BIG IDEAS, DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS, IT IS COMING!!!


All universal laws are related to each other. This law will help you to always look for the good in your situations. Nothing is ever good or bad but your thinking makes it so. If you are going through a difficult time, you can relate it to somebody who is going through something worse and be grateful that your situation is not like his or hers. It’s all about comparison, no one is either poor or rich, it just is. Nothings too big or small , it just is. Your subconscious mind accepts anything you project onto it. It doesn’t judge as we have already discussed, it doesn’t know right from wrong or big from small . Everybody does something better than you but you must do something better than them. You can be poor and have better relationships or you could be rich with less healthier relationships. If you use this law correctly you will always be in a constant state of gratitude. I’ll give you an example, let’s say you are a singer and you compare yourself to a top class celebrity, you’re not making it look good for yourself whereas if you relate yourself to someone less vocal by developed than you, it makes you look better. Can you reader understand this? You can always build your self - - - esteem by using this law correctly. You make your situation seem what it is by virtue of how you use the law. Can you see how perception comes into this too? Start now by building a positive image of yourself and hold it in your mind and use the law of relativity to keep you feeling good and in a positive vibration. I must warn you though, don’t just merely read these words. There’s a process where you can train yourself by using your will power to concentrate on the image you want to feel good about it. More on this in the chapter “Exercises”.


Let’s think back to the discussion of the mind where I showed you a diagram of the stick figure with a big head and showing the 5 senses above it. Everything we see, hear, taste, smell and touch together with our emotions is the manifestation of energy in various levels of vibration... Don’t worry I’ll explain, we all know we get energy from food that we eat. Each type of food has a different vibration and level of energy. Even the quality of information we accept from people, talks we get into is energy and it flows to and through us. Everything is moving in this universe and we move with it. The universe has its existence in an ocean of motion, “change” is energy’s only attribute and because of it comes all that is apparent to our material senses. It cannot be destroyed. Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. It is the cause and effect of any and everything. In other words everything is constantly moving and changing. Energy “just is”. Thought energy is non- - - physical and energy is spiritual.

Look at the word “emotion”.


The “E” stands for energy, which equals motion, so energy is in motion. When we talk normally about emotion, little do we really understand it; we class emotions as angry, happy, sad etc. Whatever the emotion is its energy. Remember polarity? Happy and sad are at either ends of the pole, the lower the vibration the sadder you feel, the higher the vibration the happier you feel. Whatever the ideas are in the subconscious mind causes the emotion and it propels you to move and act out and in effect create the result. In other words think back to the process of manifestation, this is exactly what the law entails. So as it is with the universe where everything is constantly in motion.

Non- - - physical forms of life are always moving into physical form. Thoughts are non- - - physical and when projected onto the subconscious mind, move to the physical where we do and act out the thing that was thought of. Do you the reader see behind the lines of what I am saying to you? Can you grasp it?


Rhythm is in everything, everything flows in and out, back and forward, up and down. When there’s an advance there must be a retreat, something must rise when something sinks. Picture in your mind a weighing scale. If you put one weight in one end of the scale it will sink which will mean the other side rises. This law governs your mental, physical and emotional states. You at times feel good but then there are times you feel sad. It’s like swinging a pendulum moving to one end and when it’s ready it will swing to the other end. You wouldn’t know what a good feeling was if you never experienced a bad feeling and vice versa. Our reason gives us the ability to choose our thoughts, where we can escape the swing of the pendulum to make us feel bad; we can choose to shift our thoughts to maintain a happy positive vibration. This is the only law that you can escape the effects of by the use of using your reason mental faculty.

Remember its all a perception. We have been conditioned to think that this thing called “life” happens in a linear straight forward fashion. This is not so, because everything is in constant change which is changing how we are to operate in our lives. Once upon a time there was no social media but yet we have had to adapt to it through change. This has had to remove us from a paradigm of thinking while we keep up with the rhythms of this law. Look at every successful person, each person is a law unto him/herself which is why there is no set route to achieving whatever it is that we want. We as a people are connected, not separated. We are all working together whether we know it or not. Everyone has a part to play. There’s an intelligent synchronicity that is in constant motion in relation to your thoughts and ideas. Have you ever been in a situation where you had an idea, didn’t know how you were going to achieve it but then something strange happened where you met someone who could help you or you discovered a piece of literature to read to aid you? These are only a couple of examples out of an infinite range of possibilities that the universe will make available for you. This is a good example of explaining the non- - - linear way of life where the ebbs and flow of RHYTHM will assist you.


I have to keep bringing the picture back to your mind regarding the process of manifestation. I’m sure by now you know this process deals with every aspect of your life. This law is one, which finally closes the cycle and completes the circle of the seven laws I have presented to you. It clearly shows you that the invisible creates the visible. Understanding of this law will empower you and misunderstanding will make you quit what you start. So let’s look at the positive only and help you to understand. We have already talked about the masculine and feminine duality aspect of the mind; hence the law is called gender, where creation happens once we have projected ideas from the conscious mind onto the subconscious. We know that thoughts create reality.

Look at this scenario: Jane set out to do something where she had her goals written out and she started moving in the direction she intended. After a while she got discouraged because she wasn’t seeing any results, so she quit. What happened? She was unaware of the creative process, unaware of the law of gender. It takes time for ideas to become a reality. There’s a time frame, remember all seeds have a gestation and incubation period. She didn’t know that it was in creation; she didn’t see the results in physical form, didn’t see how it was going to happen so she quit. The answers she needed would have shown up for her but she decided not to go along with it anymore. What did Jane really need KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE LAWS! Remember, you cannot force a baby to grow you have to wait nine months, but you are aware that it is in progress... do you understand? For any of you who want to go out there and do something, and work that powerful thing called the mind, if you have an idea and take action then it will be a reality, but bear in mind the law of gender. It takes time.


Ok so we’ve discussed the laws and the mind, let’s see how these laws work when we put it to use. All laws work in conjunction with one another. I am going to show you a real life example of my own, explaining how everything comes together when you use the laws and act according to a true purpose.

December 2010 I had an idea that I wanted to create my own TV show, I had never done it before but I knew I wanted to do it. THROUGH HAVING KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAWS it gave me confidence to step out of the box and do something different. By being an actor you get tired of waiting around for your agent to call you up with auditions and I knew I wanted more, I wanted to have something I could call my own, something I created that gave opportunities to other actors as well as help boost my name in the industry.

I woke up one morning and I said to my little brother that I wanted to create my own show, I didn’t know what but I wanted it to be funny. He told me that I should do it but I had no idea how to start. The next day I paid a visit to my friend Arnold and we sat down with a sheet of paper for brainstorming. I was clueless as to what to start with so he said I should write a show about my life. I remember remaining silent and thought that it would be a great idea. After a couple of hours brainstorming I left confident knowing that with the notes we came up with I could come up with some characters. I wrote down a goal and said by April 21st 2011 I would be in production. I didn’t know how but that was my goal, I had something to work towards.

I knew the show I created had to be a hit, it had to be great. All I needed was a great script but I was unaware of how to go about doing it. One thing I can say I am very grateful for is the Internet because you can find anything you want on there. I was researching how to go about writing a script professionally because I did not want to write it on Microsoft word. My whole attitude was to do everything the best of my ability so I looked up scripts from shows that had already aired and saw how the layout of their script was. They were all different but I knew I had to start somewhere so I chose one layout and began searching for some free scriptwriting software. For those of you that are interested in writing there is free software for scriptwriting called Celtx It’s amazing! YouTube is great as there are video tutorials for everything, I watched a short 5- - - minute tutorial on how to use Celtx and I was sorted. Starting off a story was such a challenge and I was having trouble. For a week nothing had been written and I was very concerned. How on earth could I start off writing a show?

One evening I was on my way to a seminar and I was on the bus and my brother text me. He said that my friend Ian had text him saying for me to call him. When I did we had a chat and he said that he was writing a script for his friend... I had known Ian for years but never knew he wrote scripts. This was the LAW OF ATTRACTION and CAUSE & EFFECT at work! We arranged to meet up one day so he could see where I was at with the idea. After spending a few hours with him we had come up with a plan for the first episode. I got straight to writing and about a week later I had written the first episode. The question was, now what? What was the next step? I didn’t know.

A week went by and I attended another seminar to see what was going on in social media. Someone approached me and recognized my face and introduced themselves to me. He asked me if I knew a person called Tony Adez in which I replied “yes”. (Tony was a long- - - time friend of mine who used to record my music; sadly he’s no longer with us). We got talking and he said that he saw Tony years ago editing my show- - - reel that’s how he remembered my face. We exchanged details and I told him about what I was doing and he had a look at my script and said to me what I needed was a plan for future episodes. This is what I was lacking, a plan of how the show will pan out for the first series! I was meant to meet this person through the LAW OF ATTRACTION to show me the next step in the process. Can you the reader see how everything is being “linked” to help me along my way?

I woke up one morning and was inspired by a thought to do a video presentation of my idea and put it online. This was so random but I knew that nothing was by accident according to knowing the laws. Spirit gave me an impression to take action on this presentation. I personally love doing video presentations they are fun. I thought this would be a great opportunity to let people know what I was doing and hopefully attract people that wanted to get involved. Without wasting anytime I got out my laptop and loaded up PowerPoint and thought carefully how to construct the necessary slides to explain in detail what I was looking to do. As we think in pictures, it was wise to use pictures in the presentation so after looking at images on Google I found pictures of how I visualized the characters. I learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop to cut out the people in the pictures and combine them together through a lot of trial and error of course. After successfully completing this I knew that I wanted to record my voice narrating the presentation. I downloaded a free screen recording software and recorded myself talking about the project and stated at the end the type of people I were looking for and put my contact details on there.

A very spooky thing happened, the moment I had completed the presentation, my phone rang. It was the guy I met at the seminar! He asked me where I was at with my show and I told him about the presentation, he then suggested that I post it on a website called filmakersunited.com. I used my intuition and went along with it. 24 hours later a woman contacted me on the site saying my idea was very interesting. I had a look at her profile and saw a link to a website called starnow.co.uk. I never knew what this was but after some research I discovered that I could post on their site for free. It was this action, this CAUSE that had such a massive EFFECT. After posting it on the website, I had people contacting me every day via phone, email and Facebook wanting to get involved. In total I had over 10,000 views and over 500 applications, I was so overwhelmed! People wanted to write, direct and act in the show.

I was not thinking about money, when I posted online my intention was to look for people who wanted to help me and experience the making of the show. I had posted that I was looking to do a 3 minute teaser. No investors had contacted me even though I contacted them but I didn’t let that stop me I had to keep moving forward. Throughout these contacts I met a lovely woman called Simone who was very talented in so many areas. She had worked for a television company and she knew how to link characters and their relationships and create episodic ideas. She surprised me when we met by showing me stuff she had written. The presentation I did had such a great effect on her that she automatically connected with these characters. After a couple of weeks of knowing her I said that she was going to have a higher role in this whole production. Throughout the experience so far I had to stand in awe at the awesomeness of the LAW OF ATTRACTION, and CAUSE AND EFFECT.

A young writer from South London contacted me saying she wanted to be a writer for the show, I will not mention her name here but for the purpose of this book I will call her Denise. She was 18 years old and was fired up to be involved in the process. She helped write an episode and this girl was brilliant! She too connected with the characters and brought a youthful aspect to the project. We made a plan and said that I would write the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th episode and she would write the 2nd, 4th, 6th and we would both collaborate on the 8th. An unfortunate thing happened and Denise went AWOL. I never heard from her again and wasn’t able to get through to her phone. I never let that stop me I kept on going and said I would write the 8 episodes myself. What happened was as time was getting on I had to keep asking Denise for the 3rd episode so I could move on, I knew she had college and had stared a drama school and I must have pestered her too much which resulted in her switching off on me. I sat back and realized that I had CAUSED this EFFECT, I forgave myself and took responsibility and continued. A lesson to be learned...

A lady from West London called Carolyn emailed me showing her interest as a production assistant, I was intrigued by her approach when I met with her. She showed me a side where I had never experienced before when she spoke about areas of the industry that I had no knowledge on. Through Carolyn I met her friend called John who had a production company and said he would like to film the teaser! I was over the moon and was so grateful to the universe that this was actually happening for me. John was in his last year of university and arranged for me to hold the castings in an office at his Uni. I called up the shortlisted actors on the Starnow website based on their look and asked them to come down and audition. A range of different experiences came through the door and I met some wonderful people. After 3 days of casting I had trouble deciding who the characters were going to be for the teaser.

So, I had done the auditions and now what I needed was a location for filming. Simone was kind enough to allow me to use her flat for one of the locations but I was lacking a house for the main location. I sent a text to everyone in my phone asking who could lend me their dining area for a day. I had a few replies, I looked over a few houses and one of them in particular was great. There was one house that did appeal to me; I went round there to have a look. The owner of the house was a friend of a friend and he asked me what my show was about and after telling him he said that his wife was in another country for two weeks and that I could use the whole of his house to film not the teaser but the whole episode! LAW OF ATTRACTION. Can you the reader see the power of positive thinking? You will attract positive events and circumstances. I now had a location, film crew and possible actors; the next step was to hold a workshop for the actors so I could select who was going to get the role.

I used the owners house for the workshops and what a great and exciting day it was, I felt so happy that I was doing something I love by acting on an idea and taking the action necessary to see its fulfillment. A few days after I was going through the camcorder looking over the workshop that was filmed and I had a clipboard out and noted down all the actors that took part, I was taking notes but I found it so difficult to choose who was going to get the role. I called up Simone and she came round my house and we viewed the footage together. After a huge debate we finally decided who the selected actors were, now it was time to tell the actors. Rehearsals were needed before the filming so we could make things easier on the day if actors knew exactly what to do. On the day of the rehearsal, one of the female