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A Word on War


As previously mentioned, and worth reiterating again: All war is unholy. All war is dishonourable action. All war is shameful. All war is always best avoided. There is no such nonsense as a ‘holy’ war. Only unholy men send young lives to their end, in the name of holiness, and as food for Ego. Also, it is Ego that makes people believe they are holy, whereas the holy only consider God holy. So always remember that all war is unholy because all blood spilt is God’s matter, and all matter destroyed is God’s matter. How can causing destruction inside God ever be ‘holy’? A necessary evil at times, yes – but never holy. Don’t live in delusions. Don’t ever be proud to go to war, to romanticise war, and don’t ever be foolish enough to look forward to it. All war is disgraceful. However, when war is brought to you, and you don’t hold your ranks against the invaders and the disturbers of your peace, you will be disgraceful, for you will be allowing tyranny to spread. Don’t ever allow yourselves to be bullied by evil, whether it’s the evil inside you or outside of you.        Never wage war, but when it has been waged upon you, you’d better hold your ranks. All evil, in any shape or form, wants to fight for glory, attainment of matter, and to secure the future survival of themselves, their kin or ideology. However, the truly good are not interested in any of this, for they are not the ones to wage the wars in the first place. The good are never, at any point, concerned with their own survival but only the survival of goodness so they fight selflessly. A selfless warrior is always the bravest warrior; the bravest warrior is always the strongest warrior. However a selfish warrior is internally weak due to greed, and therefore a coward deep down – it’s just a question of what it will take to eventually expose this innate weakness and cowardice.

This is one of the main ways in which goodness slowly dies in a person or in a place: when the survival of the self/ ego takes higher priority than the immediate survival of goodness.

I give you just two rules for warfare: Never start a war, and never run from a war once it’s already been brought to you - no matter how outnumbered you are. Breaking either of these two rules will shatter your consciousness to smithereens, I assure you.

You will not recover, for tyranny gives birth to more tyranny, and cowardice gives birth to more cowardice. Be good and God is inside you, be evil and devil is inside you. Choose freely.

Also, not all wars are fought physically on muddy fields. Most wars are fought verbally, legally, mentally, internally, and some spiritually as well. Everything I’ve said applies to all these categories too, so reread this chapter with this in mind.