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A Word on States of Consciousness


Quieten your mind, rid it of all external influence and doctrine, and tell me truthfully, does the God you read about in certain ‘holy’ books sound godly, the source of light, and devoid of the very Ego he created? Or does he in fact sound devilish and even… even full of desires, like a… human, or an otherworldly humanoid being from another dimension? If you ask yourself honestly, and answer yourself honestly, you will know the truth about the ‘gods’ described in such books. Humans and other humanoid like beings of other dimensions have certainly been made in the image of the Ultimate, but the Ultimate is very different to his Creatures.        Many created beings, who have attained powers of creation themselves, due to their association with the Ultimate, have called themselves the Ultimate (for they attained Union with the Ultimate), either naively or arrogantly – but always inappropriately.    This inappropriateness has caused much confusion, and it is the job of a teacher to alleviate confusion as much as possible, not cause more of it by uttering things beyond the understanding of the audience. Also, none is ever like the Ultimate, for the Ultimate is the None. People are easily deceived, and have misunderstood many such beings, simply because they’ve witnessed some Creation, or manipulation of matter in progress, or because the beings have themselves used an inappropriate or unnecessary choice of words to describe themselves or their states of being. The understanding of some of these states, in particular, is imperative. Let me explain:     The word Shiva does not originate from Sanskrit as the priests of India will tell you. There were civilisations and religions that existed hundreds of thousands of years before the fathers and mothers of the Hindus (pronounced Hin – duss) civilisations were even conceived. The being known as Shiva was not a human like ’Eesh’aa (Jesus), so the most appropriate way to refer to him is simply ‘being’. He came from another planet that used to be close to earth at the time, but is now so far out, that modern scientists and astronomers no longer even know about it. When beings from other planets used to visit this planet in other Ages, they were known as gods, angels, ‘fallen’ angels and the like. The truth is they were none of these - although angels and demons do exist, but they exist in dimensions other than this one and are not perceivable by the external eyes unless they show themselves to you due to a spiritual mishap. These beings were instead simply far superior forms of 3rd dimensional life, which were unknown to the people of the time.    Nowadays, people call them extra-terrestrials. So, the being who referred to himself as Shi-va to the Hindus people of North-east India was from an extra-terrestrial civilisation that was far superior in every way to any form of life on earth, especially humans.

This extra-terrestrial civilisation had enslaved the inhabitants of the earth by means of manipulating the two most powerful human emotions: fear and greed. They consumed human flesh which was the most pleasing to their taste, and they impregnated the women of the long-lost Aryan race, whom they lusted after. This planet, Zion, as it was known to the extra-terrestrial invaders, had leaders who called themselves Elders, and were no different to the despicable and morally corrupt world leaders of today. These leaders offered and sacrificed to the invaders beautiful young women who the invaders so desperately lusted after due to their exceptional external beauty. The invaders were also offered any children they salivated for, in return for knowledge; the kind of knowledge that humans simply do not have the consciousness to control. The women were not just offered, but also easily offered themselves upon seduction, in return for gifts and knowledge.    Not only was it gifts and knowledge that they were then given, but these women also became the bearers of the future lineages of the invaders’ descendants, so that the invaders could continue controlling and implementing their ways upon ‘Zion’ while absent. All the deities of the Ancient World that humans worship are not ‘gods’, but either otherdimensional beings such as arch demons known as archons, or arch angels; or extra-terrestrial life from this dimension that landed on earth in past Ages, or as the Elders called it: ‘fell’ to earth.

Most of the people recognised most of these to be evil and thus called them such, but the Elders worshipped them due to the power and authority that these so-called fallen beings gave them. The Elders transferred this knowledge, along with the indoctrination that these beings were ‘gods’ into man written books and spread them across all the civilisations. The descendants of the Aryan race and the other races then did the rest of the deed themselves and followed and believed in return for either greed for Divine favours, or fear of punishment and therefore, greed for ‘salvation’.

Tell me, what use is salvation for one who hasn’t done anything drastic enough to require punishment?    This is how the concept of belief and modern religion was born around 98,000 years ago. It was the Elders who pushed this concept of ‘religion’ as a mode of control, by using the knowledge of energy and emotion manipulation to control humans by making them lust for, and live in fear of, what wasn’t in their experience. It is this forbidden knowledge that is spoken of in the Bible. Now that I have given you the prerequisite background to tell you about Shiva, or Shi-va, I have to take you back to the time when he was here the best I can. This being was from the species of the invaders, but he was not one of them. What I mean by this, is that he was of far superior consciousness to them. He was not their leader – he had no interest in leadership or titles.        He was what you might call, the original nomad on this planet – a wanderer. Before him, the concept of a nomad was none-existent. People were born in a place, they stayed there, and they died there. When he came here, 77,000 years ago, he liked the place. Earth is certainly one of the more beautiful places in this dimension, and he found that, too often, its inhabitants take it for granted. He liked to explore, and therefore travelled all over Middle Earth in the years he was here. He was not of human origin, and was in fact very different to a human, though he had what one may call a humanoid physique.

Therefore, his anatomy was far different, and more importantly, far superior to that of a human’s. He wasn’t limited by human age limits, or the limits of 3rd dimensional physics. He had the ability with his own body, as do all God-realised beings, to collide matter with matter resulting in anti-matter or destruction of matter, and to collide anti-matter with anti-matter resulting in creation of matter.             If one understands the nature of the dimensions, one can use this understanding when needed. The ones who Inherit such knowledge, never teach it deeply, only explain it superficially; the ones who don’t have such knowledge, do many experiments in the name of science to learn more, in the plight to satisfy the curiosity of their Egos, and unwittingly cause much harm. Don’t they, C.E.R.N.?

Know this: There are dangerous fools in every Age.  Ages still go on, whereas dangerous fools only endanger and incarcerate themselves.

So, the being who came to be known as Shiva used to wander, mostly silently, observing, contemplating, and admiring the Almighty’s Work - fully and thoroughly intoxicated with love for the Divine. This became his nature. People try to mimic this intoxication with cannabis and psychedelics; they are clueless fools for they don’t understand that this was a different calibre of intoxication and high. This was a God high - an antimatter high. This high can’t be gained through matter. He was known as Bhole Naath – ‘Innocent Lord’, in India, where he eventually settled. However, this innocence was just one aspect of him, for every now and again, beings needed schooling; and naturally, who better for the job than a master of the highest order?       He used to sit in isolation, on icy mountains, with eyes closed, for millennia at a time in meditation. He was already at a constant state of 99.9% consciousness, with 100% being the Almighty or ‘The None’. Yet still, he sought constant and unwavering Union; not just temporary Union after which one has to come back and remain at 99.9% consciousness until the completion of one’s mission. This 99.9% level of consciousness, so as to speak, for explanatory purposes, is still ‘of None’ unlike ‘The None’.

99.9% is the highest level of consciousness one can reach before one has to transcend and attain Union with the Almighty at 100%. This 0.01% of difference between God’s state of Shi-va and God’s state of Alla, is the difference between the width of a hair, and the width of the entire Universe simultaneously. This is not for your comprehension, for it can’t be comprehended – but only experienced when one is in Union. Nevertheless, I have to state it anyway, just to point out that there is indeed a difference between God’s different states, even if they are all His states. On the opposite spectrum of consciousness, we have the number of devil’s level of consciousness: 0.666%. This is the lowest level it can reach before it has to transcend and attain Union with the Almighty at 0%, just like one has to transcend 99.9% consciousness to attain Union with the Almighty at 100%. Only devil can reach as low a level as 0.666% and even he can’t go lower than this in order to attain Union and is limited here.

Understand this: There are two types of ‘Enlightenment’; this is an Enlightenment, and also what I can only describe as an Endarkenment. The first stage of Enlightenment happens at 75% consciousness, whereas Endarkenment happens at 25% consciousness, with the average adult human hovering somewhere at 40% and a new born baby hovering somewhere at 50%. Babies and children are most coveted by devil and his devotees for their relatively high consciousness – thus the rampant paedophilia, violent child abuse, child torture, and child sacrifices in their circles. All this gives them great pleasure, and further sinks their consciousness into deeper states of darkness – giving their ego more satisfaction, which in turn helps them attain more matter. Also note that one can still lower their consciousness even after attaining Enlightenment through murder, paedophilia, and deception – even to the point where one reaches as low as the levels of Endarkenment.

Whichever way one goes, the closer they get to God, the more and more difficult it becomes to attain Union. Similar to how if one wanted to land on the sun with their physical body, the closer they’d get to it, the more difficult it would become to sustain the heat – and the sun is like an atom, within a molecule, within a cell, within God. One can’t even begin to imagine the Majesty of God.       If 0 represents No Thing, then 100 out of 100 represents Whole or Everything, and in God’s case, Whole is Infinity. Infinity and Zero are the same. But note, 99.9% is closer to the Almighty at 100, than 0.666% is to the Almighty at 0. Thus, devil and his powers, although still powerful, is subordinate to someone whose consciousness has reached the state of Shiva, or state of

‘Of None’. Also, just like running up a hill gets one fitter than running down a hill of the same distance, being at 99.9% gives one far better spiritual stamina as well, for it has been a much more difficult destination to reach. It is easy to kill, to rape, to destroy – it is far more difficult to preserve life, protect innocence and to build. This is  why people are so much more susceptible to being bad as opposed to good. To put it simply: it’s easier.

I have no intention of giving you a detailed biography of the being called Shiva - the world doesn’t have enough paper - but know this: he spent millennia at a time meditating for a reason. He too, was trying to return to something or someone else.   However, understanding Shiva is vital to understanding God’s state of Ishvar, a state which ’Eesh’aa’ referred to as Father. You see, Shiva was not the real name of this being who spent time in meditation. He just reached the state of Shiva – which is the highest state one can maintain while still remaining in a physical body. Each state encompasses and is interwoven with another like one dimension encompasses and is interwoven with another in the cosmic fabric. This being who reached this state never gave his name – he just described his state every time someone asked him for an introduction.

When people asked, ‘Who are you my Lord?’; ‘Who are you, who sits undisturbed, while our ancestors are born and die, while we are born and die?’ To them, he simply replied, ‘Shiva… Shiva… Shiva…’.

Shi means ‘none’ or ‘nothing’, and Va is ‘of’ in the language of the extra-terrestrial Invaders. Or in other words: ‘of None’; ‘of no description’, ‘of no bondage’; of no ‘form’. This is how he introduced himself when asked for an introduction (note the stark contrast to Muhammad). Thus, this became his name, and the Sanskrit-speaking natives of India, attached their own meanings to the word - similar to how if someone introduced themselves as ‘None’ in English in a land of non-English speakers, they would become known as Non, with completely new meanings attached to this alien word according to the characteristics of the individual to whom it is associated with. Names are just descriptions, with a view to describe and differentiate one, from another. And he introduced himself as such, because he had realised that this is the state of the Almighty that he had reached and had become at one with.     Whether it be Al-la (The None), El-lah (The None), Shi-va (of None), Yahweh (I am), Aum (I am), the way the Almighty becomes known is always according to the state of Him that the devotee has reached. There are many different states of God, and it’s foolish for a non-enlightened being who doesn’t know to assume that one state is in some way superior to the other. They are all His States, and each has an individual role and purpose in the regulation of the cosmos.

If the Almighty becomes known as ‘The None’ or just ‘I am’ to the God-realised being who has attained Union with this state of the Almighty, then the being further realises, how can they introduce themselves as anything more? Some, then introduce themselves as the same, although it isn’t ideal.    Here is why: Religious fools think that when a God-realised being says such a thing, it is blasphemy. But religious zealots always have little understanding, other than that which they poorly gather from books: books which may or may not have been adulterated throughout the Ages or intentionally diluted and encrypted by the original authors. Those who don’t know, consider everything other than the very little they do know or believe, to be blasphemy. The best conversations with them are always the ones that are avoided. Men who are yet to realise the magnitude of their ignorance, are best left to it; more time for realisation is yet required.

Just look at what they did to ‘Eesh’aa, when they asked him who he was, and he told them the undiluted Truth: The beginning and the end; the Alpha and the Omega; The Father and the son. This was not blasphemy, arrogance or Ego, although it was unnecessary. It was the Truth, just spoken with an inappropriate choice of words considering the unsophisticated audience: The Elders of Zion, who then gave him up to the Romans, for they considered him to be blasphemous and problematic for their agendas.     Often, it’s better to stay quiet if appropriate words can’t be carefully picked for the level of sophistication of an audience. The Truth doesn’t always need to be said out loud, it is often better spoken in silence and thus, realised by people intrinsically. It is always better to understate than to overstate. It is always better to say you are no body, than it is to say you are every body – even though they are both the same and both are true. But ’Eesh’aa… he is innocence. He only knows to say things simply – but often, being simple in an increasingly complicated environment - gets you killed by the complicated. Nevertheless, I love him and his innocence, extremely. God loves him even more. It is due to his innocence, that he will be the King of Innocence, in the coming Kingdom. He taught to turn the other cheek – they mutilated him, defiled him and killed him - yet still he will be back to turn the other cheek. This is innocence. This is precious. This is dear. However, this level of innocence requires protection and assistance when surrounded by evil. Everything and everyone has a redeemer – even the elements. Fire has water, water has air, air has earth and earth has aether. Are any superior to the other? No, they all have their own purpose to fulfil in the perpetuation of life. In this same way, goodness is the redeemer of evil; innocence is the redeemer of goodness; and justice is the redeemer of innocence - from those that seek to destroy it. And what is the redeemer of justice? Selflessness: the input of work even without glory, the promotion of truth even without approval.

God’s state of Ishvar, is pure Innocence or Purity – for innocence is supreme to all other forms of material and it is the form that devil covets, and seeks to consume, the most. When something just is, this is what is innocence. Is what - you may ask? It simply is. When something or someone is happy just being, without causing disturbance, without causing suffering in instigation or retaliation, without malice, without hatred, then this is called innocence. No one, including ‘Eesh’aa, is pure Innocence – for that virtue remains solely with God’s state of Ishvar, the Creator of innocence. However, what makes ’Eesh’aa unique, and thus, the Christ of this Age, is that he is the most innocent being of this Age. Let me explain why.

For one to be given the role of the Christ of this Age, one has to already have reached Union, and therefore liberation, in a previous lifetime. This renders the being free from the cycle of birth and rebirth, because they are free from the Law of Causation or Karma. However, such beings can choose to come back, often at their own detriment; for no gain of their own; and just for their love for God, to continue regulation in the health of the atom inside of God that is Earth, or to assist with bringing about regulation in the health of a particular atom or cell, which can be any planet or galaxy in the Universe.

However, since some of the Karma of the parents is transferred to the child through intercourse between the parents, and later, conception – as any form of touch can transfer Karma from person to person – the Christ is always born through a process known as facultative parthenogenesis. This is when the female egg is fertilised by its own faculty – or by its self, in a young and innocent virgin and thus, no Karma is transferred. Nothing in the Universe happens by itself, or without the energy of Aether powering it, or without a Universal law governing it, for that itself would break God’s Law of Causation, or Karma. Therefore, in such cases, the female egg is personally anointed by the Will of God - also known as the ‘Spirit’ of God, which is just one part of the ‘Soul’ of God. Facultative parthenogenesis of anything, can’t ever happen by accident or chance.    God very rarely gets involved in regulatory procedures, for he has Divine laws such as Karma for that. However, when He does get involved, it is always only to override such laws through His Will. Similar to when you are feeling angry due to something that has happened to you, but you stop yourself consciously and remain calm through the exercise of your will; thus, a similar chain of overriding regulatory functions take place within you due to your will. To understand God better, learn to understand yourself better. Perhaps this may be difficult knowledge for some to digest.

If you are struggling, let go of all doctrines and dogmas - it will help. In any event, I still have to explain the information – whether the information is comprehended or not is out of my control, and is under the control of each individual’s own free will.     So, when these beings, who have already attained permanent Union with the Almighty, come back from this Union through this process, they come back as the Christ, or the anointed one, or more appropriately - the appointed one. There are different Christs, and more importantly, different types of Christ Created by the different states of God for different places in the Universe according to which type is needed where. One cannot become the Christ by wearing certain clothes or walking in a way one may think the Christ may walk, and nor by speaking, or by behaving in such ways that one may perceive the Christ to speak or behave. This is why the imposters are always, and quite apparently, pretentious - while Christ is not. To be the Christ, one has to be appointed the position due to their freedom from Karma, which they’ve already attained in their previous life. This is also in stark contrast to the self-appointed, or people-appointed national and world leaders with self-serving agendas.

By God, do these ones always wreak havoc?    Know that humans were not created to rule or be ruled. Humans were created to rule themselves, and it is only the meek who do this.

It is only the meek who are the shy and reserved ones, the well-spoken ones, the considerate and the compassionate ones, who put themselves in others’ shoes and conduct themselves accordingly with due consideration. They do unto others, as [they] would have others do unto [them]. This is why they will be the inheritors of the Kingdom with ’Eesh’aa, the Christ, as their King. This King will be more akin to a figurehead, a staple, rather than a ruler. Goodness doesn’t need controlling or ruling – it controls and rules itself. Also, the good have no desire to manage, to rule, or to control others for they are too busy with self-management.

I have heard it being said that all people are innately evil; this is not true. People are only evil when they allow their consciousness to be overruled by their ego. Unfortunately, this is most of the time, with most of the people. However, all people are innately good, for they are born neutral, and it has to be remembered that all a person needs to do to be good, is to not do bad - through self-control.

When everyone self-controls and self-rules, due to there only being the presence of goodness in the world, and with the Ego fully incarcerated, this becomes what is known as the Kingdom of God, or the Golden Age. Art, music, good food, good education, good health, positive and unharmful technology, laughter, bliss, and indiscriminative love for all – simply flourishes. No one considers any land to be owned, but to simply be lived upon. No one works to just pay bills; they work because certain work simply needs doing – after which they do whatever it is they want to do. No one seeks to expand or conquer, and therefore no one is contracted or enslaved. There is no enforcement of any law, for people know God’s Law of Causation and the like. People help one another, sit outside and talk to one another, freely share with one another, love one another. No body seeks to possess; therefore, nobody feels jealous. Nobody has ambition to be superior, yet everybody has fulfilment. Nobody takes advantage of anybody when Ego is absent. Without the influence of Ego, people just be. It truly is a beautiful time. This will last an Age - an Age that is overdue. We often have a good moment, and we feel good - sometimes we have a good day, and we feel amazing. This will be an entire Age of Goodness, Innocence and Purity, and people will be blissed, living under the Guidance and leadership of the Christ.

Now, back to the significance of the states of Ishvar and Shiva. Don’t concentrate on the names, the names are just descriptions by men, in men’s own languages. This doesn’t change the underlying aspect that they are describing. If Ishvar is Supreme matter, which is matter in its innocent, unsoiled state, then understand that the state of Ishvar is still bound. It is still subject to the bondage of a label, or a category, or a state of being. In a state of wholesome being, when one thing is this, it can’t also simultaneously be that, otherwise it will be in dissonance, and God’s states are never in dissonance. Therefore, for this, Duality is necessary – or God’s Law of Duality – the law of opposites. This is also why the state of Shiva is necessary – the state of ‘Of None’ and none-being; the state of destroyed ego, and the destroyer of Ego. When any reigning state of the Ultimate wants something destroying, it calls upon the state of Shiva. For this state is not bound to any category, but only consciously bound to servitude to ‘The None’, as this is the state it seeks permanent Union with. Thus, Shiva consciousness is aware of all, bound by None, and The Destroyer of destruction itself. The state of Shiva, is what opens up the dimensions, takes something into the abyss of anti-matter, and just leaves it there.

This allows someone of this consciousness to go where innocence won’t, to fight what innocence can’t, for if it does, it will no longer be innocent. This is the state of consciousness that the enemy will fear, for this state is aware of the enemy and able to defeat the enemy to take back the Earth and return it to a state of Innocence. The Christ is born of Innocence, and therefore the King of Innocence, whereas the King of Justice is a product of injustice. It is his transcendence, and therefore, understanding of injustice, through his ‘Of None’ consciousness, which makes him the most just, and therefore, the King of Justice.

He is not bound or influenced by vengeful attachments of the ego. When the time comes he will spill much blood, but is not thirsty for blood, and therefore will spill blood only when necessary in the holding of his rank against any invasion.