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A Word on Karma


Karma is the Divine Law of Causation, which is used to regulate the cosmos along with other Divine Laws. The Law of Causation dictates that whatever is given, is always returned. This law perpetuates the existence of matter, which is known as life.

Every piece of matter, or body of matter, has its own record of Karmic history which records where the body has been, what it’s done, and how it has developed through time. These records are constantly being updated with the body’s thoughts, communications and actions, of which, that being’s energy and consciousness is a net result.

Karmic records are not erased at the end of one’s life, for there is no end to life, as life is just a by-product of the existence of matter. All matter comes into temporary states of birth and therefore existence, and then returns to temporary states of death or non-existence – and this cycle continues with the consciousness (one’s soul) entering into new matter depending on the level it attained in its last state of existence. Thus, rocks become plants, plants become trees, trees become animals, animals become other animals of higher consciousness, until, at least on Earth, one reaches the highest state of existence: a human being.

A human being’s purpose is to yet further transcend this existence too, and reach God, for humans are made in the image of God – an image which is mainly reflected in their shape of body and freedom of will.

When any body of life transcends, in ascension or descension, from one form of existence to another, he or she carries with them their Karmic records, and thus the Law of Causation continues to apply to the individual in their new life. Karma records everything; No detail is ever missed. Whatever is given, is always returned exactly as it was given. It is the fairest system, for it is devised by God Himself for the self-regulation of His cosmos. Thus, Karma does not discriminate, either positively or negatively, and is certainly not swayed by emotion or unwarranted mercy.

The Divine Law of Causation causes one to experience what one has made someone else directly or indirectly experience. It is the role of this Law to not only regulate our external cosmos, which is God’s internal cosmos, but also to be a teacher to make one understand, through contemplation and meditation, their own situation and state, which is always a net result of their Karmic records.

Gaining an understanding of one’s Karmic records through the contemplation of every act, thought, and word, of the present, past and future is therefore vital to understanding and knowing oneself – which is what leads to the various forms of realisation.