What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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We need direction, like actors need direction from a director. There must be a point of focus, a destination for where you are going in your life. If there is no direction you aren’t going anywhere. As you’ve discovered from reading about the laws... it’s all on you! Everything is cause and effect. What do you really want? Seriously, I never said what do you think you can have, I said WHAT DO YOU WANT?

You may look around and see everyone else being the star but you can be too! You can have anything you want! Don’t worry what people say! Don’t listen to people saying negative comments about you can’t have this and that! Just remember you attracted this book and they didn’t! Wherever you are right now if you are not happy with your results you can change them. If thoughts create our reality then we all we need to do is change our thoughts then we will attract better things to us. I know this book is a lot to take in and your mind may not agree with what is presented, but you now know that it is not you it is your paradigm trying to keep you comfortable. Once you become aware of this paradigm that’s the first step in change because you are now aware it is happening!

This is an infinite universe with unlimited possibilities and opportunities for everybody. Don’t think there is not enough of this or that. There’s an unlimited source of supply, the job you need is out there, the relationship you are looking for is out there but you need to change first, your thinking needs to change or else you will only attract the same kind of people, events, situations and circumstances in your life. This thing called “money” has us all trapped and living in fear; there’s unlimited money out there we just need to make it happen by using our own power. We do have it so start now... What do you want?

Grab a piece of paper, and write a “want” list. List everything you want and be very specific, the universe loves specifics. Start the list off by saying “I want...” then complete the sentence. There’s no limit to how much you can write because you can have everything. This may seem too good to be true, but it is true, you just need to study it further. When you have written down what you want, when do you want to receive it by? Think when you would like to receive what you’ve asked for by, write a date down but think of realistic goals. Believe you will receive what you ask, and if you don’t see any results along the way, remember just wait, need I remind you about the law of gender? Read through my example and you will see that not everything happened all at once there was a process, but do take note that I took steps to make it happen for myself and the answers I needed showed up along the way as I was taking action. Energy in motion remember?

Get out of the thought process that you will wish and hope, you have to will and act to get what you want. Be the cause and the effect will show up... why? It’s the law. Above all , show gratitude, be grateful for what you have now because if you are not grateful you shall not receive anything better, use the law of relativity and compare yourself to someone who’s less fortunate and be happy. In all things give thanks. Send out those positive vibrations and start to treat people how you want to be treated. Keep doing this then only good can happen to you. Now is the time to write down your life, after all... you do create it... you are the script writer...