What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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Open your eyes remove the sleep from them and rise up. Are you feeling alive or groggy? Do you know what today is? It’s another day of either opportunity or failure. You go downstairs to the bathroom and brush your teeth and have a shower. Now it’s time to fix breakfast and if you have kids you’ll most probably sort them out and drop them to day- - - care. You are going to head to work, school, college, or university whichever is your chosen route. You spend roughly 8 hours in those establishments and then now it’s time to go home, however you are stuck in rush hour traffic and it takes probably an hour to arrive to your house or pick up your kids from nursery.

Ahhh sigh of relief home sweet home! Oh wait... you need to make dinner, you put the kids to watch TV and go to the kitchen. The second scenario; Home sweet home, let me go onto Facebook, or do my homework, or play computer games. Couple of hours pass and It’s that time where it’s a date with yourself and the couch because its soap time. Let’s discover people’s miserable lives and see who’s sleeping with whom and who murdered the villain. Episode over lets watch a bit more TV and then either bath or not. Bedtime now and you’re either looking forward to tomorrow or not.

The next day, open your eyes remove the sleep from them and rise up. Are you feeling alive or groggy? Do you know what today is? It’s another day of either opportunity or failure. You go downstairs to the bathroom and brush your teeth and have a shower. Now it’s time to fix breakfast... does this sound like someone you know? Quite a lot, maybe you have just read your life. Ask yourself; is this really what you want? Is this really what you were born to do? Yes we all need school I’m not going to lie, we all need to know our times tables and adding, subtracting etc. Not a lot of us know where we are going in the long run. If you are a university graduate who is reading this then you may be struggling to get that job which you studied so hard for. You might say it’s so hard to get a job. Then what do you do, you probably find any job you can get and eventual y your degree meant nothing to you.

Let’s really think readers... from when we were little kids to where we are now we were told we had to go to school, get good grades and get a job, for some of you this worked, for most of you it didn’t. Some of you may be working in a profession that you don’t like but it pays the bills. Some of you might actually like what you are doing, its “good pay” you say so you get comfortable and stay where you are. BEING COMFORTABLE IS A DANGEROUS PLACE TO BE! Your days are most probably no different than any other day. Are you comfortable with that?

Are you looking for a way out? Do you believe there is a way out? Have you ever heard anybody say “only you can make it happen?” “Only you can make yourself successful?” We hear it all the time and it’s great that people can say that to us, I totally agree with the statements but hardly anybody explains or shows us “how” it happens, “how do we become successful?” I’m going to show you how and it all begins with you and what you are. Notice I never said who I said “what”.

You know everything there is to know, you just need to remember. So much is going on in the outside world, the media etc. We are surrounded by a multitude of different beliefs, opinions, and suggestions that it is complete mind chatter. What do you believe? What’s right to you? Look at your life right now and if it’s not the way you wanted it to be ask yourself... “Are you right?” We all have something great in all of us, there is dormant power in you waiting to be tapped and activated. You are here to serve the world with your talents and live a happy abundant life. Be humble and remain as a student when reading the remainder of this book.