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A Word on Anti-Christ et al.


This book has a primary purpose. This purpose is to warn the men and women of the coming Kingdom of the Christ of this Age, by shedding light on the final Anti-Christ of this Age. This chapter therefore, is the largest section of this book and it is vital that it is studied and understood, line-by-line. I have hidden the identity of the final Anti-Christ of this age within this book, which I will reveal to my close ones when the Anti-Christ is ready, so they’ll know who it is, while he is busy deceiving the rest.

I have hidden his name, and don’t wish to give it away prematurely, because I know better than to meddle with Divine plans as they only get delayed, or worse – changed. This always happens when the future is meddled with by revealing aspects of the future such as names, dates of events, and excessive details of events, before it is suitable to do so. There have been too many delays already. However, there are certain things, which I can reveal:

Firstly, let’s establish what or who is an AntiChrist? An Anti-Christ is someone who seeks to take the place of the Christ - the Anointed One. Who is the One, who is Anointed by God, to oversee the establishment of mental, physical and spiritual health in His Kingdom, also known by modern Christians as the ‘Church’. The Church is not a building, or a place, or a country, but in fact it is a state of being of the inhabitants of Earth. Christ is also not a name or a mere title, but a role. At the end of every age there comes a Christ, along with many Anti-Christs who also seek to either be the Christ, due to envy, or directly and indirectly sabotage the Christ. The Christ of this current age is Yeshua (pronounced: ’Eesh’aa), whom people wrongly call Jesus (please refer to chapter on Christ).

Please separate all ideas of ’Eesh’aa from the Christ. The Christ is a role - a job - whereas ’Eesh’aa is a person. The role of the Christ is to be King of the world. The role of the Anti-Christ is to seek to be the same. The Anti-Christ won’t necessarily claim to be ‘Eesh’aa the person, otherwise known as Yeshua or Jesus, but he will seek to become King of the world – a position which can only be held by the Christ of an Age.

Thus, he will eventually claim to be ‘The Christ’, ‘The Anointed or Appointed One’ or a ‘Messiah’. The Anti-Christ is the ultimate deceiver. There have been many Anti-Christs in this Age - mostly weak, but four main strong ones. The first has been the most dangerous and deceptive being to have lived so far.

His name was Muhammad, The Conqueror, and the founder of Islam. The two middle AntiChrists were extremely mild in comparison, albeit still terrible enough to be of the main four. They are of no significance other than to transfer energy in matter through time, similar to the concept of what is known as a Newton’s Cradle – wherein, in comparison to the first ball and the last, the middle ones remain motionless, acting as mere transmitters and receivers of energy. Therefore, in order to know of the coming King of Deception, it is vital that you learn about the first King of Deception of this age: Muhammad. No one in the history of mankind has ever done so much to lower the consciousness of his own people and sabotage the position of Christ, than Muhammad has. Let me explain why. Pay close attention to every sentence.

Muhammad was a good man of good character who worked as a travelling merchant. He was handsome, well spoken, and righteous in the sense that he always told the truth and was a voice of good reason in his community, making him popular enough to at least be given the title of ‘Al-Amin’, or ‘the trustworthy one’ by his fellows. This is vital to remember, because his handsome appearance, charm and good character later won him the attention of one of the richest women in Arabia, known as Khadija. She owned a merchant empire, and at 40, was still looking for a suitor. Also, his honesty granted him some of the required spiritual fuel for his spiritual endeavours later. It was Khadija who proposed to him, something unheard of, arguably even in today’s societies - a fact many Muslims are quick to remind people, as testimony of Muhammad’s excellent character and conduct. Know this: The Anti-Christs don’t come in the guise of monsters, even though that is very much what they are, but in the guise of charm and good looks to rouse a people – if they looked like monsters, devoid of any charm, they wouldn’t be very good deceivers at all.

After marriage to Khadija, Muhammad at the age of 25, was then of course given better trading positions and routes, which led him to further and more exotic locations in Northern Arabia such as Yardana – modern day Jordan – and also to Israel. Here he came in contact with new caravans, goods, and traders from all over the mid-band of Earth, which was also called ‘Middle Earth’ – a term now only heard of in archaic texts and old fiction. This region included powerhouses of once great nations and civilisations such as Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Iraq (Babylon), Israel, Iran (Persia) and India. All spiritually enlightened people, by spiritual law, come from ‘Middle Earth’.

With a lack of electronic forms of entertainment, which we have today, in those times the most popular forms of entertainment were oratory-based traditions such as singing, poetry and storytelling. In this manner Muhammad learned of the ways, tales, and history of other religious and political systems. This is also vital to remember.

Alongside, he also met various groups of spiritually enlightened nomadic peoples on these trade routes. These included the Yogis of India, Hebrews of Israel and Sabaeens of modern-day Iraq, Jordan and Western Iran. These nomads used to travel the lands, teaching spirituality and Gnosticism to pagan audiences all over middle earth. (Side Note on the above-mentioned people: The Yogis are not to be confused with modern day Hindus or modern Hindu/Yogi hybrid false gurus or teachers. Not to say there is anything wrong with Hindus, they are a body of people, and like all people there are good ones and bad ones. The only bad they all do however, is partake in idol worship.

On the other hand, true Yogis are a completely Gnostic and wandering people who are only concerned with the internal dimensions of their being, and thus have eventually reached a state of ‘Yoga’ or ‘Union’ with the Almighty. Even an enlightened person may not necessarily be a true Yogi, as they haven’t yet attained Yoga or Union - also known as Moksha or Mukhti. Yogi is not a title to be thrown around lightly. Just like learning English doesn’t necessarily mean one has become English, practicing Yoga doesn’t necessarily mean the practitioner has become a Yogi.

Yogis are also strictly not to be confused with modern day people who refer to themselves as Yogis just because they practice Yoga Asanas (Yoga of the body) in gyms and classes. Although, true Yogis do indeed practice physical stretching exercises to keep their bodies limber in between long meditation sessions which can be hours, and sometimes even days long in seated positions in order to help alleviate chronic muscle stiffness, and even occurrences of temporary paralysis due to muscle and nerve adhesion.

However, this aspect of Yoga, is an important but very small practical aspect of what Yoga is and should not really be called Yoga. 

Yoga is not something you do, but a state of Union that you reach. When one has reached the state of Yoga, he or she loses all sense of identity attachment. A true Gnostic, or a true Yogi is a person who has attained full Union with the Almighty and therefore knows Him. The number of people present on Earth at any one given time, who have reached this state, can be counted on the fingers of one hand and they are all spiritually inter-connected with one another due to their primary connection with God.      Ironically, it is these same people who will never refer to themselves as a Yogi or a Gnostic, while people who are totally devoid of intrinsic gnosis will call themselves Gnostics, and those who have never experienced the state of Yoga or Union will call themselves Yogis. Also, the True ones never, under any circumstances, refer to themselves as Lord, Bhagwan (godly), Guru (teacher), Swami  (master), Sai (saint) or Sri (eminent) etc, irrespective of whether these are actually valid titles for them. Such people, even when called these things by their devout disciples, rebuke them, let alone self-promote or encourage it. Thus, true Yogis are unconcerned with labels, identities, the material world, or deity or idol worship because they know the Ultimate Truth personally.

Anyone who worships an idol, has not yet reached Yoga, and therefore has not yet realised the Ultimate Truth. Idol worshipping gurus or ‘Gnostics’ who pass themselves off as Yogis, or fully enlightened beings, are partially enlightened at best, unenlightened but sophisticated deceivers at worse, and practitioners of demon-summoning and Magick at worst. They know who they are, and we also know who they are.

The Hebrews were a group of peoples, including the people of Yehuda (Judah), or modern-day Jews, to whom Moses taught not just aspects of moral laws of conduct, but to some select disciples, also the spiritual aspects of Being. He taught them the workings of one’s inner dimensions and how to stimulate the soul to grow. This is the same knowledge or science taught by enlightened beings belonging to, or heads of, other gnostic groups, but taught in different words and ways to suit different cultures’ strengths and limitations, understanding, and temperaments. The knowledge is always the same, because the Source from where this knowledge is received is always the same – only the teaching methods vary from place to place and people to people, and also according to the teaching style of the teacher.

Please also note, this knowledge is very different to the Biblical forbidden knowledge given by the extra-terrestrials to the Elders of Zion (please refer to chapter on States of Consciousness), such as Magick and certain other occult and natural sciences, which take people away from the Ultimate Truth. This is the Biblical seduction of Eve, at the end of one of the last Great Ages, when mankind was plunged into darkness, or the opposite of Enlightenment, due to the practice of forbidden knowledge. Understand this: no knowledge is good or bad. Knowledge is simply what is and what isn’t. However, in the absence of awareness of what is and what isn’t (consciousness), knowledge or partial knowledge can be used for great harm. Only God, the 10th dimension, has constant awareness of all that is within his 10 dimensions. Therefore, certain knowledge is forbidden to beings of each dimension, simply because they don’t have the awareness of how the different pieces of the puzzle are linked to other parts of this multi-dimensional puzzle. Thus, they do great harm through science, or in other words, through the gathering of knowledge haphazardly and sporadically through experimentation. This is why certain knowledge is known as forbidden knowledge. Many good things can come as a result of experiments - but so can nuclear bombs, and so can Magick.

Intelligence, something humans are very proud of, is gained through experimentation and improving the results of the experimentations, while consciousness is knowing when to leave something alone. Intelligence is knowing how to make a nuclear bomb, while consciousness is knowing not to make it at all. We’ll all witness the ‘good work of science’ in nuclear bomb technology in the coming days.

Know this: God loves the simple minded, who only seek to love – and no intelligence is required for love. Societies without any intelligence can be far happier, as compared to the intelligence rich societies of the world today. Just observe the simplicity and harmonious ways of life of remote civilisations who are mocked for their primitive ways. They may not have Wi-Fi to connect to the internet,  but they do have time to connect to God. They also have happiness; true happiness which results from a lack of possessions. Know that the more intelligence one gains, the unhappier and more frustrated one becomes. These people also don’t harm the Earth like parasites within a body. They don’t create poisonous matter such as plastics, which is an altogether alien matter in the Universe.    So always remember the difference between intelligence and consciousness. Information can be known through both; just in very different ways with very different outcomes. Similarly, how does one know Magick? One has to be taught it, yes, but how does the teacher know? Or how does the teacher of the teacher stemming back to the original teachers of Magick know? Through experimentation, fuelled by two things: curiosity (a form of ego-driven greed), and a lack of awareness of what is what. If one already knows what is what, one no longer needs to experiment. Take attaining Yoga or Union, on the other end of the spectrum, for example: to attain Yoga, one simply sits and silences the mind, and restrains the Ego. This is all it takes, albeit very simply put, to attain Union with the Almighty. No experimentation is required. To experiment is to do, whereas Yoga is attained through the not doing of things: the none exercise of the chatter of the mind and the none exercise of the ego and its wants.

This is what meditation is: it’s the doing of nothing, and then eventually, the becoming of nothing, which automatically attains Union with He who is No Thing, No One, and The None. However look at the stark difference in the two types of attainment: one type of knowledge is attained through greedy and reckless pursuit of knowledge, hazardous experimentation, and greed for matter driven by Ego, whereas the other type of knowledge – real knowledge, or God’s knowledge – is attained through lack of pursuit, silence, and eradication of all greed. For once one attains God, one attains all that is God’s. The challenge is attaining God.

Therefore, there is a big difference in these two types of gnosis - in fact, these are the two types of gnosis in Duality – in other words they are complete opposites. Loud knowledge versus silent knowledge. Devil knowledge versus God knowledge. Which do you think is superior? The one that has to be pursued with the nonsensible ambition to empty the knowledge of the entire 10 dimensions in to a 3rd dimensional brain, or the one where one becomes silent, throws away all the walls and the webs of the ego, and thus, automatically becomes at one with, and therefore becomes the 10 dimensions in a state of Union?

Ironically, the devil too has been attempting to gain God-knowledge ever since his Creation, but he simply doesn’t know how to control the devil within him. This is why most people say the spiritual path is not for them, and it’s true: it is not. Even devil, with all his might and power, loses all steam, and realises, that this might is beyond his might, and this power is beyond his power.

Now, remember when I mentioned Hindu-Yogi hybrid gurus? What I call the hybrid guru or teacher, is he or she who started off well, with good intentions, therefore gained some progress through meditation and silence, but hasn’t been able to maintain constant progress due to their inability to constantly restrain their ego (greed, arrogance, impatience etc.). Therefore, they have succumbed to their ego and fallen into the trap of practicing forbidden knowledge such as Magick, alchemy, consecrated idol-worship and other such practices, which I won’t mention, to make up for their lack of progress, just so they can continue feeling like they are still making some sort of progress; all they, or more accurately, their ego, really wants is more material: spiritual powers, fame, money etc. You can see it for yourselves; they are wealthy themselves, yet they preach charity to the already poor.          When one gives in to their ego more and more, Ego grants them more and more matter to keep them hooked, just like a fish deceived by the glistening allure of the tackle. Those who deceive others, were first deceived themselves.

The Sabaeens were a group of gnostic people, who didn’t partake in, or practice forbidden knowledge. The Sabaeens were and are a good people, who are now known as the Mandaeans – or the people of Manda (knowledge). John the Baptist, an enlightened being, whose real name was Yohanan, was also a Sabaeen. They are currently subject to persecution in Iraq, their motherland, by Muslims - ironically whose very founder and leader the Sabaeens taught most of the very little gnosis he knew. End of Side note.)

It was from one of the spiritual masters from the above groups of people that Muhammad learned sound meditation and was given a ‘mantra’ which is a statement that is expressed ‘by way of whole Mind’, a common but powerful method to attain self-realisation and later, God realisation.

This mantra was in Arabic (they can be in any of the ancient languages) and the transliteration of which is La Elaha il Al-lah. However, it is now known to the Muslims as La Ilaha Il Allah which has altogether disguised its true significance.

The translation of the former is this: No The None but The None. Now this may not seem very cohesive or make much sense at first glance but let me explain. In those days and in that region, there was a group of languages spoken, known today as the Semitic languages, such as Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic and Assyrian. All languages change and develop over time; but these ones were much more mutually intelligible then, than they are now. This was due to better trading practices, friendlier relations and a lack of hostility between the nations, which aided in the development of similar vocabulary for ease of communication between the traders at the time. In Arabic the word for ‘the’ is Al, in Hebrew it is El. They aren’t even separate words, but a variation in pronunciation of the same word. The word for ‘no’ is also the same in both languages: La or Lah. At the time, spoken language was, as always, more fluent or in shortened form. La or Lah was also a term to refer to ‘none’ as well as ‘no’.

For a very long period, one of the words used to refer to God in Hebrew, was simply El or ‘The’.     The what - you may ask? Simply: The.

Take from that what you will, but this is wisdom in its second highest form: referring to God simply as ‘The’.

This ‘The’ being all of the matter in existence.

This wisdom is surpassed only by referring to God as El-Lah – or ‘The None’. This aspect is the aether or anti-matter aspect of God, which is His soul and cannot be destroyed as it has no beginning or end -  unlike the matter aspect of God which is creation (his body whom we’re all inside and a part of), and is constantly coming into states of beginnings and endings, perpetuating the infinite cycle of what we call ‘life’. All matter comes out of antimatter. This gnosis or knowledge, predates ALL idolatry, Paganism, Science, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and most certainly Islam. This gnosis predates the Biblical ‘Adam and Eve’. This gnosis predates time. Sure, some of it has trickled down in diluted or sporadic forms through many avenues of religion, but at its core, this gnosis predates all gnosis, for it is the gnosis of the Ultimate Himself.

So, with the mantra La Elaha il Al-la/ Allah, or No God (‘La El-lah’ – No The None) but God (‘Il Allah’ – but the None), it is encrypted within, that there is ‘No one else but God’, which is the same as saying ‘we are all a part of God, as one’.

This is similar to the modern version, ‘La ilaha il Allah’, but the way this version is written lacks the emphasis on just how profound the meaning of the statement, or the descriptive word Al-lah is when it is joined up and passed off as just a meaningless name. Whichever way it is written, whether it be La Elaha il El-lah or La Alaha il Al-La, the difference is only in synonymy, and not in the underlying description, intention, or vibration of sound, which is what always takes precedence in the consecration of a mantra by a God-realised spiritual teacher.

When one has been given any form of Initiation, advice, a mantra, a practice, or an exercise by their spiritual master, as a disciple one has to - at least metaphorically speaking - hold on to the hem of their teacher’s shirt for life and stay devout to their teachings. Know that a true mantra, given by a true teacher, with specific instructions to be followed, is strictly only ever meant to be given to disciples, years after successful studentship.

Discipleship is not for everyone, and nor should it ever be granted just because a student asks for it, for they may not be ready for it, or even deserving of it – clearly. It is the teacher’s duty to ascertain the same, for great long-term damage can be done due to softness, over-generosity, laxity, or carelessness on the teacher’s part.

If one wants to attain God, understand this: one needs to be prepared. Relative preparation of any sort, let alone the sort required for God, is seldom easy. It is due to a lack of this instilled discipline, that when Muhammad had his first spiritual experience at the age of 40, after 15 years of isolated but dedicated practice, he did not have the prerequisite knowledge or consciousness to even be able to understand the meaning of his teacher’s mantra, let alone control what started happening to him in the cave of Hira in modern day Saudi Arabia. He had taken the Initiation from a master in a land far away, who had irresponsibly granted Muhammad an extremely powerful mantra without him even having attained discipleship; He then lost contact with the master who granted him the mantric practices, but still he continued the practices without the necessary and pre-requisite full-time infrastructure of teaching and guidance provided by a master to support such powerful practices. So, when Muhammad finally did have the initial break-through in spiritual awakening, he had absolutely no idea what the very mantra he was given even fully meant.

Know this: To become a master, one has to have already been the perfect disciple in order to have attained mastery in the first instance. If one cannot become, or has not already been, the perfect disciple - one cannot ever become, or be, a True master. Master of who? Master of one’s self.

When you have initial spiritual breakthroughs, without the strength of the master’s soul protecting you, 4th dimensional beings, on the command of devil, come to you to misguide you or to harm you and your spiritual progress towards God and Egolessness. Just like there are bad people in this plane or dimension, there are many bad and mischievous beings in the 4th dimension too - the lower ranks of which, are known as demons.

And just like how in this world not all beautiful people are good, and not all ugly people are bad, in the 4th dimension too, not all angels are beautiful and not all demons are ugly. Some demons are the most breathtakingly beautiful creatures that are way beyond the  imagination of a 3rd dimensional mind. If you don’t have the consciousness or the correct guidance and protection from a God-realised teacher, you will be led astray in a breath, as was what happened to Muhammad. He immediately came running down from the cave, shouting and screaming and started to tell other non-enlightened people what he had experienced.

The only person one should ever discuss such events with is their master, in privacy, as they will be well experienced in such events and hurdles that come in the spiritual journey. Instead, he told his businesswoman wife, who then told her uncle, a religious priest, and together they devised and orchestrated the very beginning of the movement or religion of ‘Islam’ or ‘submission’. All without even understanding, let alone realising, the meaning of the very mantra he had been given. Had he have understood, he would never have added ‘Muhammadur Rasoolullah’ which means ‘and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah’, and started referring to himself as a ‘Holy prophet’, the ‘perfect example of man’, and all other such ego centric descriptions and nauseating titles he self-promoted.  Here, Muhammad failed at the very first hurdle of the hurdle-littered cosmic track that is Enlightenment.

Also, God is about liberation, not submission. If God wanted you to only do one thing over the other by force of will, singular will, or ‘submission’, he wouldn’t have given you His free will and the ability to freely exercise this will to choose everything for yourself in the first instance. One’s aspiration should be to liberate themselves from the clutches of the Ego with their will – not to submit this will, which God has gifted one with in the first place!       Consider this: here is God Himself, in all his 10th dimensional might and majesty, with All of creation inside Him functioning as microscopic sections of his Divine, crystalesque, multi-dimensional body, with entire galaxies functioning as mere cells inside Him, whose glory can’t even begin to be described in 9th dimensional language, let alone any 3rd dimensional language, describing Himself as AlLa, or ‘The None’, ‘No body’ to whomever attains Union with him, due to his complete lack of Ego.    On the other hand, here we have Muhammad, who so insolently and ignorantly proclaims, ‘And Muhammad is His Holy Messenger!’ or HolyProphet, whenever asked for an introduction - killing anyone who rejects him, just because of one small initial spiritual breakthrough.

These kinds of breakthroughs have been happening to meditators in India for millennia. This is what a lack of discipline (disciple-master relationship) in the spiritual path does to someone. It completely destroys that person, their consciousness, and anyone else who also gets taken in by the same ignorance and madness as them.

This is why slow and deliberate due diligence of any potential disciple, through the testing and analysing of their Ego, prior to granting discipleship, has always been essential. Prideful people can never attain Union - as Muhammad later claimed he had - for if there are even two atoms of pride to rub together in a person, they will experience an atomic bomb exploding their consciousness into smithereens the closer they get to attaining Union in the path of Enlightenment. This is exactly what happened to Muhammad when he started his conquests and killing en masse. (This is one of God’s very own fail-safe and self-protecting mechanisms to stay untouched by Ego. This frustrates the devil much, and amuses us equally as much, for the devil continues to conspire, without even the realisation of which mechanism he himself was Created. If he knew himself, he too would know God, and thus attain liberation or Union – drawing this game to an end, with God as the winner, yet again. This game has been played and lost by devil in many different ways and many different times, trillions of earthly years before Earth even existed.

Objectively, it begs the question: why does the devil even bother? Ego is the answer; this is what ego does to a person, a being, or to the energy of Ego itself. Arrogance, self-importan