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A Word on Christ et al.


There are four main personalities that one needs to know about for the times ahead.

In order of appearance, they will be the following: The first will be the Rider on the white horse; The second will be the false prophet who will also be the commander of the Anti-Christ’s army; The third will be the Anti-Christ; The fourth will be Christ.    The first will come and gather good people throughout his life and teach them what needs to be known. The second personality will come and gather his people in the same way, but as a miracleperforming false saviour, and will teach them more wrong than they already know and lead them to wars of invasion – he will also secretly be the confidant and counsel of the Anti-Christ. The third will then appear, and lead the same body of people, and other similar bodies, of people, against the ‘Rider on the white horse’ and his good people, towards the end of the Rider’s life. Finally, Christ will come for the second time towards the end of this Age, to be the King of God’s Kingdom in the Golden Age.

Much has been said about Christ’s first appearance. Some stories have been exaggerated – some stories have been very down played – and some stories have not been told at all. Understand this: the ones which have been purposefully exaggerated are of the least importance, the ones which have been purposefully down played are of much more importance, and the ones which have been purposefully deleted from the records are of the most importance.

The Bible’s New Testament, although true, is not whole because it has been intentionally riddled with holes, by the very people who murdered Christ’s body. These are the same people who changed his name to Jesus, so that people will not know his real identity or be able to call him. These are the same people who propagated the worship of the very tool they used to murder him with: the cross. This is like someone murdering you with a gun, and your loved ones then begin worshipping guns, and wearing gun shaped pendants. How does this even seem right to anyone? These are the same people who partake in, and have globally propagated, the satanic ritual of ‘drinking the blood of Jesus, and eating the body of Jesus’, so they can further revel in the defilement of ’Eesh’aa. Tell me, how does this even seem right to anyone? These are also the same people who told you that Christ died for your sins, instead of telling you the real truth: he died as a result of their sins.

These are the same people who call themselves the Jesuits today, or ironically, the ‘society of Jesus’, along with the various other orders that the Catholic Church consists of. These are the descendants of the Elders of Zion (please refer to chapter on States of Consciousness) of Christ’s time, who were given influence and power in the Roman Empire in return for their treachery. Now they are the Roman Empire. The world is still run by the old Roman Empire, just in very discreet ways – although they are slowly daring to become more mainstream. There are many factions of this empire, all with their own roles and fronts pretending different loyalties.     This is the foretold seven-headed dragon, with each head overseeing and heading different aspects of its empire, which includes the Catholic Church, the world’s governments, the financial system, the education system, the various groups of united nations, the media industry, the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the agriculture and food industries. This is the current enemy, preparing the way for the future enemy. Don’t be deceived by them, or by the people who go into excessive detail by providing disinformation, and pretend to expose them, for they are really just controlled opposition providing 10 pieces of disinformation, with every insignificant piece of true information. Also, don’t be deceived by the naïve ones who then propagate this disinformation until it becomes misinformation.    Know this: It is not imperative that everyone knows detailed information about the enemy, for this is a perilous and dangerous pursuit for those without Guidance. Although everyone doesn’t need to know the inner workings of the enemy, everyone must know the identity of the current and future enemies. It is always better to fully know the inner workings of yourself than those of the enemy, for the enemy’s movements could be subject to change at the last moment, rendering your intelligence and preparations completely worthless. Many avoidable military blunders have been committed due to over-intelligence.

As for the second appearance of Christ: The remaining Faithful will witness and cherish him, his Innocence, his Purity, and his Divine character themselves. When the remaining numbers of the Army of the King of Justice are low, yet still they are of high consciousness and steadfast in faithfulness despite their challenges, the Christ will make his second appearance and join them without introduction or commotion. When the war has been won, and the transfer of power takes place, the King of Justice will introduce the King of Innocence to his people himself. When Christ returns, all will shower him with gifts. The King of Justice will also give him a gift. He will be poor in material wealth, but still his gift will be the dearest to Christ. His gift to Christ will be Christ’s people – already tried, tested and tempered. He will then leave, for his job will be done. Thus, the Golden Age, or Kingdom of God will be established with the Divine leadership of Christ as King. Those who sacrificed their lives in order to bring about the Kingdom of God will be given the breath of life again to enjoy the fruits of their labour.

In regard to the ‘Rider on the white horse’/ The Mahdi (Guided One)/ The Kalki Avatar, I can only say this: He is here to do a job, not to fulfil descriptions. Metaphorically speaking, he will have many crowns on his head, for he is a messiah and king for many different groups of people, but he won’t ever be seen wearing any actual crowns. Most will not recognise him because most will be waiting for personalities whose descriptions have been inflated and exaggerated, and are subject to many biases. The Jews say he will be a Jew, the the Hindus say he will be a Hindu, the Sikhs say he will be a Sikh, North Indians say he will be North Indian and South Indians say he will be South Indian. Even the Muslims say he will be a Muslim! One book says this, while the other says that – the truth is all the books have been corrupted, to one degree or another, with respect to the most significant parts, by devil.

Know this: He will have been born in the large land in the East which is surrounded by the three seas. He will go and do what needs to be done, where it needs to be done, when it needs to be done, with people or without people, and then leave. Once the work is done, his identity will then be officially revealed and confirmed by Christ, just like he will introduce Christ when Christ comes. Christ will tell the people:

‘He was the one’. While his identity is being confirmed by Christ, the Rider will already be on his way, for his work will be complete.

Know this: Anyone who claims to be Christ, is not Christ. Anyone who claims to be the King of Justice, the Kalki Avatar or the Mahdi (Guided One) is also not so. These two people have no interest in titles and roles – it is only the fulfilment of the role’s requirements that is their duty and pledge to the Almighty.

Once their shift of duty is complete: they will go. On the other hand, the ones who make claims are interested only in praise, and titles, and the perceived grandeur of the roles, yet they leave the role’s requirements desperately unfulfilled, for these requirements require much work, the suffering of much pain, and many self-sacrifices.

Whilst the false ones will be busy trying to fulfil the physical and character descriptions described in certain prophecies, the True ones will be busy fulfilling the work described in these prophecies. The work is of most importance, while the outfit of clothes, nationality, and physical characteristics are not. In any instance, but especially this one, it is always the consciousness of the soul that’s important, the body is always meaningless. The men and women who will follow those who imitate the external aspects will be easily misled for the external can be easily imitated.    Also, remember that sometimes the false ones may not make claims themselves, but their deluded followers will make claims for them on their behalf. This still does not make their leaders the True ones. Claims of any kind made by anyone, will render the claimant and the claims totally false. Remember this now, so you are not deceived later.

Claims mean nothing; the work means everything. The ones who will follow and support the work of the True ones, will find the True ones.

So, with that said, who will the Army of the Rider consist of? Only those who will be able to withstand his directness, and rebuking, for there is no time left for sugar coating. Most of the world will be against him, for he will be against most of the world and will maim the ego inside them. The type of Jews who rejected Christ in the past, will reject him also. These are the highly egotistical sort, who could not take being rebuked for the wrong of their ways then, and nor will they be able to take an even harsher rebuking now - especially by someone of a young appearance. Little do they know, the souls inside both the Rider and the Christ, are older than time. However, some of the good Jews will form a significant part of the ranks of the Rider, for they will know the Truth when they see it. The Christians who believe in, and practice the Christianity which is taught in churches by agents of the Elders of Zion are also out of the question, for they will be offended. However, the Christians who will recognise the truth communicated by this person, and have true love for Christ in their hearts, will form an even more significant part of the ranks.

Sikhs, Buddhists and Gnostic Hindus will also form significant parts of the ranks. Know this: if the Sikhs, the Buddhists, and the followers of Shiva are on the opposite side of the battlefield, you are on the wrong side of the battlefield. Here is why: Their respective leaders, such as Nanak and Siddharth and the true teachers of Shiva’s teachings, taught only the workings and improvement of the inner being, and instilled it in them in such a way that they are almost impossible to be misled. It is almost impossible to mislead them because the true ones of these denominations, have been following the teachings of their respective Teachers, who taught them to only follow the Truth that emanates from within their hearts through meditation – and this is something that cannot be corrupted, unlike books. All the people who have truly learned to listen to, and follow the heart through meditation, will be on the right side irrespective of their denomination, I assure you. It’s just that, they won’t be many.

One common denominator that all the different people of the ranks of this army will have will be an affinity for the Truth, and their unwavering allegiance to it once they have recognised it. There will also be many in the ranks, of no particular denomination at all. These blessed people will be there simply because they’ll recognise the Truth when they’ll have seen it.

There will also be people there who won’t even have an affinity for God, but still they’ll be most dear to God, for their affinity for the Truth. The ranks of The King of Justice’s Army will consist of the most non-uniform collection of people, for it won’t be a national army or a religious army, rather a congregation of tribes and smaller armies who will have pledged their allegiance to the Almighty, who is the Ultimate Truth, to form the ranks of the King of Justice’s Army.

Know this: This war is not about Christianity vs Islam for ’Eesh’aa never invented a religion called Christianity – he simply taught the Truth to whoever listened and after his murder Christianity was formed. This war is about God vs devil, and good vs evil. Islam just so happens to be a product of devil. Understand that contrary to mainstream propaganda, Islam does not mean peace in Arabic. It actually means submission – which is a mild way of saying enslavement. This war is about liberation of the soul vs slavery by the ego; ’Eesh’aa was liberated and therefore a liberator, while Muhammad was the most enslaved by his ego and therefore an enslaver.

This war is not impending; it already started when the devotees of devil murdered ’Eesh’aa – who was the first Christ to be murdered by his own people due to their lack of consciousness. It was the Elders of Zion (please refer to chapter on States of Consciousness) whom he offended, who then gave him up to the Romans. He offended them because of his age. He was young in appearance while they were old in appearance and they mistook his wisdom and Divine authority for arrogance.

Know that wise words never suit the young in appearance, and too often, the old in appearance have too strong of long-established egos to listen, and learn from the young in appearance. What they forget is the body means nothing, it’s the soul that counts and it’s the soul that talks. The soul of ’Eesh’aa had matured trillions of trillions of years before these fools were even born for the first time. You can always tell a young soul, for the person will be fairly ignorant even when their body is old. You can always tell an old soul, for the person will know the intracies of the Universe, without being taught, even in infanthood.

Besides, all messiahs have to be young bodied. One foot in the grave is of no use when both feet are required to transgress a million miles for the completion of their work over the span of a lifetime.

These Elders are the same fools who also changed the description of their Messiah in their texts to better fit the description of the coming Anti-Christ who will serve their agendas of world domination and control. Therefore, unfortunately, most modern Jews are expecting an ego-stroking Messiah to come to liberate them and give them their piece of land.

Know this: ’Eesh’aa was their Messiah, he was going to liberate their souls and give them their piece of land for their bodies to live on. Instead of following his teachings, the people of the time stood around and allowed him to be murdered just because he attacked their ego instead of stroking it. He told them the error of their ways to improve their consciousness, instead of telling them the things they wanted to hear such as how good and how holy and right they were. This only strengthens the ego and therefore weakens consciousness.

Think: Just how strong must their egos have been for them to be so aggravated, so offended, so hateful to do, and allow to be done, what was done to him?

People ask why is ’Eesh’aa taking so long to return? Tell me: would you let your most innocent child return to a place that is infinitely worse now than it was back then, after what was done to him? After all the lies that were then told to cover up what was done to him?

Know that it wasn’t just murder, like a stabbing, or a shooting – it was a bloody, slow, torturous, excruciating, satanic defilement.

When the time comes, the King of Justice will return every drop of blood of his relative, with dividends. He will be ‘the winepress of God’s wrath’ for what they did to ’Eesh’aa.